61 research outputs found

    a multi scalar approach to long term dynamics spatial relations and economic networks of roman secondary settlements in italy and the ombrone valley system southern tuscany towards a model

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    In Roman landscapes, the particular sites defined as secondary settlements (also known as vici/villages, minor centres, agglomerations secondaires and/or stationes/mansiones) have played an 'intermediary' role between the cities and other rural structures (villae/farms), linked to medium- and long-distance economic and commercial trajectories. The aim of this paper is to apply a multi-scalar approach to model their long-term spatial relationships and connectivity with the Mediterranean exchange network. On the macro-scale, we have analysed a sample of 219 reviewed sites to understand the diachronic trends and spatial dynamics of attraction/proximity to significant elements of the landscape such as towns, roads, rivers and coastline. The Ombrone Valley (Tuscany, Italy) represents a micro-scale case study of a complex system, in which the imported pottery (amphorae, African Red Slip ware, ingobbiata di rosso) found in the vicus/mansio of Santa Cristina in Caio, the Roman villa of La Befa and the town of Siena (Saena Iulia) provided diagnostic 'macroeconomic' perspectives. The results show how the secondary settlements occupied a nodal position in the Roman landscape in terms of resilience (long period of occupation until the Early Middle Ages) and spatial organization with a close relationship to natural and anthropic infrastructures and trade functions linked to Mediterranean routes

    Il rapporto fra Bizantini, Germani e Romani nella Maremma toscana attraverso lo studiuo della dinamica del popolamento - il caso rosellano.

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    L'articolo puntualizza alcuni aspetti del popolamento tardoantico e altomedievale del territorio di Roselle-Grosseto con particolare riferimento al tema dei rapporti fra culture

    Lo sviluppo di Grosseto nel quadro della formazione della signoria territoriale degli Aldobrandeschi (secoli VII - XII): i punti fermi e le questioni aperte

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    Il saggio porta a sintesi i dati di scavo per proporre un modello di sviluppo della cittĂ 

    Le necropoli tardoantiche – altomedievali.

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    Rapporto preliminare dello scavo della necropoli altomedievale di Sovana

    L’edilizia storica di tre castelli medievali. Batignano, Istia d’Ombrone, Montepescali.

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    breve saggio sull'archeologia dell'architettura di tre centri storici medievali del territorio grossetano

    L’origine di Grosseto: alcune ipotesi

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