4 research outputs found

    TZM-gfp cells: a tractable fluorescent tool for analysis of rare and early HIV-1 infection

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    Here we describe TZM-gfp, a novel HIV-1 reporter cell derived from the same parental clone JC.53, used previously to generate the widely-utilized indicator cell line TZM-bl. We re-engineered JC.53 cells to express GFP under regulation of HIV Tat and Rev. We characterize the new reporter cell line to show that TZM-gfp cells are equally susceptible to HIV infection, exhibit minimal background signal, and can report HIV infection in rare cells from a bulk population of experimentally-infected human monocyte-derived macrophages. We demonstrate the utility and sensitivity of the cells in detection of even a single HIV-positive macrophage by fluorescence-assisted correlative electron microscopy, using the GFP signal to guide imaging of HIV virions in primary co-culture. Finally, we used TZM-gfp cells for viral capture during co-culture with human peripheral blood mononuclear cells, showing that TZM-gfp can support outgrowth and analyses of patient-derived primary HIV-1 isolates

    Something Old, Something New: Ion Channel Blockers as Potential Anti-Tuberculosis Agents

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    Tuberculosis (TB) remains a challenging global health concern and claims more than a million lives every year. We lack an effective vaccine and understanding of what constitutes protective immunity against TB to inform rational vaccine design. Moreover, treatment of TB requires prolonged use of multi-drug regimens and is complicated by problems of compliance and drug resistance. While most (Mtb) bacilli are quickly killed by the drugs, the prolonged course of treatment is required to clear persistent drug-tolerant subpopulations. Mtb's differential sensitivity to drugs is, at least in part, determined by the interaction between the bacilli and different host macrophage populations. Therefore, to design better treatment regimens for TB, we need to understand and modulate the heterogeneity and divergent responses that Mtb bacilli exhibit within macrophages. However, developing drugs is a long and expensive process. An alternative approach to expedite the development of new TB treatments is to repurpose existing drugs that were developed for other therapeutic purposes if they also possess anti-tuberculosis activity. There is growing interest in the use of immune modulators to supplement current anti-TB drugs by enhancing the host's antimycobacterial responses. Ion channel blocking agents are among the most promising of the host-directed therapeutics. Some ion channel blockers also interfere with the activity of mycobacterial efflux pumps. In this review, we discuss some of the ion channel blockers that have shown promise as potential anti-TB agents

    Multifunctional cytokine production marks influenza A virus specific CD4 T cells with high expression of survival molecules

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    Cytokine production by memory T cells is a key mechanism of T cell mediated protection. However, we have limited understanding of the persistence of cytokine producing T cells during memory cell maintenance and secondary responses. We interrogated antigen-specific CD4 T cells using a mouse influenza A virus infection model. While CD4 T cells detected using MHCII tetramers declined in lymphoid and non-lymphoid organs, we found similar numbers of cytokine+ CD4 T cells at days 9 and 30 in the lymphoid organs. CD4 T cells with the capacity to produce cytokines expressed higher levels of pro-survival molecules, CD127 and Bcl2, than non-cytokine+ cells. Transcriptomic analysis revealed a heterogenous population of memory CD4 T cells with three clusters of cytokine+ cells. These clusters match flow cytometry data and reveal an enhanced survival signature in cells capable of producing multiple cytokines. Following re-infection, multifunctional T cells expressed low levels of the proliferation marker, Ki67, while cells that only produce the anti-viral cytokine, interferon-γ, were more likely to be Ki67+. Despite this, multifunctional memory T cells formed a substantial fraction of the secondary memory pool. Together these data indicate that survival rather than proliferation may dictate which populations persist within the memory pool