8 research outputs found

    Montagna. Questione geografica e non solo

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    montagna legislazione territori


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    The rediscovery of transhumance routes in the Matese area of Campania. Paths and economic chains. – The Matese mountain complex is part of the southern Apennines chain and currently divides the Campania and Molise regions. Inhabited since the pre-Roman age by Samnite people, throughout histo-ry it has represented a place of transit between the Campania plain and the Adriatic side. With the establishment and regulation of the Regi Trat-turi in the Aragonese era, part of the ancient walkways that crossed the Matese were used by the shepherds of the Campania side to connect with the main Pescasseroli-Candela sheep track that surrounds the mountain complex in the Molise part. Until the 18th century, sheep breeding and the production of woolen cloths represented among the most important items for the economy of the territories located on the Campania side of Matese. Centers such as Piedimonte d'Alife (today Piedimonte Matese), Cerreto Sannita, Cusano and Morcone based their economic well-being on these activities for a long time, so much so that they are considered among the most active centers of the ancient King-dom. The purpose of this study is the rediscovery of this network of paths and of the ancient connected economic chains as a fundamental prerequisite for a development proposal for the area, which is currently experiencing a period of profound economic stagnation with consequent depopulation. The methodology used refers to the analysis of historical documentary and cartographic sources and the GIS will be used for the identification and tracing of these paths

    Gli archivi e la montagna : scritti in onore di Paolo De Gasperis

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    Con il volume Gli archivi e la montagna. Scritti in onore di Paolo De Gasperis, la collana “Documentalia” del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche intende proporre un itinerario di studio inedito e “aperto”, con l’obiettivo di realizzare uno strumento utile alla conoscenza e alla divulgazione del patrimonio archivistico e documentario custodito dalle maggiori istituzioni italiane interessate alla montagna, con approfondimenti sui loro progetti di ricerca e sulla cultura della montagna più in generale. Archivi e documenti prodotti dall’uomo nel suo rapporto con la montagna, vissuta, percorsa e salita con intenti scientifici, culturali, sportivi, esistenziali: fonti utili a indagare con metodo scientifico tali legami e a impostare ulteriori approfondimenti e itinerari di ricerca