1,231 research outputs found

    Impact of Globalization on Production and Export of Turmeric in India – An Economic Analysis

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    India is a major supplier of turmeric to the world with more than 60 per cent share in turmeric trade. The production and export performance of turmeric in India have been examined using secondary data for the period from 1974-75 to 2007-08 and exponential form of growth function has been used for the analysis. The growth in production and export of turmeric has been reported significant, because of the high demand coupled with inflation. Instability index has been worked for the production and export for preliberalization and post-liberalization periods. Instability has been observed high for production, export and prices of domestic and international markets and domestic and international prices have shown high integration. For the assessment of direction of trade, the Markov chain model has been used. The data regarding country-wise export of turmeric has shown that the previous export share retention for Indian turmeric has been high in minor importing countries (pooled under others category) (87 %), followed by UAE (49 %), Iran (41 %) and UK (35 %). The countries such as USA and Japan have not been the stable importers of Indian turmeric. The plans for export may be oriented towards these two countries and also plans should be formulated for stabilizing the export of turmeric to other countries. The farmers should be provided training on production of a quality product.Turmeric, Export of turmeric, Indian turmeric, Markov chain model, Agricultural and Food Policy, Q13, Q17,


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    The first antibiotic was discovered in 1896 by Ernest Duchesne and "rediscovered" by Alexander Flamming in 1928 from the filamentous fungus Penicilium notatum, Antibiotics can be selectively toxic by targeting such features as the bacterial cell wall. In present study the Penicillum species was isolated from soil sample through serial dilution and plating method and the genus was identified by wet-mount technique after that the fungi .The Penicillumsp was grown in the growth medium , after mat formation it was transferred in to production medium and the production was conformed by estimating the enzyme by DNS method. The same way the Penicillium sp was subjected to mutation by UV irradiation and Ethidioum Bromide and it was compared with wiled type. In that compere with wiled type I got the better production in UV mutation, in Ethidium Bromide mutation , the production was reduced so the to conclude my work the UV mutant strain was produced better result in production of Penicillinase enzyme. In future i will go for mass production of the enzyme and reduce the cost of the Antibiotic


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    Mushroom plays an important role in all the world to prevent lacking of nutritive values because it contain all the nutrients such as protein , vitamins, selenium, riboflavin, niacin, fiber and popular in food recopies because it contain low carbohydrates ,carbohydrates, cholesterol and sodium. Mushrooms have been used extensively in traditional medicine as antimicrobial, antiviral and antitumor agents. Infectious diseases remain a major threat to human health, due to global antimicrobial resistance. This has led to an increase in the search for new and potent antimicrobial substances. The aim of the present study was to investigate the antimicrobial activity of the organic solvents (methanol,) extracts of two mushroom species against MDR K.pneumoniae using agar disc diffusion method. Wild edible and non-edible mushrooms can be used as agents in the development of new drugs for bacterial infections. This study indicated that the antibacterial effects of mushrooms vary depending on the type of mushroom, the solvent medium used and the type of organism tested. Agaricus bisporus and Amanita parcivolvata both are active against multi drug resistant bur based on MIC Amanita parcivolvata was found to be potent and provide novel antibacterial compoundBLE MUSHROOM AGAINST MDR K.PNEUMONI


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    The great nutritional importance in food is amino acids. In general, serious problems of food and nutrition deficiencies of the world at present is confronted. Researchers to search for unconventionally sources of proteins and amino acids in increased demand of proteins .some devastating biotic invasions are facilitated by microbial symbionts are the growing evidence . Bacterial community structure within the betel was isolated and its metabolites were evaluated. In this study the aminoacid, organic acid and indole acetic acid producing capacity of several bacterial strains were tested and Streptomyces species was found to be novel isolates. Isolation and occurrence of Streptomyces species in betelis first time reported in this study and also found to be three different amino acid producer. The present study concludes that the isolated microbial strain can be used for the production of amino acids at very economical rates followed by optimizing natural source


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    Mutations are changes in the nucleotide sequence of an organism's genetic material. Mutations can be caused by copying errors in the genetic material during cell division, exposure to ultraviolet or ionizing radiation, chemical mutations, or viruses, or by cellular processes, such as hyper mutation. In multicellular organisms with dedicated reproductive cells, mutations can be divided into germ line mutations, which can be passed on to offspring via reproductive cells, and somatic mutations, which involve cells outside a specific reproductive group and are not usually transmitted to offspring. In this work the organism producing amylase was isolated from the soil and identified based on morphological and biochemical experiments.Temperature of various carbon and nitrogen sources, pH changes in amylase production. By using UV, edium bromide and nitrosoquanidine the organism becomes mutated and the amylase production is checked, the genetic DNA mutation is checked and the amylase-producing genes are amplified by PCR


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    Lactic acid bacteria are the predominant microbial group in fermented products, which play an important role in fermentation processes. The LAB used in commercial starter cultures possesses numerous metabolic characteristics such as production of organic acids, aroma compounds, bacteriocins and exopolysaccharides. Our reports show high values of hydrophobicity, coaggregation as well as a strong biofilm production of Lactobacillus sp was recorded . Various immobilization/encapsulation techniques have been proposed and tested for application in functional food production. In the present research, the use of Cissus quadrangularis as prebiotic with probiotic microorganisms was found to be beneficial and LAB become more active. . Subsequently, immobilization/encapsulation applications in the food industry aiming at the prolongation of cell viability are described together with an evaluation of their potential future impact, which is also highlighted and assessed. The total Polysaccharide was estimates Cissus quadrangularis acted as prebiotic and stimulate or suatain the viability of cells. High values and the strongest biofilm production was also recored in chitosan immboilzed cells. The Lactobacillus strains and pathogenic strains tested could all auto aggregate. Auto aggregation increased as a function of time and was highest at the 24 h time point.A moderate coaggregation and hydrophobicity was registerd at non immobilized cells and starch based polymers. The auto aggregative percentages of all pathogenic isolates ranged between 10 and 16 %, which is 9- fold below the range for the Lactobacillus isolates (between 99 %) after 24 h in the same conditions. These results demonstrate that there is relationship between auto aggregation and adhesiveness ability of L. acidophilus also showed strain-specific co aggregation abilities with the tested indicator strains. It has been suggested that coaggregate with pathogens, may constitute an important host defiance mechanism against infection by inhibitor producing LAB, which. Biofilm formation by secretion of exopolysaccharide (EPS) was observed

    Banning the Box in Missouri: A Statewide Step in the Right Direction

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    Missouri, like many other states, has evaluated and decided to address employment discrimination that occurs as a result of requiring people with a criminal history to disclose that information during the initial phases of the hiring process. Efforts to eliminate bias have been seen through the “Ban the Box” movement. The movement generally advocates removing the box applicants check if they have a criminal history, opting instead to delay this question for later in the employment process. This Note analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of adopting this legislation and evaluates whether doing so leads to a lower risk of employment discrimination

    Paripaadal and Silappathikaram in the Worship of Thirumal

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    There is a worldwide practice of referring to Tamil as the language of Bhakti. The history of Tamil literature shows that devotional subject matter is more prevalent in Tamil literature. Human beings want their actions to be fulfilled. They feel that it requires not only their own energy but also the grace of God. They worship God for that. At the same time, those who say that devotion is the love of God to attain salvation. In the literature, it is seen that the devotees worship the Lord at various levels in the devotional system. In such modes of worship, information about Thirumal is available in Paripaadal and Silappathikaram. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to examine how the worship of Thirumal is found in Paripaadal and Silapathikaram

    In Vitro Effects of PHYLLANTHUS NIRURI Extract on Urolithiasis

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    Urolithiasis is a condition that involves the formation of stones in the kidneys, bladder and / or urethra. Kidney stone is one of the oldest and most widespread diseases known to man. Many stones are asymptomatic until they start to move down from the urethra, causing pain due to blockage. The pain starts abruptly when a stone moves in the urinary tract, causing irritation or obstruction.  Usually, a person experiences sharp, tingling pain in the area of the kidneys or in the back and side of the abdomen. Sometimes nausea and vomiting occur. Additional corporeal shockwave lithotripsy, ultrasonic waves or shock waves are used to break up the stones so that they can be excreted in the urine or removed through an endoscope. Lithotripsy may be an alternative to surgery. Medicinal plants play a significant role in various ancient traditional methods of medicine. Medicinal plants are the main source of new medicines that are considered to be very safe, with few or no side effects. Inhibition of the formation of calcium oxalate crystals . The in vitro anterolytic function was performed by single diffusion gel growth technology, dual diffusion gel growth techniques and turbidometric method. The growth of hydroxyapatite crystals in the presence of 3% leaf methanol extract has a relatively short diffusion length and is more resistant to growth than 1%, 2% leaf methanol extract and cystone. At the same time in the study of growth inhibition of calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate crystal in the presence of 3% leaf methanol extract had a much higher growth inhibition capacity than different concentrations of leaf extracts and cystone. Similarly 3% leaf methanol extract produced maximum inhibition of calcium oxalate crystal growth over different concentrations of leaf juice and cystone. In the turbidometric method, the maximum growth block was removed in 15mg / 5ml of leaf methanol extract rather than in different concentrations of leaf extract and cystone.  Overall b. To clarify the chemical components of the extract and the mechanism responsible for its anterolytic activity.   &nbsp


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    Acute phase protein synthesis and the production of neutrophils in the bone marrow was depend on the cytokine named as IL-6 which is a Powerful Pro-inflammatory cytokine. It also supports the growth of B cells and is antagonistic to regulatory T cells. The aim of the present study was to investigate the S.oralis mediated IL-6 production in cord blood derived human stem cells (CBSC) in comparison with peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). In this study, stem cells were isolated from the umbilical cord blood and mononuclear cells were isolated from pheripheral blood of a healthy donar. A virulent heat inactivated Streptococcus oralis bacterial culture was used to stimulate both cord blood derived human stem cells (CBSC) in comparison with peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). After stimulation the culture supernatant was collected and subjected to quantification of IL-6 release by ELISA. The results showed that the Streptococcus oralis induces the IL-6 cytokine release in PBMC cells than the cord blood derived human stem cells
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