70 research outputs found

    Projected Entangled Pair States at Finite Temperature: Imaginary Time Evolution with Ancillas

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    A projected entangled pair state (PEPS) with ancillas is evolved in imaginary time. This tensor network represents a thermal state of a 2D lattice quantum system. A finite temperature phase diagram of the 2D quantum Ising model in a transverse field is obtained as a benchmark application.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figures; version accepted to publication in Phys. Rev. B; added new numerical results and reference

    Multi-scale Entanglement Renormalization Ansatz in Two Dimensions: Quantum Ising Model

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    We propose a symmetric version of the multi-scale entanglement renormalization Ansatz (MERA) in two spatial dimensions (2D) and use this Ansatz to find an unknown ground state of a 2D quantum system. Results in the simple 2D quantum Ising model on the 8×88\times8 square lattice are found to be very accurate even with the smallest non-trivial truncation parameter.Comment: version to appear in Phys. Rev. Letter

    Variational Quantum Fidelity Estimation

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    Computing quantum state fidelity will be important to verify and characterize states prepared on a quantum computer. In this work, we propose novel lower and upper bounds for the fidelity F(ρ,σ) based on the “truncated fidelity'” F(ρ_m,σ) which is evaluated for a state ρ_m obtained by projecting ρ onto its mm-largest eigenvalues. Our bounds can be refined, i.e., they tighten monotonically with mm. To compute our bounds, we introduce a hybrid quantum-classical algorithm, called Variational Quantum Fidelity Estimation, that involves three steps: (1) variationally diagonalize ρ, (2) compute matrix elements of σ in the eigenbasis of ρ, and (3) combine these matrix elements to compute our bounds. Our algorithm is aimed at the case where σ is arbitrary and ρ is low rank, which we call low-rank fidelity estimation, and we prove that no classical algorithm can efficiently solve this problem under reasonable assumptions. Finally, we demonstrate that our bounds can detect quantum phase transitions and are often tighter than previously known computable bounds for realistic situations

    Precise extrapolation of the correlation function asymptotics in uniform tensor network states with application to the Bose-Hubbard and XXZ models

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    We analyze the problem of extracting the correlation length from infinite matrix product states (MPS) and corner transfer matrix (CTM) simulations. When the correlation length is calculated directly from the transfer matrix, it is typically significantly underestimated for finite bond dimensions used in numerical simulation. This is true even when one considers ground states at a distance from the critical point. In this article we introduce extrapolation procedure to overcome this problem. To that end we quantify how much the dominant part of the MPS (as well as CTM) transfer matrix spectrum deviates from being continuous. The latter is necessary to capture the exact asymptotics of the correlation function where the exponential decay is typically modified by an additional algebraic term. By extrapolating such a refinement parameter to zero, we show that we are able to recover the exact value of the correlation length with high accuracy. In a generic setting, our method reduces the error by a factor of ∼100 as compared to the results obtained without extrapolation and a factor of ∼10 as compared to simple extrapolation schemes employing bond dimension. We test our approach in a number of solvable models both in 1D and 2D. Subsequently, we apply it to one-dimensional XXZ spin-3/2 and the Bose-Hubbard models in a massive regime in the vicinity of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless critical point. We then fit the scaling form of the correlation length and extract the position of the critical point and obtain results comparable or better than those of other state-of-the-art numerical methods. Finally, we show how the algebraic part of the correlation function asymptotics can be directly recovered from the scaling of the dominant form factor within our approach. Our method provides the means for detailed studies of phase diagrams of quantum models in 1D and, through the finite correlation length scaling of projected entangled pair states, also in 2D

    Local response of topological order to an external perturbation

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    We study the behavior of the R\'enyi entropies for the toric code subject to a variety of different perturbations, by means of 2D density matrix renormalization group and analytical methods. We find that R\'enyi entropies of different index {\alpha} display derivatives with opposite sign, as opposed to typical symmetry breaking states, and can be detected on a very small subsystem regardless of the correlation length. This phenomenon is due to the presence in the phase of a point with flat entanglement spectrum, zero correlation length, and area law for the entanglement entropy. We argue that this kind of splitting is common to all the phases with a certain group theoretic structure, including quantum double models, cluster states, and other quantum spin liquids. The fact that the size of the subsystem does not need to scale with the correlation length makes it possible for this effect to be accessed experimentally.Comment: updated to published versio

    Strong bound between trace distance and Hilbert-Schmidt distance for low-rank states

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    The trace distance between two quantum states, ρ\rho and σ\sigma, is an operationally meaningful quantity in quantum information theory. However, in general it is difficult to compute, involving the diagonalization of ρσ\rho - \sigma. In contrast, the Hilbert-Schmidt distance can be computed without diagonalization, although it is less operationally significant. Here, we relate the trace distance and the Hilbert-Schmidt distance with a bound that is particularly strong when either ρ\rho or σ\sigma is low rank. Our bound is stronger than the bound one could obtain via the norm equivalence of the Frobenius and trace norms. We also consider bounds that are useful not only for low-rank states but also for low-entropy states.Comment: 4 page