736 research outputs found

    Accurate determination of crystal structures based on averaged local bond order parameters

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    Local bond order parameters based on spherical harmonics, also known as Steinhardt order parameters, are often used to determine crystal structures in molecular simulations. Here we propose a modification of this method in which the complex bond order vectors are averaged over the first neighbor shell of a given particle and the particle itself. As demonstrated using soft particle systems, this averaging procedure considerably improves the accuracy with which different crystal structures can be distinguished

    Self-organized defect strings in two-dimensional crystals

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    Using experiments with single particle resolution and computer simulations we study the collective behaviour of multiple vacancies injected into two-dimensional crystals. We find that the defects assemble into linear strings that propagate through the crystal in a succession of rapid one-dimensional gliding phases and rare rotations, during which the direction of motion changes. At both ends, strings are terminated by dislocations with anti-parallel Burgers vectors. By monitoring the separation of the dislocations, we measure their effective interactions with high precision, for the first time beyond spontaneous formation and annihilation, and explain the double-well form of the dislocation interaction in terms of continuum elasticity theory. Our results give a detailed picture of the motion and interaction of dislocations in two dimensions and enhance our understanding of topological defects in two-dimensional nano-materials

    Entropy and Kinetics of Point-Defects in Two-Dimensional Dipolar Crystals

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    We study in experiment and with computer simulation the free energy and the kinetics of vacancy and interstitial defects in two-dimensional dipolar crystals. The defects appear in different local topologies which we characterize by their point group symmetry; CnC_n is the n-fold cyclic group and DnD_n is the dihedral group, including reflections. The frequency of different local topologies is not determined by their almost degenerate energies but dominated by entropy for symmetric configurations. The kinetics of the defects is fully reproduced by a master equation in a multi-state Markov model. In this model, the system is described by the state of the defect and the time evolution is given by transitions occurring with particular rates. These transition rate constants are extracted from experiments and simulations using an optimisation procedure. The good agreement between experiment, simulation and master equation thus provides evidence for the accuracy of the model.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figure

    Combined Effects of Aircraft, Rail, and Road Traffic Noise on Total Noise Annoyance—A Cross-Sectional Study in Innsbruck

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    Noise legislation in Austria does not provide an assessment of the cumulative effect of noise from different sources. The desire of citizens for a total noise assessment is getting stronger. Within the pilot project &ldquo Gesamtl&auml rmbetrachtung&rdquo (Total Noise Investigation) Innsbruck, data from 1031 face-to-face interviews were correlated with exposure data from road, rail and air traffic noise. The interviews were selected in clusters according to the exposure combinations of these three sources. In addition to exposure-response relationships, it has also been found that the annoyance response to air and rail traffic noise is independent of the background noise from road traffic. The total noise annoyance response shows a cumulative effect in each source considered. From the source specific exposure-response relationships, a total noise assessment model based on the annoyance equivalents model was developed. This model is more suitable than the dominant source model and thus also considerable for legal application. Document type: Articl

    Deviation compensation in LPBF series production via statistical predeformation and structural pattern analysis

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    This article proposes two approaches for a tailored geometrical deviation compensation for Laser-Powder-Bed-Fusion production. The deviation compensation is performed by a non-rigid deformation of the manufacturing geometry in each iteration to reduce the geometrical deviations from the target geometry. It is important for geometric compensation approaches to separate deterministic deviations from random scatter, since compensating scatter can result in unstable behaviour. In order to compensate only deterministic deviations two novel approaches for a local estimation of the scatter are successfully introduced and tested using a hybrid model of a series production cycle

    Recent mathematical developments in quantum field theory

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    This workshop has focused on three areas in mathematical quantum field theory and their interrelations: 1) conformal field theory, 2) constructions of interacting models of quantum field theory by various methods, and 3) several approaches studying the interplay of quantum field theory and gravit
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