139 research outputs found

    Accelerated ageing and renal dysfunction links lower socioeconomic status and dietary phosphate intake

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    Background: We have sought to explore the impact of dietary Pi intake on human age related health in the pSoBid cohort (n=666) to explain the disparity between health and deprivation status in this cohort. As hyperphosphataemia is a driver of accelerated ageing in rodent models of progeria we tested whether variation in Pi levels in man associate with measures of biological ageing and health. Results: We observed significant relationships between serum Pi levels and markers of biological age (telomere length (p=0.040) and DNA methylation content (p=0.028), gender and chronological age (p=0.032). When analyses were adjusted for socio-economic status and nutritional factors, associations were observed between accelerated biological ageing (telomere length, genomic methylation content) and dietary derived Pi levels among the most deprived males, directly related to the frequency of red meat consumption. Conclusions: Accelerated ageing is associated with high serum Pi levels and frequency of red meat consumption. Our data provide evidence for a mechanistic link between high intake of Pi and age-related morbidities tied to socio-economic status

    Treatment of wastewater solutions from anodizing industry by membrane distillation and membrane crystallization

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    The treatment of wastewater containing various metal ions is a challenging issue in the anodizing industry. The current study investigates the application of membrane distillation/crystallization (MD/MCr) for the simultaneous recovery of freshwater and sodium sulfate from wastewater originating from a Danish anodizing industry. MD/MCr experiments were performed on supernatant from wastewater obtained after centrifugation. The effect of various feed temperatures and cross-flow velocities on flux and crystal characteristics was investigated. The crystal growth in the feed tank was monitored through the use of an online PaticleView microscope. The crystals’ morphology and form were determined by using scanning electron microscope (SEM) and X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), respectively, while inductively coupled plasma (ICP) was applied to determine the purity of the obtained crystals. The weight and dimensions of the MD/MCr unit that were required to treat the specific amount of wastewater were evaluated as a function of the feed inlet temperature. It was demonstrated that the application of MCr allows extracting high-purity sodium sulfate crystals and more than 80% freshwater from the wastewater

    Marker-dependent associations among oxidative stress, growth and survival during early life in a wild mammal

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    Oxidative stress (OS) is hypothesized to be a key physiological mechanism mediating life-history trade-offs, but evidence from wild populations experiencing natural environmental variation is limited. We tested the hypotheses that increased early life growth rate increases OS, and that increased OS reduces first-winter survival, in wild Soay sheep (Ovis aries) lambs. We measured growth rate and first-winter survival for four consecutive cohorts, and measured two markers of oxidative damage (malondialdehyde (MDA), protein carbonyls (PC)) and two markers of antioxidant (AOX) protection (total AOX capacity (TAC), superoxide dismutase (SOD)) from blood samples. Faster lamb growth was weakly associated with increased MDA, but not associated with variation in the other three markers. Lambs with higher SOD activity were more likely to survive their first winter, as were male but not female lambs with lower PC concentrations. Survival did not vary with MDA or total TAC. Key predictions relating OS to growth and survival were therefore supported in some OS markers, but not others. This suggests that different markers capture different aspects of the complex relationships between individual oxidative state, physiology and fitness, and that overarching hypotheses relating OS to life-history variation cannot be supported or refuted by studying individual markers

    Prognostic factors for relapse in patients with clinical stage I testicular non-seminoma: A nationwide, population-based cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Approximately 30% of patients with clinical stage I non-seminoma (CSI-NS) relapse. Current risk stratification is based on lymphovascular invasion (LVI) alone. The extent to which additional tumor characteristics can improve risk prediction remains unclear.OBJECTIVE: To determine the most important prognostic factors for relapse in CSI-NS patients.DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Population-based cohort study including all patients with CSI-NS diagnosed in Denmark between 2013 and 2018 with follow-up until 2022. Patients were identified in the prospective Danish Testicular Cancer database. By linkage to the Danish National Pathology Registry, histological slides from the orchiectomy specimens were retrieved.OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Histological slides were reviewed blinded to the clinical outcome. Clinical data were obtained from medical records. The association between prespecified potential prognostic factors and relapse was assessed using Cox regression analysis. Model performance was evaluated by discrimination (Harrell's C-index) and calibration.RESULTS: Of 453 patients included, 139 patients (30.6%) relapsed during a median follow-up of 6.3 years. Tumor invasion into the hilar soft tissue of the testicular hilum, tumor size, LVI and embryonal carcinoma were independent predictors of relapse. The estimated 5-year risk of relapse ranged from &lt; 5% to &gt; 85%, depending on the number of risk factors. After internal model validation, the model had an overall concordance statistic of 0.75. Model calibration was excellent.CONCLUSION AND RELEVANCE: The identified prognostic factors provide a much more accurate risk stratification than current clinical practice, potentially aiding clinical decision-making.</p

    University students and staff able to maintain low daily contact numbers during various COVID-19 guideline periods

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    UK universities re-opened in September 2020, amidst the coronavirus epidemic. During the first term, various national social distancing measures were introduced, including banning groups of >6 people and the second lockdown in November; however, outbreaks among university students occurred. We aimed to measure the University of Bristol staff and student contact patterns via an online, longitudinal survey capturing self-reported contacts on the previous day. We investigated the change in contacts associated with COVID-19 guidance periods: post-first lockdown (23/06/2020–03/07/2020), relaxed guidance period (04/07/2020–13/09/2020), ‘rule-of-six’ period (14/09/2020–04/11/2020) and the second lockdown (05/11/2020–25/11/2020). In total, 722 staff (4199 responses) and 738 students (1906 responses) were included in the study. For staff, daily contacts were higher in the relaxed guidance and ‘rule-of-six’ periods than the post-first lockdown and second lockdown. Mean student contacts dropped between the ‘rule-of-six’ and second lockdown periods. For both staff and students, the proportion meeting with groups larger than six dropped between the ‘rule-of-six’ period and the second lockdown period, although was higher for students than for staff. Our results suggest university staff and students responded to national guidance by altering their social contacts. Most contacts during the second lockdown were household contacts. The response in staff and students was similar, suggesting that students can adhere to social distancing guidance while at university. The number of contacts recorded for both staff and students were much lower than those recorded by previous surveys in the UK conducted before the COVID-19 pandemic

    Contacts and behaviours of university students during the COVID-19 pandemic at the start of the 2020/2021 academic year

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    University students have unique living, learning and social arrangements which may have implications for infectious disease transmission. To address this data gap, we created CONQUEST (COroNavirus QUESTionnaire), a longitudinal online survey of contacts, behaviour, and COVID-19 symptoms for University of Bristol (UoB) staff/students. Here, we analyse results from 740 students providing 1261 unique records from the start of the 2020/2021 academic year (14/09/2020–01/11/2020), where COVID-19 outbreaks led to the self-isolation of all students in some halls of residences. Although most students reported lower daily contacts than in pre-COVID-19 studies, there was heterogeneity, with some reporting many (median = 2, mean = 6.1, standard deviation = 15.0; 8% had ≥ 20 contacts). Around 40% of students’ contacts were with individuals external to the university, indicating potential for transmission to non-students/staff. Only 61% of those reporting cardinal symptoms in the past week self-isolated, although 99% with a positive COVID-19 test during the 2 weeks before survey completion had self-isolated within the last week. Some students who self-isolated had many contacts (mean = 4.3, standard deviation = 10.6). Our results provide context to the COVID-19 outbreaks seen in universities and are available for modelling future outbreaks and informing policy