20 research outputs found

    Consideration of Student’s Self-Understanding Using Egograms : From the Perspective of Changes in Assertive Behavior

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    本研究は,小学校6年生の児童の自己理解や対人コミュニケーション傾向に着目し,次の3点について検討した。第1に,エゴグラムを用いて児童の特徴を把握するともに,自己理解を促す働きかけを行った。第2に,児童の対人行動の特徴,特にアサーティブネスを測定し,エゴグラムとの関連を検討した。第3に,アサーティブネスに関する介入授業を実施し,行動変容が生じるかを検討した。 エゴグラムは,児童が興味を示しやすく,自己理解を深めるために有用なツールであると考えられた。アサーティブネスとの関連については,アサーティブな行動をとる児童はNPの得点が比較的高く,非主張型の児童はAの得点が比較的高かった。攻撃型の児童の中でも特に攻撃的な言動をとりやすい児童には,AおよびCPの得点が他より高い傾向があった。しかし,介入授業を行うことによって,攻撃型の児童の数は,有意ではないものの,減少した。This study investigated the self-understanding and communication style of sixth-grade students, focusing on three points. First, we used egograms to understand students’ personalities and promote their self-understanding. Second, we measured students’ assertiveness and investigated the relationship between assertive behavior and students’ egogram patterns. Third, changes in assertive behavior by intervention intended to promote reflection on one’s communication style were examined. The egogram is a potentially effective tool for increasing students’ self-understanding because the students were highly interested in egograms. Assertive students tend to score highly in the NP of egograms. Non-assertive students tend to get high scores in A. Especially aggressive students tend to get high scores in CP and A. Our intervention decreased the aggressiveness of the students who chose an aggressive style of communication

    Relationship between Conformity Behavior and Communication Style: Analysis of Assertive Behavior in Junior High School Students

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    本研究では,仲間への同調のしやすさと,日常的なコミュニケーション傾向にどのような関連があるかを検討した。中学1・2年生の生徒159名を対象に,内面的同調と表面的同調のしやすさを,質問紙によって測定した。また,場面想定法を用い,学校生活で起こりやすい一対一でのコミュニケーション場面において,普段どのような言動をとっているかを記述させる質問紙調査を実施した。その結果,自分の考えや意見を言うことに消極的な非主張型の生徒は,強い自己主張をする攻撃型の生徒に比べ,同調しやすいことがわかった。また,性別による違いもみられた。特に女子において,非主張型の生徒は,攻撃型の生徒や,アサーティブな主張ができる生徒より,表面的な同調行動が多い傾向があった。このような生徒は,友人に配慮しようとし,自分の主張を抑制していると考えられる。This study investigated the relationships between conformity behavior and daily communication style. In total, 159 junior high school students participated in the investigation. Their internal conformity tendencies and external conformity tendency were measured by a conformity behavior scale. We examined participants’ communication styles using hypothetical situations. Participants were presented with three daily communication situations and asked what they would usually say. The results showed that students with a non-assertive communication style were more likely to conform to others than those who have an aggressive communication style. Especially, non-assertive female students tend to conform externally more than aggressive or assertive female students. This type of student might inhibit self-assertion to concern their friends

    Decreased ADP-Ribosyl Cyclase Activity in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells from Diabetic Patients with Nephropathy

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    Aims/hypothesis. ADP-ribosyl-cyclase activity (ADPRCA) of CD38 and other ectoenzymes mainly generate cyclic adenosine 5’diphosphate-(ADP-) ribose (cADPR) as a second messenger in various mammalian cells, including pancreatic beta cells and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Since PBMCs contribute to the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy, ADPRCA of PBMCs could serve as a clinical prognostic marker for diabetic nephropathy. This study aimed to investigate the connection between ADPRCA in PBMCs and diabetic complications. Methods. PBMCs from 60 diabetic patients (10 for type 1 and 50 for type 2) and 15 nondiabetic controls were fluorometrically measured for ADPRCA based on the conversion of nicotinamide guanine dinucleotide (NGD+) into cyclic GDP-ribose. Results. ADPRCA negatively correlated with the level of HbA1c (P = .040, R2 = .073), although ADPRCA showed no significant correlation with gender, age, BMI, blood pressure, level of fasting plasma glucose and lipid levels, as well as type, duration, or medication of diabetes. Interestingly, patients with nephropathy, but not other complications, presented significantly lower ADPRCA than those without nephropathy (P = .0198) and diabetes (P = .0332). ANCOVA analysis adjusted for HbA1c showed no significant correlation between ADPRCA and nephropathy. However, logistic regression analyses revealed that determinants for nephropathy were systolic blood pressure and ADPRCA, not HbA1c. Conclusion/interpretation. Decreased ADPRCA significantly correlated with diabetic nephropathy. ADPRCA in PBMCs would be an important marker associated with diabetic nephropathy

    Micropropagation and Protoplast Culture in Paraserianthes falcataria

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    Paraserianthes falcataria (L.) Nielsen is a fast-growing tree native to Indonesia that has been widely planted throughout the tropics. The growth and wood qualities of P. falcataria should be improved to promote the establishment of plantation forests for this species. Tissue culture technique has a potential to be applied for tree breeding programs for P. falcataria. The objective of this study is to establish the micropropagation and protoplast culture protocol of P. falcataria. In the present study, the respective conditions were investigated for seedling culture, callus induction, protoplast isolation, and protoplast culture. Surface-sterilized seeds were cultured on MS (Murashige and Skoog) medium at 25, 27, and 29°C. After 4 weeks of culture, 27°C gave the best result for average shoot length. Five types of explant (leaflet, petiole, internode, cotyledon, and hypocotyl) obtained from the seedlings were used for callus induction. They were cultured on the MS media containing a combination of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) at different concentrations. Green nodular callus was obtained from only leaflet. The most effective medium condition for callus induction from leaflet was the MS medium containing 10.0 µM BAP and 10.0 µM 2,4-D. Leaflet of seedlings was used for protoplast isolation. Based on the results of the yield and viability of protoplasts, the best enzymatic condition was as follows: enzyme solution, 1% Cellulase Onozuka RS, 0.5% Pectolyase Y-23, and 1% Driselase; osmoticum, 0.8 M mannitol; treatment temperature and time, 30°C for 4 hrs. Isolated protoplasts were incubated in liquid AA media with a combination of 1-naphthaleneacetic acid and thidiazuron at different concentrations. Although cell wall formation was observed, cell division did not occur