214 research outputs found

    Mental and physical effects of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake on School Children, and Health Support initiatives by YogoTeachers: Findings from a survey of high school yogo teachers 5 years after the disaster

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    Objective: To clarify the current mental and physical state of students 5 years after experiencing the Great East Japan earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear accident, and to shed light on the practical initiatives and issues faced by yogo teachers in supporting students’ health. Method: In May 2016, we conducted a mail-based questionnaire of yogo teachers at 15 prefectural high schools in Soma District and Futaba District (collectively, “Soso”) in Fukushima Prefecture, one of the areas most heavily affected by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. The questionnaire focused on (1) health and school life of students; and (2) current initiatives and issues faced by yogo teachers in supporting student health. Results: We received responses from 8 of the 15 high school yogo teachers surveyed (response rate: 53.3%).Six yogo teachers (75%) responded that the “students are calm.” However, 6 yogo teachers (75%) recognized a tendency among students towards weight gain and obesity, as well as reduced physical stamina and sporting ability, while 4 yogo teachers (50%) indicated that some students were anxious about their future and career path, and were receiving personal support from the school counselor. The yogo teachers provided support to students while attempting to ascertain their mental and physical well-being through greater health monitoring and questionnaires, and while coordinating with the school physician and counselor. Conclusion: Five years after the earthquake, high school students in the Soso district are now leading a more relaxed school life, but still feel anxious about their future health and career path due to lingering concerns about radiation, highlighting the need for long-term support by yogo teachers


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    学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学教授 四柳 宏, 東京大学教授 藤井 知行, 東京大学准教授 窪田 直人, 東京大学准教授 住谷 昌彦, 東京大学講師 槙田 紀子University of Tokyo(東京大学

    Health Support Provided by Yogo Teachers for Adolescent Female Students with a Thin Body Type

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    Purpose: To clarify the realities and challenges involved in health support provided by yogo teachers to adolescent girls who have a thin body type. Methods: A semi-structured interview survey was conducted with yogo teachers at a Japanese high school with experience of providing health support to thin adolescent female students and the results of the survey were subjected to qualitative analysis. Results: With regard to health support provided by yogo teachers, the results of analysis found that the actual situation consisted of the five categories of 【sharing information throughout the school organization to investigate methods of support】,【 realizing studentsʼ situations through the provision of individual support】, 【referring students and parents to specialist agencies】,【investigating collaborations with parents with students ʼ consent】, and 【carrying out prevention and awareness-raising activities about thin physiques】.  However, the analysis also found that the practical challenges for providing such health support consisted of the six categories of 【working with parents to liaise with medical institutions】,【continuous support in collaboration with specialist agencies】,【 educational health support that enables all students to manage their own health】,【 yogo teachersʼ professional knowledge and assessment of eating disorders】,【 support methods that students can engage with on their own initiative, according to their situation】, and 【creating a counseling- friendly environment to facilitate early detection】.Discussion: While yogo teachers had an overall grasp of studentsʼ situations through their organizational engagements in cooperation with faculty and school physicians, as well as individual support activities, it was clear that they faced difficulties and challenges in relation to working together with parents and specialist agencies. In the future, improving collaboration with parents will require that they, too, be encouraged to recognize that being excessively thin represents a health problem for adolescent female students. In addition, it will also be necessary to work towards building daily collaboration systems, such as by having yogo teachers keep track of potential partner medical institutions as a matter of routine. It was further suggested that yogo teachers will need to provide educational and preventive health support oriented toward helping female students acquire the ability to manage their own health

    Implications of Variability Patterns observed in TeV Blazars on the Structure of the Inner Jet

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    The recent long look X-ray observations of TeV blazars have revealed many important new features concerning their time variability. In this paper, we suggest a physical interpretation for those features based on the framework of the internal and external shock scenarios. We present a simplified model applicable to TeV blazars, and investigate through simulations how each of the model parameters would affect to the observed light curve or spectrum. In particular, we show that the internal shock scenario naturally leads to all the observed variability properties including the structure function, but for it to be applicable, the fractional fluctuation of the initial bulk Lorentz factors must be small, with sigma_gamma / gamma_average < 0.01. This implies very low dynamical efficiency of the internal shock scenario. We also suggest that several observational quantities -- such as the characteristic time scale, the relative amplitude of flares as compared to the steady (``offset'') component, and the slope of the structure function -- can be used to probe the inner jet. The results are applied to the TeV blazar Mrk421, and this, within the context of the model, leads to the determination of several physical parameters: the ejection of a shell with average thickness of ~1E13 cm occurs on average every 10 minutes, and the shells collide ~1E17 cm away from the central source.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures, to appear in Ap

    Auto-tracking camera for dry-box laparoscopic training

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    While laparoscopic surgery is less invasive than open surgery and is now common in various medical fields, laparoscopic surgery often requires more time for the operator to achieve mastery. Dry box training is one of the most important methods for developing laparoscopic skill. However, the camera is usually fixed to a particular point, which is different from practical surgery, during which the operational field is constantly adjusted by an assistant. Therefore, we introduced a camera for dry box training that can be moved by surgeons as desired by using computer vision. By detecting the ArUco marker, the camera attached onto the servomotor successfully tracked the forceps automatically. This system could easily be modified and become operable by a foot switch or voice, and collaborations between surgeons and medical engineers are expected

    Evolution of the Synchrotron Spectrum in Mrk421 during the 1998 Campaign

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    The uninterrupted 7-day ASCA observations of the TeV blazar Mrk421 in 1998 have clearly revealed that X-ray flares occur repeatedly. In this paper, we present the results of the time-resolved spectral analysis of the combined data taken by ASCA, RXTE, BeppoSAX, and EUVE. In this object - and in many other TeV blazars - the precise measurement of the shape of the X-ray spectrum, which reflects the high energy portion of the synchrotron component, is crucial in determining the high energy cutoff of the accelerated electrons in the jet. Thanks to the simultaneous broadband coverage, we measured the 0.1-25 keV spectrum resolved on time scales as short as several hours, providing a great opportunity to investigate the detailed spectral evolution at the flares. By analyzing the time subdivided observations, we parameterize the evolution of the synchrotron peak, where the radiation power dominates, by fitting the combined spectra with a quadratic form (where the vFv flux at the energy E obeys log vFv(E)=log(vFv_peak) - const x (log E - log Epeak)^2). In this case, we show that there is an overall trend that the peak energy Ep and peak flux vFvp both increase or decrease together. The relation of the two parameters is best described as Ep \propto vFvp^{0.7} for the 1998 campaign. Similar results were derived for the 1997 observation, while the relation gave a smaller index when included both 1997 and 1998 data. On the other hand, we show that this relation, and also the detailed spectral variations, differ from flare to flare within the 1998 campaign. We suggest that the observed features are consistent with the idea that flares are due to a appearance of a new spectral component. With the availability of the simultaneous TeV data, we also show that there exists a clear correlation between the synchrotron peak flux and the TeV flux.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, to appear in Ap

    Variability Time Scales of TeV Blazars Observed in the ASCA Continuous Long-Look X-ray Monitoring

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    Three uninterrupted, long (lasting respectively 7, 10, and 10 days) ASCA observations of the well-studied TeV-bright blazars Mrk 421, Mrk 501 and PKS 2155-304 all show continuous strong X-ray flaring. Despite the relatively faint intensity states in 2 of the 3 sources, there was no identifiable quiescent period in any of the observations. Structure function analysis shows that all blazars have a characteristic time scale of ~ a day, comparable to the recurrence time and to the time scale of the stronger flares. On the other hand, examination of these flares in more detail reveals that each of the strong flares is not a smooth increase and decrease, but exhibits substructures of shorter flares having time scales of ~10 ks. We verify via simulations that in order to explain the observed structure function, these shorter flares ("shots") are unlikely to be fully random, but in some way are correlated with each other. The energy dependent cross-correlation analysis shows that inter-band lags are not universal in TeV blazars. This is important since in the past, only positive detections of lags were reported. In this work, we determine that the sign of a lag may differ from flare to flare; significant lags of both signs were detected from several flares, while no significant lag was detected from others. However, we also argue that the nature of the underlying component can affect these values. The facts that all flares are nearly symmetric and that fast variability shorter than the characteristic time scale is strongly suppressed, support the scenario where the light crossing time dominates the variability time scales of the day-scale flares.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Pancreatectomy in patients with LC

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    Background : Several reports have shown a high mortality rate in patients with liver cirrhosis (LC) who undergo pancreaticoduodenectomy, however, there are few reports on its long-term prognosis. Methods : Twelve patients with LC who had undergone pancreatic resection were enrolled. To compare clinicopathological variables, 159 non-LC patients who had undergone resection for pancreatic cancer were enrolled. Results : Pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD) was performed in 5 LC patients and distal pancreatectomy (DP) was performed in 7 LC patients. Patients in the LC group had more co-morbidities, lower platelet counts and higher Fib4 index than the non-LC group. The postoperative complication rate was higher in the LC group (83.3% vs 47.8%). While the postoperative hospital stay and 30-day mortality rate were not different, the 90-day mortality rate was higher in the LC group (25.0% vs 2.5% ; p < 0.01). Comparison by operative procedure showed no significant differences of postoperative outcomes in DP cases. However, in PD cases, postoperative complications were more frequent (100% vs 42.3%) and 90-day mortality was higher (40.0% vs 2.9% ; p < 0.01) in the LC group. Conclusions : PD resulted in higher postoperative morbidity and mortality rates in patients with LC compared with non-LC patients. DP could be tolerated in the LC patients

    Clinical problems of long-term steroid regimen for bronchial asthma, with reference to steroid-dependent cases

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    Adverse side effects of steroid therapy were investigated in 32 asthmatic patients. Thirty-two patients were classified into three groups according to steroid therapy for the past five years; group 1 has been treated with continuous steroid therapy, group 2 with occasional steroid therapy and group 3 without steroid therapy. The results were as follows. 1. Group 1 showed a low level of serum cortisol at 8-9 a. m. The serum concentration of cortisol in patients with daily steroid regimen was lower as compared to that in patients with alternateday steroid therapy. 2. The daily profile of serum cortisol was low in the steroid dependent asthmatic patients, and little increase of serum cortisol level after the administration of prednisolone was shown in group 1. 3. Serum IgG and IgM levels were significantly low in steroid dependent asthmatic patients. 4. The level of serum potassium was low in group 1