16 research outputs found

    Fundamentos de ingeniería portuaria I

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    Apuntes de clase para el Grado de Ingeniería Civil. En esta parte de la asignatura se van a estudiar las obras marítimas. Como introducción al cálculo de las mismas, se comienza esta parte de la asignatura con una breve descripción de los fundamentos de la ingeniería portuaria; para ello este primer tema se desglosará en los siguientes apartados principales:- Transporte marítimo.- Sistema portuario español.- Áreas portuarias.- Servicios portuarios

    Modeling Wave Overtopping on a Seawall with XBeach, IH2VOF, and Mase Formulas

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    The advances in computational fluid dynamics have made numerical modeling a reliable complementary tool to the traditional physical modeling in the study of the wave overtopping phenomenon. This paper addresses overtopping on a seawall by combining the numerical models XBeach (non-hydrostatic and Surfbeat modes) and IH2VOF, and the Mase formulas. This work is structured in two phases: (i) phase I assesses the performance of numerical models and formulas in modeling wave run-up and overtopping on a seawall for a solid profile bottom and representative hydro-morphologic conditions of a study site in the Portuguese west coast; (ii) phase II investigates the effect of the profile bottom variation in the overtopping phenomenon for extreme maritime storm field conditions of the study site, considering a solid bottom and a varying sandy bottom. The results indicate that XBeach underestimates the wave energy, and the frequency and intensity of the overtopping occurrences predicted by IH2VOF; the numerical models’ run-up and overtopping discharge predictions are overestimated by the Mase formulas, in simplified and in storm field conditions; and the variation of the bottom morphology throughout the storm event greatly influences the XBeach predictions, while the Mase results are mostly influenced by the bottom roughness.project CYTED 2017-PROTOCOLPortuguese Foundation for Science and Technology PD/BD/128508/2017PCI2019-103565-SUSMEPID2019-107509GB-I00-ROMPEOLA

    A New Methodology for Assessing the Interaction between the Mediterranean Olive Agro-Forest and the Atmospheric Surface Boundary Layer

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    Historically, the olive grove has been one of the most emblematic ecosystems in Mediterranean countries. Currently, in Andalusia, Spain, the land under olive grove cultivation exceeds 1.5 million hectares, approximately 17% of the regional surface. Its exploitation has traditionally been based on the use of the available land and heterogeneous plantations, with different species adapted to southern Mediterranean climatic conditions, and to the management of the traditional olive cultivation culture. The objective of this work is to characterize the mechanical behavior of the atmospheric surface boundary layer (SBL) (under neutral stability) interacting with different olive grove configurations. Experimental tests were carried out in the Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel (BLWT) of the Andalusian Institute for Earth System Research (IISTA), University of Granada. Three representative configurations of olive groves under neutral atmospheric conditions were tested. The wind flow time series were recorded at several distances and heights downwind the olive plantation models with a cross hot wire anemometry system. Herein, this paper shows the airflow streamwise, including the mean flow and the turbulent characteristics. The spatial variability of these two mechanical magnitudes depends on, among others, the size, the agro-forest length, the layout of the tree rows, the porosity, the tree height, the crown shape and the surface vegetation cover. The aerodynamic diameter and Reynolds number for each agro-forest management unit are proposed as representative variables of the system response, as these could be related to olive grove management. The plantation, in turn, conforms to a windbreak, which affects the microclimate and benefits the elements of the ecosystem. Detailed knowledge of these variables and the interaction between the ecosystem and the atmosphere is relevant to optimize the resources management, land use and sustainability of the overall crop. Thus, this paper presents preliminary work to relate atmospheric variables to environmental variables, some of which could be humidity, erosion, evapotranspiration or pollen dispersion.“Proyectos de Investigación Precompetitivos para Jóvenes Investigadores” from the University of Granad

    Separation of Long-Crested Nonlinear Bichromatic Waves into Incident and Reflected Components

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    Methods for the separation of long-crested linear waves into incident and reflected waves have existed for more than 40 years. The present paper presents a new method for the separation of nonlinear bichromatic long-crested waves into incident and reflected components, as well as into free and bound components. The new method is an extension of a recently proposed method for the separation of nonlinear regular waves. The new methods include both bound and free higher harmonics, which is important for nonlinear waves. The applied separation method covers interactions to the third order, but can easily be extended to a higher orders. Synthetic tests, as well as physical model tests, showed that the method accurately predict the bound amplitudes and incident and reflected surface elevations of nonlinear bichromatic waves. The new method is important in order to be able to describe the detailed characteristics of nonlinear bichromatic waves and their reflection

    Diques en talud

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    Apuntes de clase para el Grado de Ingeniería Civil. En esta parte de la asignatura se van a detallar los diques en talud. Para ello este tema se desglosa en los siguientes apartados principales:1. Tipología y comportamiento hidráulico2. Modos de fallo3. Diseño de las piezas del manto principal4. Diseño de mantos secundarios, berma y espaldó

    Wave Breaker Types on a Smooth and Impermeable 1:10 Slope

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    This research identified the types of wave breaker on a non-overtoppable, smooth and impermeable 1:10 slope under regular waves. Experimental tests were carried out in the Atmosphere-Ocean Interaction Flume of the Andalusian Institute for Earth System Research (University of Granada). Using the experimental space [log(h/L)–log(H/L)] and the alternate slope similarity parameter [χ = log (h/L H/L)], a complete set of breaker types was identified. Four types of wave breaker were then added to Galvin’s classification. Our results showed that the value of the Iribarren number was not sufficient to predict the expected type of wave breaker on the slope. Except for spilling and early plunging breakers, no biunivocal relationship was found between Ir and the type of breaker. The data obtained in the physical model were further enriched with the results of the flow characteristics and the wave energy transformation coefficients obtained with the IH-2VOF numerical model on a 1:10 impermeable slope. This research study, presented in this paper, showed that the Iribarren number is not a convenient wave breaking similarity parameter.This research was supported by the research group TEP-209 (Junta de Andalucía) and by two projects: (1) “Protection of coastal urban fronts against global warming–PROTOCOL” (917PTE0538), (2) “Integrated verification of the hydrodynamic and structural behavior of a breakwater and its implications on the investment project–VIVALDI” (BIA2015-65598-P) and (3) “Laboratory testing and knowledge transfer for the development of sustainable strategies for marine energy harvesting (SUSME)” (PCI2019-103565)

    Introducción a los diques de abrigo

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    Apuntes de clase para el Grado de Ingeniería Civil. Este tema se desglosa en los siguientes apartados principales:1. Proyecto de un dique de abrigo2. Estudio general de la sección3. Secciones tipo4. Diques verticales5. Dique mixto6. Dique en talud7. Dique berma8. Dique sumergido9. Dique flotante10. Diques de sección delgada y sistemas múltiple

    Proyecto y construcción de obras marítimas

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    Apuntes de clase para el Grado de Ingeniería Civil. En esta parte de la asignatura se van a estudiar las obras marítimas. Para ello este tema se desglosa en los siguientes apartados principales:1. Introducción2. Proyecto de las obras de abrigo3. Maquinaria específica en construcción de obras marítimas4. Construcción de los distintos tipos de obras de abrig

    Diques verticales

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    Apuntes de clase para el Grado de Ingeniería Civil. En esta parte de la asignatura se van a detallar el cálculo de los diques verticales. Para ello este tema se desglosará en los siguientes apartados principales:1. Introducción2. Procedimiento de cálcul

    Fundamentos de ingeniería portuaria II

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    Apuntes de clase para el Grado de Ingeniería Civil. En esta parte de la asignatura se van a estudiar las obras marítimas. Para ello este tema se desglosará en los siguientes apartados principales:- Terminales portuarias.- El buque.- Infraestructuras portuarias.- Obras marítimas