42,345 research outputs found

    Monitoring habits and physiological data in the frail elderly

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    There is a need for new models of care enabled by technology to support long-term and independent living of the elderly. Integrating telecare and telehealth technologies can be used to provide innovative support in an unobtrusive way. inCASA is a European Commission funded project that uses an integrated platform to monitor both health and habits data in the frail elderly and demonstrate the concept of integrated health and social services through pilot trials. This paper presents the joint analysis of habits and clinical data from the UK pilot. The aim of the analysis is to determine the correlation between change in habits behaviour, change in physiological data and deterioration in the condition of the patient

    Scenarios for the Origin of the Orbits of the Trans-Neptunian Objects 2000 CR105 and 2003 VB12

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    Explaining the origin of the orbit of 2000 CR105 (a ~ 230AU, q ~ 45AU) is a major test for our understanding of the primordial evolution of the outer Solar System. Gladman et al. (2001) showed that this objects could not have been a normal member of the scattered disk that had its perihelion distance increased by chaotic diffusion. In this paper we explore four seemingly promising mechanisms for explaining the origin of the orbit of this peculiar object: (i) the passage of Neptune through a high-eccentricity phase, (ii) the past existence of massive planetary embryos in the Kuiper belt or the scattered disk, (iii) the presence of a massive trans-Neptunian disk at early epochs which exerted tides on scattered disk objects, and (iv) encounters with other stars. Of all these mechanisms, the only one giving satisfactory results is the passage of a star. Indeed, our simulations show that the passage of a solar mass star at about 800 AU only perturbs objects with semi-major axes larger than roughly 200 AU to large perihelion distances. This is in good agreement with the fact that 2000 CR105 has a semi-major axis of 230AU and no other bodies with similar perihelion distances but smaller semi-major axes have yet been discovered. The discovery of 2003 VB12, (a=450AU, q=75AU) announced a few days before the submission of this paper, strengthen our conclusions.Comment: AJ submitted. 27 pages, 6 figure

    A strategic study of energy efficient and hybrid energy system options for a multi-family building in Korea

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    This study is to identify performance of energy efficiency measures and to match low-carbon and renewable energy (RE) systems supplies to demands in the context of multi-family residential buildings in Korea. An approach to the evaluation of the hybrid energy systems was investigated, including consideration of heat and power demand profiles, energy system combinations, building design options and strategies for matching supply to demand. The approach is encapsulated within an integrated software environment. Building energy simulation technology was exploited to make virtual energy use data. Low-carbon and RE system modelling techniques were used to predict energy supply profiles. A series of demand/supply matching-based analyses were made to identify the effect of energy efficient demand measures (e.g. roof-top gardens, innovative underfloor heating system) and evaluate the capacity utilisation factor from the hybrid energy systems. On the basis of performance information obtained at the conceptual design stage, the design team can pinpoint the most energy efficient demand/supply combination, and consequently, maximise the impact of hybrid energy systems adoption

    Binary Capture Rates for Massive Protostars

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    The high multiplicity of massive stars in dense, young clusters is established early in their evolution. The mechanism behind this remains unresolved. Recent results suggest that massive protostars may capture companions through disk interactions with much higher efficiency than their solar mass counterparts. However, this conclusion is based on analytic determinations of capture rates and estimates of the robustness of the resulting binaries. We present the results of coupled n-body and SPH simulations of star-disk encounters to further test the idea that disk-captured binaries contribute to the observed multiplicity of massive stars.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted to ApJ

    Farmers' perceptions of the lay health worker on farms in the Western Cape, South Africa

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    This study is focussed on farms situated in the Boland health district of the Cape Winelands, South Africa. The aim was to explore, understand, and describe the perceptions of farmers of having a trained lay health worker (LHW) on the farm. A qualitative study design was applied. Data were collected during six in-depth interviews and two focus group discussions with participating farmers. The results show that farmers remained positive about the concept of having a trained LHW on the farm, but became frustrated with the lack of recognition of their and the LHWs' contribution by the public health service. Farmers who are willing to participate and remain active are key to introducing a farm community-based LHW intervention. Sustainable LHW interventions are dependent on public health sector support and recognition of all role players.Farm Management,

    Trends in fatal car-occupant accidents

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    The feral goat herd of Faure Island

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    For just on a century there has existed on Faure Island, off the mid Western Australian coast, a herd of white feral goats. The fleece of these animals, while similar in appearance to Angora mohair, has characteristics which somewhat resemble the luxury fibre cashmere, in that it comprises a fine dense undercoat, which sheds in early spring, as well as the hairy outcoat typical of all goat breeds except the Angora. As there is little, if any, shedding in second or subsequent crosses, it would appear that the mating of Faure Island feral goats with traditional Angoras (or off-spring of such a union) has resulted in progeny which, even as adults, grow fleeces of kid mohair quality by the second generation

    Are there brown dwarfs in globular clusters?

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    We present an analytical method for constraining the substellar initial mass function in globular clusters, based on the observed frequency of transit events. Globular clusters typically have very high stellar densities where close encounters are relatively common, and thus tidal capture can occur to form close binary systems. Encounters between main sequence stars and lower-mass objects can result in tidal capture if the mass ratio is > 0.01. If brown dwarfs exist in significant numbers, they too will be found in close binaries, and some fraction of their number should be revealed as they transit their stellar companions. We calculate the rate of tidal capture of brown dwarfs in both segregated and unsegregated clusters, and find that the tidal capture is more likely to occur over an initial relaxation time before equipartition occurs. The lack of any such transits in recent HST monitoring of 47 Tuc implies an upper limit on the frequency of brown dwarfs (< 15 % relative to stars) which is significantly below that measured in the galactic field and young clusters.Comment: MNRAS in pres

    Comfort driven adaptive window opening behaviour and the influence of building design

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    It is important to understand and model the behaviour of occupants in buildings and how this behaviour impacts energy use and comfort. It is similarly important to understand how a buildings design affects occupant comfort, occupant behaviour and ultimately the energy used in the operation of the building. In this work a behavioural algorithm for window opening developed from field survey data has been implemented in a dynamic simulation tool. The algorithm is in alignment with the proposed CEN standard for adaptive thermal comfort. The algorithm is first compared to the field study data then used to illustrate the impact of adaptive behaviour on summer indoor temperatures and heating energy. The simulation model is also used to illustrate the sensitivity of the occupant adaptive behaviour to building design parameters such as solar shading and thermal mass and the resulting impact on energy use and comfort. The results are compared to those from other approaches to model window opening behaviour. The adaptive algorithm is shown to provide insights not available using non adaptive simulation methods and can assist in achieving more comfortable and lower energy buildings