505 research outputs found


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    This article examines the representation of students learning German at higher education institutions in Zagreb. The aim of this research is to describe the share of students learning German and to explore both their motives for choosing a foreign language and their attitudes towards the importance of learning German. The introductory section discusses the importance of learning foreign languages in view of the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union. Plurilingualism and multilingualism are both a goal and a means within the framework of life-long learning and workforce mobility in a new social context. An overview of the lecture hours of foreign language courses offered by the surveyed institutions is then presented with information on the ECTS credits allocated to each course. The research methodology presents the research goals and the data collection method, followed by the newly designed measuring instruments, data analysis and results. The conclusion presents survey results with the aim of indicating specific students’ needs with respect to learning German at higher education institutions in Zagreb

    The internet's contribution to progress and growth in Germany: The economic impact of the internet and the price structure of access

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    Terminological collocations1 are one of the most typical and very frequent units of representation of concepts in many disciplines. Although traditionally considered to be unwelcome in terminology, synonymy is amply present in specialized languages. Consequently, the same phenomenon is reflected in terminological collocations. This paper aims to investigate synonymous collocations extracted from mechanical engineering texts in terms of the most frequent and relevant types of denominative variation in the selected English collocations as well as of their equivalents in German and Croatian. The analysis of variations in terminological collocations gives insight into the (non)substitutability of collocation constituents as one of the major characteristics of collocations. Extracted collocations are analysed within a two-tier framework structured at a paradigmatic and a syntagmatic level, which allows for the identification of the three types of term variation: morphological, syntagmatic and semantic. Focusing on the collocations with the structure noun + noun and adjective + noun the results show that constituents of both syntactic structures allow substitution. The denominative variants are prevalent in adjective + noun collocations in which synonymous lexical elements functioning as collocates do not entail a concept change (admissible load ↔ allowable load). Lexeme substitutions are also annotated in noun + noun collocations expressing a slightly different dimension or facet of the concept (face gear vs. crown gear vs. crown wheel). The majority of German equivalents are nominal compounds that outnumber their morphological variants offering multiple equivalences.Terminološke su kolokacije tipične i vrlo česte leksičke jedinice reprezentacije pojmova u mnogim znanstvenim i tehničkim disciplinama. Iako se sinonimija smatra nepoželjnom u terminologiji, u jezicima struke učestalo se pojavljuje. Stoga ju kao jezičnu pojavnost pronalazimo i u terminološkim kolokacijama. Cilj je ovoga rada istražiti sinonimne kolokacije u tekstovima iz područja strojarstva u pogledu čestotnosti i tipologije denominativnih varijanata u odabranim engleskim kolokacijama kao i njihovim istovrijednicama u njemačkome i hrvatskome jeziku. Analiza varijanata terminoloških kolokacija daje uvid u (ne)zamjenjivost sastavnih dijelova kolokacija kao jedne od njihovih glavnih značajki. Ekstrahirane kolokacije analizirane su primjenom dvostupanjskog okvira strukturiranog na paradigmatskoj i sintagmatskoj razini, što omogućuje identifikaciju triju tipova terminološke sinonimije: morfološke, sintagmatske i semantičke varijante. Rezultati analize dviju skupina kolokacija sa strukturom imenica + imenica i pridjev + imenica pokazuju da sastavni dijelovi obiju sintaktičkih struktura dopuštaju supstituciju. Terminološka sinonimija prevladava u kolokacijama sa strukturom pridjev + imenica u kojima sinonimne leksičke sastavnice u funkciji kolokatora ne utječu na promjenu sadržaja pojma (admissible load ↔ allowable load). Leksička supstitucija također se pronalazi u kolokacijama sa strukturom imenica + imenica uz ponešto drukčiju dimenziju ili aspekt pojma (face gear vs. crown gear vs. crown wheel). Većina njemačkih istovrijednica su imeničke složenice koje čestotnošću nadmašuju svoje morfološke varijante i nude brojne istovrijednice

    Relationship between students’ motivation and their socio-demographic characteristics

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    This article presents the results of research on the relationship between indicators of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in students attending higher education institutions, and their socio-demographic characteristics: the type of upper secondary education completed, secondary education grade point average, year of study, gender, and parents’ education.  The research was conducted in March 2012, through a survey questionnaire administered to a sample of 604 respondents. The questionnaire examined, among other things, students’ motivation for learning, self-assessment of motivation for learning English and further professional development, and self-assessment of overall satisfaction with the study programme.  According to the self-determination theory developed by Deci and Ryan (2000), intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are essential for undertaking any activity, including learning. As a social agent, each individual interacts with different social groups in an action-oriented set of circumstances, and develops his/her personality (CEFR). Social contexts that catalyse intrapersonal and interpersonal differences also have a significant influence on motivation. Gardner’s theory of motivation emphasizes the importance of social components and the extrinsic nature of instrumental and integrative ­orientation. Instrumental-integrative dichotomy was further developed by Dörnyei (1994: 279), who introduced a motivational framework consisting of three levels: the language level, the learner level and the learning situation level. Survey results show that the respondents are generally highly-motivated to learn, and that intrinsic motivation is predominant. Statistically significant differences were found between gender, secondary education grade point average, and year of study and the type and intensity of motivation, whereas the type of upper secondary education completed, and parents’ education, were not found to be statistically significantly correlated with the examined concepts

    Students’ Attitudes Towards Teaching Methods at Higher Education Institutions Aiming to Develop Entrepreneurial Competences

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    U članku je prikazano istraživanje stavova studenata prema trima odabranim metodama poučavanja u nastavi Menadžmenta i Engleskog jezika na visokim učilištima u Hrvatskoj. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 857 ispitanika. Cilj je ovog istraživanja prikazati postoji li povezanost stavova studenata prema odabranim metodama poučavanja s pokazateljima motiviranosti studenata za učenje te koja se od predloženih metoda prema preferencijama studenata pokazala posebno značajnom. Uvodno se raspravlja o važnosti motivacije studenta te njegovom aktivnom sudjelovanju u nastavnom procesu. Zatim se prikazuju suvremene metode poučavanja, (npr. istraživačka nastava) koje predstavljaju odmak od nastave „ex-catedra“ tzv. predavačke nastave i reproduciranja znanja, a koje su usmjerene na aktivno sudjelovanje studenta u nastavi i samostalnu primjenu znanja. U interaktivnoj nastavi nastavnik je voditelj koji upravlja nastavnim procesom, usmjerava studenta i brine se za njegov razvoj. Nastavni proces koji je usmjeren na studenta i temelji se na analizi njegovih potreba, ali i šire društvene zajednice, doprinosi usvajanju komunikacijske i poduzetničke kompetencije. Istraživačka pretpostavka u ovom radu jest da nastavni proces u kojemu se uvažavaju preferencije studenta u odnosu na ispitivane, aktivne metode poučavanja na studenta djeluje stimulativno. U zaključku su izneseni rezultati istraživanja s ciljem ukazivanja na specifične potrebe studenata u pogledu metoda poučavanja u nastavi Menadžmenta i Engleskog jezika na visokim učilištima. Aktivne metode poučavanja pridonose osposobljavanju studenata za cjeloživotno učenje kao temelja za povećanje konkurentnosti na tržištu i poduzetnosti općenito.This paper presents the results of a survey of students’ attitudes towards the three selected teaching methods in teaching Management and English language at higher education institutions in Croatia. The questionnaire was administered to a sample of 857 participants. Theaim of this study was to show whether there is a correlation between students› attitudes towards theselected teaching methods and indicators of student motivation to learn, and which of the proposed methods as to the students’ preferences proved particularly important. The introductory part of the paper discusses the importance of student motivation and his active participation in the teaching process. Thereafter, modern teaching methods are briefly outlined (e.g. the investigative case-based learning approach). They represent a departure from teaching „ex-cathedra“ so called teaching and lecturing, and knowledge reproduction, and focus on active student participation in the teaching process and independent application of knowledge. In the interactive classroom a teacher is a facilitator who manages teaching process, encourages students and fosters the development of students’ knowledge and skills. The teaching process being now student cantered and based on the needs analysis of both students and a wider social community fosters the development of communication skills and entrepreneurial competencies. The research assumption in this paper is that the teaching process in which students’ preferences in respect of the researched, active teaching methods have been taken account of has a stimulatory effect on students. Discussion and conclusion present survey results aiming to point to the specific student’s needs in respect of methods in teaching Management and English language at higher education institutions. Active teaching methods enable and prepare students for a lifelong learning as a basis for increasing competitiveness in the market and entrepreneurial potential in general

    A Search for Correlations between Turbulence and Star Formation in LITTLE THINGS Dwarf Irregular Galaxies

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    Turbulence has the potential for creating gas density enhancements that initiate cloud and star formation (SF), and it can be generated locally by SF. To study the connection between turbulence and SF, we looked for relationships between SF traced by FUV images, and gas turbulence traced by kinetic energy density (KED) and velocity dispersion (v disp) in the LITTLE THINGS sample of nearby dIrr galaxies. We performed 2D cross-correlations between FUV and KED images, measured cross-correlations in annuli to produce correlation coefficients as a function of radius, and determined the cumulative distribution function of the cross-correlation value. We also plotted on a pixel-by-pixel basis the locally excess KED, v disp, and H i mass surface density, ΣHI, as determined from the respective values with the radial profiles subtracted, versus the excess SF rate density ΣSFR, for all regions with positive excess ΣSFR. We found that ΣSFR and KED are poorly correlated. The excess KED associated with SF implies a ∼0.5% efficiency for supernova energy to pump local H i turbulence on the scale of the resolution here, which is a factor of ∼2 too small for all of the turbulence on a galactic scale. The excess v disp in SF regions is also small, only ∼0.37 km s-1. The local excess in ΣHI corresponding to an excess in ΣSFR is consistent with a H i consumption time of ∼1.6 Gyr in the inner parts of the galaxies. The similarity between this timescale and the consumption time for CO implies that CO-dark molecular gas has comparable mass to H i in the inner disks