350 research outputs found

    Polarization fluctuations due to extragalactic sources

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    We have derived the relationship between polarization and intensity fluctuations due to point sources. In the case of a Poisson distribution of a population with uniform evolution properties and constant polarization degree, polarization fluctuations are simply equal to intensity fluctuations times the average polarization degree. Conservative estimates of the polarization degree of the classes of extragalactic sources contributing to fluctuations in the frequency ranges covered by the forthcoming space missions MAP and Planck Surveyor indicate that extragalactic sources will not be a strong limiting factor to measurements of the polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background.Comment: 15 pages LaTeX file, 3 postscript figures. Uses elsart.sty and elsart.cls Accepted for publication in New Astronom

    Age, metallicity and star formation history of spheroidal galaxies in cluster at z~1.2

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    We present the analysis, based on spectra collected at the Large Binocular Telescope, of the stellar populations in seven spheroidal galaxies in the cluster XLSSJ0223 at zz\sim1.22. The aim is to constrain the epoch of their formation and their star formation history. Using absorption line strenghts and full spectral fitting, we derive for the stellar populations of the seven spheroids a median age =2.4±\pm0.6 Gyr, corresponding to a median formation redshift $\sim2.6_{-0.5}^{+0.7}$ (lookback time = 11$_{-1.0}^{+0.6}$ Gyr). We find a significant scatter in age, showing that massive spheroids, at least in our targeted cluster, are not coeval. The median metallicity is [Z/H]=0.09$\pm$0.16, as for early-types in clusters at 0$<z<0.9.Thislackofevolutionof[Z/H]overtherange0<0.9. This lack of evolution of [Z/H] over the range 0<zz<1.3,correspondingtothelast9billionsyears,suggeststhatnosignificantadditionalstarformationandchemicalenrichmentarerequiredforclusterspheroidstoreachthepresentdaypopulation.Wedonotdetectsignificantcorrelationbetweenageandvelocitydispersion1.3, corresponding to the last 9 billions years, suggests that no significant additional star formation and chemical enrichment are required for cluster spheroids to reach the present-day population. We do not detect significant correlation between age and velocity dispersion \sigma_e,ordynamicalmassM, or dynamical mass M_{dyn},oreffectivestellarmassdensity, or effective stellar mass density \Sigma_e.Onthecontrary,themetallicity[Z/H]ofthesevenspheroidsiscorrelatedtotheirdynamicalmassM. On the contrary, the metallicity [Z/H] of the seven spheroids is correlated to their dynamical mass M_{dyn},accordingtoarelationsimilartotheoneforlocalspheroids.[Z/H]isalsoanticorrelatedtostellarmassdensity, according to a relation similar to the one for local spheroids. [Z/H] is also anticorrelated to stellar mass density \Sigma_ebecauseoftheanticorrelationbetweenM because of the anticorrelation between M_{dyn}and and \Sigma_e.Therefore,thebasictrendsobservedinthelocaluniversewerealreadyestablishedat. Therefore, the basic trends observed in the local universe were already established at z\sim1.3$, i.e. more massive spheroids are more metal rich, have lower stellar mass density and tend to be older than lower-mass galaxies.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, 6 tables, published on MNRA

    The BeppoSAX High Energy Large Area Survey (HELLAS) - VI. The radio properties

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    We present results of a complete radio follow-up obtained with the VLA and ATCA radio telescopes down to a 6 cm flux limit of about 0.3 mJy of all the 147 X-ray sources detected in the BeppoSAX HELLAS survey. We found 53 X-ray/radio likely associations, corresponding to about one third of the X-ray sample. Using the two point spectral index alpha_ro=0.35 we divided all the HELLAS X-ray sources in radio quiet and radio loud. We have 26 sources classified as radio-loud objects, corresponding to about 18% of the HELLAS sample. In agreement with previous results, the identified radio-loud sources are associated mainly with Type 1 AGNs with L(5-10 keV) > 10^44 erg/s, while all the identified Type 2 AGNs and Emission Line Galaxies are radio quiet objects with L(5-10 keV) < 10^44 erg/s. The analysis of the radio spectral index suggests that Type 1 AGNs have a mean radio spectral index flatter than Type 2 AGNs and Emission Line Galaxies.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, MNRAS, accepte

    On the nature of the ISO-selected sources in the ELAIS S2 region

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    We have studied the optical, near-IR and radio properties of a complete sample of 43 sources detected at 15-micron in one of the deeper ELAIS repeatedly observed region. The extragalactic objects in this sample have 15-micron flux densities in the range 0.4-10 mJy, where the source counts start diverging from no evolution models. About 90% of the sources (39 out of 43) have optical counterparts brighter than I=21 mag. Eight of these 39 sources have been identified with stars on the basis of imaging data, while for another 22 sources we have obtained optical spectroscopy, reaching a high identification percentage (30/43, ~70%). All but one of the 28 sources with flux density > 0.7 mJy are identified. Most of the extragalactic objects are normal spiral or starburst galaxies at moderate redshift (z_med~0.2); four objects are Active Galactic Nuclei. We have used the 15-micron, H_alpha and 1.4-GHz luminosities as indicators of star-formation rate and we have compared the results obtained in these three bands. While 1.4-GHz and 15-micron estimates are in good agreement, showing that our galaxies are forming stars at a median rate of ~40 Mo/yr, the raw H_alpha-based estimates are a factor ~5-10 lower and need a mean correction of ~2 mag to be brought on the same scale as the other two indicators. A correction of ~2 mag is consistent with what suggested by the Balmer decrements H_alpha/H_beta and by the optical colours. Moreover, it is intermediate between the correction found locally for normal spirals and the correction needed for high-luminosity 15-micron objects, suggesting that the average extinction suffered by galaxies increases with infrared luminosity.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures (3 in JPEG format), MNRAS, accepte

    A New Method for ISOCAM Data Reduction - I. Application to the European Large Area ISO Survey Southern Field: Method and Results

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    We have developed a new data reduction technique for ISOCAM LW data and have applied it to the European Large Area ISO Survey (ELAIS) LW3 (15 micron) observations in the southern hemisphere (S1). This method, known as LARI technique and based on the assumption of the existence of two different time scales in ISOCAM transients (accounting either for fast or slow detector response), was particularly designed for the detection of faint sources. In the ELAIS S1 field we obtained a catalogue of 462 15 micron sources with signal-to-noise ratio >= 5 and flux densities in the range 0.45 - 150 mJy (filling the whole flux range between the Deep ISOCAM Surveys and the IRAS Faint Source Survey). The completeness at different flux levels and the photometric accuracy of this catalogue have been tested with simulations. Here we present a detailed description of the method and discuss the results obtained by its application to the S1 LW3 data.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX, MNRAS style, 20 postscript figures, full catalogue not yet available at http://boas5.bo.astro.it/~elais/catalogues/. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The BeppoSAX HELLAS survey: on the nature of faint hard X-ray selected sources

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    The BeppoSAX 4.5-10 keV High Energy Large Area Survey has covered about 80 square degrees of sky down to a flux of F(5-10keV)~5E-14 cgs. Optical spectroscopic identification of about half of the sources in the sample (62) shows that many (~50%) are highly obscured AGN, in line with the predictions of AGN synthesis models for the hard X-ray background (XRB, see e.g. Comastri et al. 1995). The X-ray data, complemented by optical, near-IR and radio follow-up, indicate that the majority of these AGN are ``intermediate'' objects, i.e. type 1.8-1.9 AGN,`red' quasars, and even a few broad line, blue continuum quasars, obscured in X-rays by columns of the order of logNH=22.5-23.5 cm-2, but showing a wide dispersion in optical extinction. The optical and near-IR photometry of the obscured objects are dominated by galaxy starlight, indicating that a sizeable fraction of the accretion power in the Universe may actually have been missed in optical color surveys. This also implies that multicolor photometry techniques may be efficiently used to assess the redshift of the hard X-ray selected sources.Comment: 9 pages, Invited talk to appear in the Proceedings of the Conference X-ray Astronomy '999: Stellar Endpoints, AGNs and the Diffuse X-ray Background. (September 6-10 - 1999

    A deep VLA survey at 6 cm in the Lockman Hole

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    We have obtained a deep radio image with the Very Large Array at 6 cm in the Lockman Hole. The noise level in the central part of the field is about 11 microJy. From these data we have extracted a catalogue of 63 radio sources. The analysis of the radio spectral index suggests a flattening of the average radio spectra and an increase of the population of flat spectrum radio sources in the faintest flux bin. Cross correlation with the ROSAT/XMM X-ray sources list yields 13 reliable radio/X-ray associations, corresponding to about 21 per cent of the radio sample. Most of these associations (8 out of 13) are classified as Type II AGN. Using optical CCD (V and I) and K' band data we found an optical identification for 58 of the 63 radio sources. This corresponds to an identification rate of about 92 per cent, one of the highest percentages so far available. From the analysis of the colour-colour diagram and of the radio flux - optical magnitude diagram we have been able to select a subsample of radio sources whose optical counterparts are likely to be high redshift (z>0.5) early-type galaxies, hosting an Active Galactic Nucleus responsible of the radio activity. We also find evidence that at these faint radio limits a large fraction (about 60 per cent) of the faintest optical counterparts (i.e. sources in the magnitude range 22.5<I<24.5 mag) of the radio sources are Extremely Red Objects (EROs) with I-K'>4.Comment: 20 pages, Astronomy and Astrophysics, accepte

    A Deep VLA survey at 6 cm in the Lockman Hole

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    This is the published version, also available here: http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361:20021721.We have obtained a deep radio image with the Very Large Array at 6 cm in the Lockman Hole. The noise level in the central part of the field is ~ 11 μ11~\muJy. From these data we have extracted a catalogue of 63 radio sources with a maximum distance of 10 arcmin from the field center and with peak flux density greater than 4.5 times the local rms noise. The differential source counts are in good agreement with those obtained by other surveys. The analysis of the radio spectral index suggests a flattening of the average radio spectra and an increase of the population of flat spectrum radio sources in the faintest flux bin. Cross correlation with the ROSAT/XMM X-ray sources list yields 13 reliable radio/X-ray associations, corresponding to ~21% of the radio sample. Most of these associations (8 out of 13) are classified as type II AGN. Using optical CCD ( V and I) and KK^{\prime} band data with approximate limits of V25.5V\sim25.5 mag, I24.5I\sim 24.5 mag and K20.2K^{\prime}\sim20.2 mag, we found an optical identification for 58 of the 63 radio sources. This corresponds to an identification rate of ~92%, one of the highest percentages so far available. From the analysis of the colour-colour diagram and of the radio flux - optical magnitude diagram we have been able to select a subsample of radio sources whose optical counterparts are likely to be high redshift ( z>0.5) early-type galaxies, hosting an Active Galactic Nucleus responsible of the radio activity. This class of objects, rather than a population of star-forming galaxies, appears to be the dominant population ( \gtrsim50%) in a 5 GHz selected sample with a flux limit as low as 50 μ\muJy. We also find evidence that at these faint radio limits a large fraction (~60%) of the faintest optical counterparts (i.e. sources in the magnitude range 22.54$ and combining our radio data with existing ISO data we conclude that these EROs sources are probably associated with high redshift, passively evolving elliptical galaxies. The six radio selected EROs represent only ~2% of the optically selected EROs present in the field. If their luminosity is indeed a sign of AGN activity, the small number of radio detections suggests that a small fraction of the EROS population contains an active nucleus