210 research outputs found

    RGBDTAM: A Cost-Effective and Accurate RGB-D Tracking and Mapping System

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    Simultaneous Localization and Mapping using RGB-D cameras has been a fertile research topic in the latest decade, due to the suitability of such sensors for indoor robotics. In this paper we propose a direct RGB-D SLAM algorithm with state-of-the-art accuracy and robustness at a los cost. Our experiments in the RGB-D TUM dataset [34] effectively show a better accuracy and robustness in CPU real time than direct RGB-D SLAM systems that make use of the GPU. The key ingredients of our approach are mainly two. Firstly, the combination of a semi-dense photometric and dense geometric error for the pose tracking (see Figure 1), which we demonstrate to be the most accurate alternative. And secondly, a model of the multi-view constraints and their errors in the mapping and tracking threads, which adds extra information over other approaches. We release the open-source implementation of our approach 1 . The reader is referred to a video with our results 2 for a more illustrative visualization of its performance

    Jacobian Computation for Cumulative B-Splines on SE(3) and Application to Continuous-Time Object Tracking

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    In this paper we propose a method that estimates the SE(3) continuous trajectories (orientation and translation) of the dynamic rigid objects present in a scene, from multiple RGB-D views. Specifically, we fit the object trajectories to cumulative B-Splines curves, which allow us to interpolate, at any intermediate time stamp, not only their poses but also their linear and angular velocities and accelerations. Additionally, we derive in this work the analytical SE(3) Jacobians needed by the optimization, being applicable to any other approach that uses this type of curves. To the best of our knowledge this is the first work that proposes 6-DoF continuous-time object tracking, which we endorse with significant computational cost reduction thanks to our analytical derivations. We evaluate our proposal in synthetic data and in a public benchmark, showing competitive results in localization and significant improvements in velocity estimation in comparison to discrete-time approaches. © 2016 IEEE

    Using superpixels in monocular SLAM

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    have been traditionally based on finding point correspondences in highly-textured image areas. Large textureless regions, usu-ally found in indoor and urban environments, are difficult to reconstruct by these systems. In this paper we augment for the first time the traditional point-based monocular SLAM maps with superpixels. Super-pixels are middle-level features consisting of image regions of homogeneous texture. We propose a novel scheme for superpixel matching, 3D initialization and optimization that overcomes the difficulties of salient point-based approaches in these areas of homogeneous texture. Our experimental results show the validity of our approach. First, we compare our proposal with a state-of-the-art multiview stereo system; being able to reconstruct the textureless regions that the latest cannot. Secondly, we present experimental results of our algorithm integrated with the point-based PTAM [1]; estimating, now in real-time, the superpixel textureless areas. Finally, we show the accuracy of the presented algorithm with a quantitative analysis of the estimation error. I

    SfM-TTR: Using Structure from Motion for Test-Time Refinement of Single-View Depth Networks

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    Estimating a dense depth map from a single view is geometrically ill-posed, and state-of-the-art methods rely on learning depth's relation with visual appearance using deep neural networks. On the other hand, Structure from Motion (SfM) leverages multi-view constraints to produce very accurate but sparse maps, as accurate matching across images is limited by locally discriminative texture. In this work, we combine the strengths of both approaches by proposing a novel test-time refinement (TTR) method, denoted as SfM-TTR, that boosts the performance of single-view depth networks at test time using SfM multi-view cues. Specifically, and differently from the state of the art, we use sparse SfM point clouds as test-time self-supervisory signal, fine-tuning the network encoder to learn a better representation of the test scene. Our results show how the addition of SfM-TTR to several state-of-the-art self-supervised and supervised networks improves significantly their performance, outperforming previous TTR baselines mainly based on photometric multi-view consistency

    Optimal Transport Aggregation for Visual Place Recognition

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    The task of Visual Place Recognition (VPR) aims to match a query image against references from an extensive database of images from different places, relying solely on visual cues. State-of-the-art pipelines focus on the aggregation of features extracted from a deep backbone, in order to form a global descriptor for each image. In this context, we introduce SALAD (Sinkhorn Algorithm for Locally Aggregated Descriptors), which reformulates NetVLAD's soft-assignment of local features to clusters as an optimal transport problem. In SALAD, we consider both feature-to-cluster and cluster-to-feature relations and we also introduce a 'dustbin' cluster, designed to selectively discard features deemed non-informative, enhancing the overall descriptor quality. Additionally, we leverage and fine-tune DINOv2 as a backbone, which provides enhanced description power for the local features, and dramatically reduces the required training time. As a result, our single-stage method not only surpasses single-stage baselines in public VPR datasets, but also surpasses two-stage methods that add a re-ranking with significantly higher cost. Code and models are available at https://github.com/serizba/salad

    DAC: Detector-Agnostic Spatial Covariances for Deep Local Features

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    Current deep visual local feature detectors do not model the spatial uncertainty of detected features, producing suboptimal results in downstream applications. In this work, we propose two post-hoc covariance estimates that can be plugged into any pretrained deep feature detector: a simple, isotropic covariance estimate that uses the predicted score at a given pixel location, and a full covariance estimate via the local structure tensor of the learned score maps. Both methods are easy to implement and can be applied to any deep feature detector. We show that these covariances are directly related to errors in feature matching, leading to improvements in downstream tasks, including solving the perspective-n-point problem and motion-only bundle adjustment. Code is available at https://github.com/javrtg/DA

    Loosely-Coupled Semi-Direct Monocular SLAM

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    We propose a novel semi-direct approach for monocular simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) that combines the complementary strengths of direct and feature-based methods. The proposed pipeline loosely couples direct odometry and feature-based SLAM to perform three levels of parallel optimizations: (1) photometric bundle adjustment (BA) that jointly optimizes the local structure and motion, (2) geometric BA that refines keyframe poses and associated feature map points, and (3) pose graph optimization to achieve global map consistency in the presence of loop closures. This is achieved in real-time by limiting the feature-based operations to marginalized keyframes from the direct odometry module. Exhaustive evaluation on two benchmark datasets demonstrates that our system outperforms the state-of-the-art monocular odometry and SLAM systems in terms of overall accuracy and robustness.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. Watch video demo at: https://youtu.be/j7WnU7ZpZ8
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