
INTRODUCTION: Sexually transmissible diseases represent an important public health problem, even for the adolescents and young people, because of an increased morbidity, its complications, premature deaths and even its economic-social implications.The study suggests monitoring of sexually transmissible diseases (syphilis and infective gonococcus) by determining their morbidity in Mures and Harghita County, during the period 2005-2012, together with the associated risk factors and life style.MATERIAL AND METHOD: I carried out a descriptive epidemiological study by analyzing cases of sexual transmissible diseases (syphilis, gonorrhoea) reported by the Public Health Ministry for the period 2005-2012 in Mures and Harghita County. I followed the trend of infection and incidence of transmissible diseases in function of age, sex, provenance and seasonality.RESULT: The incidence of syphilis in Mures County varied between 20.1%ooo in 2005 and 10.2%ooo in 2012, but in Harghita County it varied between 36.4%ooo in 2005 and 13.4%ooo in 2012. For infective gonococcus, the incidence in Mures County varied between 1.2%ooo in 2005 and 1.0%ooo in 2012, while in Harghita County it varied between 9.5%ooo in 2005 and 6.8%ooo in 2012.CONCLUSION: I concluded that the evolution of cases of syphilis in the two counties is comparable. Infective gonococcus appears most often at male patients who live in cities. The cases of syphilis and gonorrhoea were more common at young patients (second to third decade) who are sexually active. Keywords: Syphilis, gonorrhoea, Mures, Harghita.INTRODUCERE: Bolile transmise pe cale sexuala reprezinta o problema importanta de sanatate publica, inclusiv in randul adolescentilor si tinerilor, din cauza morbiditatii ridicate, complicatiilor pe care le pot induce, deceselor premature, cat si din cauza implicatiilor economico-sociale.Studiul si-a propus monitorizarea unor boli cu transmitere sexuala (sifilis si infectiile gonococice), prin determinarea dinamicii morbiditatii acestora, in judetele Mures si Harghita, in perioada 2005-2012, in conexiune cu factorii de risc legati de stilul si modul de viata.MATERIAL SI METODA: Am efectuat un studiu epidemiologic descriptiv analizand cazurile de boli cu transmitere sexuala (sifilis, gonoree) raportate de catre Directiile de Sanatate Publica Mures si Harghita, in perioada 2005-2012. S-a urmarit trendul infectiei, incidenta bolilor transmisibile, fiind analizata in functie de: varsta, sex, mediul de provenienta si sezonalitate.REZULTATE: Incidenta prin sifilis in judetul Mures a variat intre 20,1%ooo in 2005 si 10,2%ooo in 2012, iar in judetul Harghita a variat intre 36,4%ooo in 2005 si 13,4%ooo in 2012. Pentru infectiile gonococice, incidenta in judetul Mures a variat intre 1,2%ooo in 2005 si 1,0%ooo in 2012, iar in judetul Harghita a variat intre 9,5%ooo in 2005 si 6,8%ooo in 2012.CONCLUZII. Am constatat o evolutie descendenta a cazurilor de sifilis in judetele comparate; infectiile gonococice apar, cu precadere, la persoanele de sex masculin cu mediul de provenienta urban; cazurile de sifilis si gonoree au fost apanajul persoanelor tinere (decada a doua si treia de varsta) si active sexual. Cuvinte cheie: sifilis, gonoree, Mures, Harghita

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