5 research outputs found

    Contributions to the Knowledge of Microbiological Quality of Pasteurized Melange Produced in Romania

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    Today's consumers show an affinity for quality products produced under production conditions that strictly observes the principles of food safety. Bacterial contamination of eggs and egg products can thus be a source of disease for the human consumer with the necessary effects on the sector of activity.The term "egg products" defines the components of the egg (separate or as a mixture-melange) released from their shell and submitted to a heat treatment, they are forming foods rich in protein, vitamins and trace elements of high quality . The purpose of this study was to establishing and monitoring the microbiological indicators of melange produced in our country. The study was carried out on the pasteurized egg mix, packaged "bag-in-box" (5 units package), and stored for a period of 25 days at the temperature recommended by the manufacturer (0 ... + 4 °C). The actual analysis is to determine NTGMA, Enterobacter spp., Bacillus spp., Pseudomonas spp., and Salmonella spp. Regarding developments of NTGMA in pasteurized melange stored for 25 days, our data showed an increase of 75.22% compared to the situation found on fresh product (3.656 log cfu/ml vs 6.406 log cfu/ml). The situation was similar for Enterobacter spp. (119.64% increase), Bacillus spp. (76.27% increase) and Pseudomonas spp. (58.72% increase). Salmonella spp. was not identified in the product tested by us. The heat treatment of pasteurized liquid melange does not destroy completely the initial microbial load, therefore certain precautions are needed to store these foods


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    THE OBJECTIVE of the study was focused on describing the perception of adolescents from an urban climate on their knowledge about sexually transmitted diseases, their sexual experiences, to identifying the level of knowledge regarding contraceptive methods and information sources.MATERIAL AND METHODS: We used a cross-sectional study, by applying an evaluation questionnaire about education and sexual behaviour to 200 students. The data were collected during the period of 01.10.2012-15.12.2012 in high schools from Tg Mures city.RESULTS: Boys were earlier to practice sex and had an earlier sexual debut compared to girls. At age of 17-18 years, we identified equal proportions between the sexes, with increasing numbers of girls who have had a sexual contact. Among questioned adolescents who had sexual contact 42.8 to 44.8% reported they had protected sex. Out of all the teenagers who have had sexual intercourse, 60% had received sexual education information. These were provided primarily by friends, and after by parents and physicians. Girls are more interested than boys to talk to their sexual partner about the risk of a possible pregnancy or methods of contraception.In conclusion, our result can provide useful information on the sexual behaviour of Romanian teenagers in urban areas, which can be beneficial for starting health programs in schools, with the aim to assist the young population to avoid unwanted pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases. Keywords: sexually transmitted diseases, sexual behaviour, adolescent.OBIECTIVUL studiului s-a axat pe descrierea perceptiei adolescentilor din mediul urban cu privire la cunostintele legate de bolile cu transmitere sexuala, experientele lor sexuale, identificarea nivelului de cunoastere a metodelor de contraceptie si sursa de informare.MATERIAL SI METODA: Am apelat la un studiu de tip transversal, prin aplicarea unui chestionar de evaluare a educatiei si a comportamentului sexual la 200 de elevi. Culegerea datelor s-a facut in perioada 01.10.2012-15.12.2012, in licee ale orasului Tg Mures. REZULTATE: Baietii au fost mai precoce in ceea ce priveste practica sexuala, viata sexuala debutand mai devreme decat la fete. La varsta de 17-18 ani identificam procente egale pe sexe, cu cresterea numarului de fete care au avut un contact sexual. Printre adolescentii chestionati, si care au avut contacte sexuale, intre 42,8-44,8% au raportat ca au facut sex protejat. Din totalul de adolescenti care au avut contacte sexuale, peste 60% au primit informatii de educatie sexuala. Acestea au fost furnizate cu precadere de catre prieteni, apoi de catre parinti si medici. Fetele sunt mult mai interesate decat baietii sa discute cu partenerul sexual despre riscul unei posibile sarcini sau despre metodele de contraceptie. In concluzie, rezultatele noastre pot furniza informatii utile cu privire la comportamentul sexual al adolescentilor romani din mediul urban, fiind benefice pentru demararea unor programe de sanatate in scoli, cu scopul de a veni in ajutorul tinerilor pentru a evita o sarcina nedorita sau bolile cu transmitere sexuala.  Cuvinte cheie: boli cu transmitere sexuala, comportament sexual, adolescent


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    INTRODUCTION: Sexually transmissible diseases represent an important public health problem, even for the adolescents and young people, because of an increased morbidity, its complications, premature deaths and even its economic-social implications.The study suggests monitoring of sexually transmissible diseases (syphilis and infective gonococcus) by determining their morbidity in Mures and Harghita County, during the period 2005-2012, together with the associated risk factors and life style.MATERIAL AND METHOD: I carried out a descriptive epidemiological study by analyzing cases of sexual transmissible diseases (syphilis, gonorrhoea) reported by the Public Health Ministry for the period 2005-2012 in Mures and Harghita County. I followed the trend of infection and incidence of transmissible diseases in function of age, sex, provenance and seasonality.RESULT: The incidence of syphilis in Mures County varied between 20.1%ooo in 2005 and 10.2%ooo in 2012, but in Harghita County it varied between 36.4%ooo in 2005 and 13.4%ooo in 2012. For infective gonococcus, the incidence in Mures County varied between 1.2%ooo in 2005 and 1.0%ooo in 2012, while in Harghita County it varied between 9.5%ooo in 2005 and 6.8%ooo in 2012.CONCLUSION: I concluded that the evolution of cases of syphilis in the two counties is comparable. Infective gonococcus appears most often at male patients who live in cities. The cases of syphilis and gonorrhoea were more common at young patients (second to third decade) who are sexually active. Keywords: Syphilis, gonorrhoea, Mures, Harghita.INTRODUCERE: Bolile transmise pe cale sexuala reprezinta o problema importanta de sanatate publica, inclusiv in randul adolescentilor si tinerilor, din cauza morbiditatii ridicate, complicatiilor pe care le pot induce, deceselor premature, cat si din cauza implicatiilor economico-sociale.Studiul si-a propus monitorizarea unor boli cu transmitere sexuala (sifilis si infectiile gonococice), prin determinarea dinamicii morbiditatii acestora, in judetele Mures si Harghita, in perioada 2005-2012, in conexiune cu factorii de risc legati de stilul si modul de viata.MATERIAL SI METODA: Am efectuat un studiu epidemiologic descriptiv analizand cazurile de boli cu transmitere sexuala (sifilis, gonoree) raportate de catre Directiile de Sanatate Publica Mures si Harghita, in perioada 2005-2012. S-a urmarit trendul infectiei, incidenta bolilor transmisibile, fiind analizata in functie de: varsta, sex, mediul de provenienta si sezonalitate.REZULTATE: Incidenta prin sifilis in judetul Mures a variat intre 20,1%ooo in 2005 si 10,2%ooo in 2012, iar in judetul Harghita a variat intre 36,4%ooo in 2005 si 13,4%ooo in 2012. Pentru infectiile gonococice, incidenta in judetul Mures a variat intre 1,2%ooo in 2005 si 1,0%ooo in 2012, iar in judetul Harghita a variat intre 9,5%ooo in 2005 si 6,8%ooo in 2012.CONCLUZII. Am constatat o evolutie descendenta a cazurilor de sifilis in judetele comparate; infectiile gonococice apar, cu precadere, la persoanele de sex masculin cu mediul de provenienta urban; cazurile de sifilis si gonoree au fost apanajul persoanelor tinere (decada a doua si treia de varsta) si active sexual. Cuvinte cheie: sifilis, gonoree, Mures, Harghita


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    INTRODUCTION: Cervical cancer is a serious disease, the cause of which, overwhelmingly, is represented by infection with oncogenic strains of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Romania ranks first in Europe in terms of mortality from cervical cancer (10.77%000), over 6 times higher than the mean of the European Union (EU). PURPOSE: The assessment of knowledge of specialist physicians (general practitioners, gynecologists, and pediatricians) about HPV infection and HPV vaccination, patient awareness about cervical cancer, HPV infection prevention, and the identification of barriers to the implementation of a vaccination strategy. METHODS: We performed a cross-sectional study by using a selfadministered questionnaire to physicians from the Central Region of Romania, covering six counties. The questionnaire was aimed at identifying the knowledge of physicians about HPV infection and HPV vaccination, the level of information, as well as the barriers to HPV vaccination, the importance of a vaccination program and the manner of its implementation. RESULTS: Approximately 50% of the respondents reported a good level of knowledge about HPV infection/HPV vaccination. The two main sources of information on HPV infection/HPV vaccination was the study of books or journals (67.8%/64.2%), and participation in postgraduate courses (39.8%/39.4%). Ninety-three percent of physicians considered a new vaccination program against HPV infection in Romania to be useful, on condition that accurate information is provided to the patients and physicians involved. CONCLUSIONS: In order to implement an effective program to increase the absorption rate of HPV vaccination such educational strategies are required which would target both physicians and parents, by providing clear and transparent information about the safety and effectiveness of HPV vaccine. Keywords: HPV infection, cervical cancer, HPV vaccination, questionnaire, general practitioner.INTRODUCERE: Cancerul de col uterin este o boală gravă, a cărei cauză, în majoritate covârşitoare, este infecţia cu tulpinile oncogene ale Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). România se situează pe primul loc din Europa în ceea ce priveşte mortalitatea cauzată de cancerul de col uterin (10.77%000), de peste 6 ori mai mult decât media ţărilor din Uniunea Europeană (UE). SCOP: Evaluarea nivelului de cunoştinţe a medicilor specialişti (de familie, ginecologi şi pediatri) cu privire la infecţia HPV şi vaccinarea anti-HPV, a gradului de informare a pacienţilor despre cancerul de col uterin, prevenţia infecţiei cu HPV, respectiv identificarea barierelor în aplicarea unei strategii de vaccinare. MATERIAL ŞI METODE: S-a apelat la un studiu tip transversal, folosind un chestionar auto-administrat la medici din regiunea Centru a României, ce cuprinde 6 judeţe. Chestionarul a urmărit nivelul de cunoştinţe a medicilor despre infecţia HPV şi vaccinarea anti-HPV, gradul de informare, respectiv barierele în calea vaccinării anti-HPV, importanţa unui program de vaccinare şi modul lui de implementare. REZULTATE: Aproximativ 50% dintre respondenţi au raportat un nivel bun de cunoştinţe despre infecţia HPV/vaccinarea anti-HPV. Principalele două surse de informaţii privind infecţia cu HPV/vaccinarea HPV au fost prin studierea cărţilor sau revistelor de specialitate (67.8%/64.2%), respectiv participarea la cursuri postuniversitare (39.8%/39.4%). Aproxomativ 93.0% dintre medici consideră util un nou program de vaccinare împotriva infecţiei cu HPV în România, în condiţiile unei informări corecte a pacienţilor şi a medicilor implicaţi. CONCLUZII: Pentru implementarea unui program eficient, cu sporirea ratei de absorbţie a vaccinării anti-HPV, se impun strategii educaţionale care ar trebui să fie orientate atât spre medici, cât şi spre părinţi, coroborate cu subvenţionarea totală a vaccinului. Cuvinte cheie: infecţia HPV, cancer de col uterin, vaccinare anti-HPV, chestionar, medic de familie


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    Aim of the study: The present study aims to provide an overview on the problem of restoration of the frontal area, offering alternatives in relation to the technique of performing fixed prosthetic treatments, which adapts according to the etiology of the problem, the patient’s expectations, the cost and the possibilities of the medical and technical dental office. Materials and methods: A number of 42 patients from a private practice in Sighetu Marmatiei were analysed during 2021-2023, in terms of need of aesthetic rehabilitation, treatment steps and final result. Clinical charts were filled and analysed for each patient and satisfaction questionnaire was applied and the end of the treatment for 30 of these patients that met the aesthetic criteria analysed in the study. Results and Conclusions:47% of the patients were from the 20-30 age range, from which 67% were female. Treatment was in 66% requested for maxilla, prosthetic restoration being made from ceramic masses. Feldspathic ceramics were used in a rather small percentage of only 8%, while pressed ceramics had a percentage of 46%, equal to that of zirconia-based ceramics. From the study group 40% of patients declared satisfied and the end of the treatment, 40% were elated, and only 7% were dissatisfied by the final results mainly due to the “Hollywood” type of restoration that they envisaged, in disaccord to the natural aspect of the rest of the present teeth on the arches. The restoration of the frontal area is often a challenge for the dentist, who has the mission of keeping the mechanical, biological and aesthetic principles in balance