8 research outputs found

    Use of mobile phone among fisherman for marketing and weather information

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    This article assesses that how the mobile phone has improved the life of fishermen and increased their income. Basis on the literature review it was indicated that how mobile phone has provided an access to fishermen for sell their produce in market. Mobile phone has given a ground to fishermen for communicate with dealer at port and deal for get good price of their catches. Similarly fishermen get latest information about weather before going to sea. By use of mobile phone fishermen have save their time and also their income. Mobile phone has also reduce the gap between rural and urban communities nowadays fishermen directly sell their produce in market without dealing with local brokers. Mobile phones provide fishermen option to take processes to reduce the risks. Especially in case of emergencies when fishermen were in sea

    A review on the roles of ICT tools towards the development of fishermen

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    This article assesses the role of the ICT in the development of fishermen. It discusses the issue of how ICT can help the fishermen in their daily fishing routine. ICT covers a number of tools and within the scope of this study, it emphasizes on the benefits and advantages of mobile phones, GPS, sonar, radio, television and internet. The results revealed that ICT gives significant improvement in their life. ICT have provided market access to fishermen for sell their produce and a better availability of up-to date information about weather and emergency. Additionally, ICT expands their markets and felt safe and more secure at sea. Similarly fishermen were close with their family and friends

    Social Networking Sites’ Usage Trends and Adoption Among University Students: A Descriptive Analysis

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    Social network sites (SNSs) are penetrating deep among the lives of internet users owing to its social compatibility with modern online needs in the shape of constructing profile by providing their bio-data and hanging out with old and new friends in order to share and gain information. This study aims to investigate the usage pattern of SNSs and the adoptability of the users. A descriptive analysis was run on the random sample of 200 respondents surveyed in a large public sector university of Sindh, Pakistan. Results revealed that users feel proud by using SNSs and routinely log-on to their account at least once a day so as to know what is new on their wall from their around-the-hundred-contacts’ activities. They felt as a part of larger SNSs community where they could find new friends, thus bridging social capital was prominent as majority of the respondents did not know their Facebook friends personally. Keywords: Social network sites, usage trends, university students, Facebook, bridging social capital

    Relationships between factors of ICT acceptance and usage among fishermen in Northern region of Peninsular Malaysia

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    Information communication technology (ICT) is playing very important role in enhancing the capacity building of different communities including fisheries sector by bringing positive impacts on the productivity and competitiveness. ICT promotes efficiency among the fishermen community through saving the time, energy and enhances information interactions and sharing. However, in Malaysian fishermen are still lagging behind in ICT development as compared to other sectors of the society. The selection of the independent variables for the use of ICT tools was based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model. Moreover,the relationship between independent variables and use of ICT were also sought to determine the factors that have impact on the use of ICT tools by the fishermen community. Data collection was conducted by survey using self-administered questionnaires. A total of 200 respondents were randomly selected from Perak and Kedah states in Northern region of Peninsular Malaysia based on the highest number of registered fishermen. The data were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 18 and the findings were presented using descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation. Findings of the study indicated that the level use of different ICT tools such as GPS,sonar, radar, wireless set and Echo sounder was moderate among the fishermen while the mobile phone usage was high in the fishermen community. Moreover, the use of mobile phones has the highest effect on different performance aspects of fishermen whereas echo sounder has the least effect. Moreover, others ICT tools have moderate effects on the performance expectancy of the fishermen. The use of mobile phones has also high effect on the efforts expectancy of the fishermen. However, expect GPS other ICT tools have moderate effects on different effort expectancy parameters of the fishermen. All the social influence variables of the ICT usage on the fishermen community indicated low effects on the fishermen. The facilitating conditions among respondents were moderate about their ownership of different ICT tools and availability of shops that provide sales and services of these tools. However, other ICT parameters showed low effect on the respondent fishermen. In conclusion the fishermen should be provided with the adequate information communication technologies along with proper knowledge and skills of the areas. Moreover, there is lack of trainings of ICT for the fishermen at their vicinities. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the government and other related agencies to make arrangements for the easy and cheap availability of ICT for the fishermen, they also should provide regular trainings and workshops on the usage and maintenance of different ICT such as computer, GPS, sonar, wireless set and other technologies to improve their lives and income

    Influence of Internet Websites on Children Study

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    Abstract: The Internet is a medium that is growing rapidly

    Facilitating use of ICT in creating knowledgeable youth fishermen

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    The role of information and communication technology towards the society cannot be denied. ICT has played a vital role in the development particularly in different sector of the society such as agriculture, education, health, economic and fisheries. In agriculture sector, the fishing industry is playing an important role in the Malaysian economic development. Base on the scenario above the purpose of this study is to examine the level use of ICT tools among the youth fishermen in the northern part of Peninsular Malaysia. A quantitative approach was employed in this study by using a survey questionnaire to generate the primary data of the study. A total of 200 respondents, comprising of male and female fishermen from the Perak and Kedah states of Malaysia have been selected as the main respondents of the study. The results shows that the among ICT tools that frequently used by the youth fishermen is a mobile phone, followed by television and GPS. The purpose of using this technology is to get information pertaining to the fisheries industry such as weather, market, safety and others. Mobile phone communication help them in getting fast feedback, prompt action taken and thus help in enhancing their income generation, increase their knowledge and have a control on their daily fisheries industry task at a reasonable and lower cost. It is suggested that a mobile application communication platform pertaining to the fisheries being set-up, to enable the young fishermen to communicate, exchange information among themselves and thus helping to further enhance their knowledge, increase the income generation and to prepare the dynamic youth fishermen to enable them to compete with the world global fisheries industry at the international level