100 research outputs found

    Increasing the Strength of Carbon Sorbents from the Extracted Larch Bark by Using Additives of Oil Bituminen

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    Исследовано влияние нефтебитумных добавок к образцам угля-сырца, полученным пиролизом экстрагированной коры лиственницы, на свойства активированных углей. Показано, что увеличение количества нефтебитума в углях-сырцах приводит к уменьшению их сорбционной активности по йоду и к увеличению прочности на истирание. Установлено, что при пропитке исходного угля-сырца раствором 10%-го нефтебитума в толуоле активность по йоду активированного угля достигает 73 %, при этом прочность на истирание превышает 90 %.The influence of oil bitumen additives to charcoals, obtained by the pyrolysis of the extracted larch bark on the properties of the active carbons was studied. It was shown that the increase of the amount of bitumen in the charcoal reduces their sorption activity on iodine and rises their abrasion resistance. It was found that after the impregnation of raw charcoal by 10 % solution of bitumen in toluene the sorption activity of activated carbon on iodine reaches 73 % and their abrasion resistance is more than 90 %

    Porous Carbons Obtained from Lignite, Anthracite and Graphite in a Bed of Slag and Catalyst Particles

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    This paper describes the influence of solid fuel nature and conditions of thermal treatment in a flow reactor with a fluidized and fixed bed of slag and catalyst particles on the porosity of obtained carbon products. Lignite, anthracite and natural graphite were used as starting raw materials. Optimal conditions of thermal treatment providing the formation of porous carbons were selected for the each type of a raw material: pyrolysis with high rate of heating (flash pyrolysis) for lignite, the same combined with steam activation for anthracite and chemical modification and flash pyrolysis for natural graphite

    Study of High Porous Carbons Prepared by the Alkaline Activation of Anthracites

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    The influence of alkaline activation on the development of anthracite porous structure under the variation of different factors: anthracite and metal hydroxide origin, their mass ratio in a mixture, activation temperature and duration has been studied. The highest development of anthracite surface area was reached with mass ratio of anthracite/alkali 1:5-7 and the final heating temperature of 800 °С. Under these conditions the maximum value of surface area of carbon material was 2900 m2/g in case of КОН activated Siberian anthracite and 2550 m2/g for NaOH activated Ilovaisky anthracite

    Influence of Copper Acetate on the Thermochemical Transformations of Hydrolytic Lignin and its Mixtures with Oil Slimes

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    By using various physical and chemical methods there were studied the thermochemical transformations of hydrolytic lignin modified with copper and its mixtures with oil slimes. As a result at the accomplished study there was carried out the selection of the conditions for modifying and thermal activation this industrial waste providing the production the active carbons with the yield 18-19 wt% and specific surface area of 620 m2/g

    Properties of Active Carbons Produced by Thermochemical Transformation of Lignin, Brown Coal and Oil Slime Mixtures

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    The yield and properties of active carbons (AC) produced by combined pyrolysis and activation of the mixtures: hydrolytic lignin – oil slime, brown coal – oil slime and hydrolytic lignin – brown coal – oil slime have been compared. The yield of AC from a triple mixture is lower than that from brown coal – oil slime, but higher than that of lignin – oil slime mixtures. The reached yield (15-20 %) and surface area (about 400 m2/g) of AC from triple mixture hydrolytic lignin – oil slime –brown coal are enough for their industrial using

    Palladium Catalysts on Carbon Supports Prepared from a Natural Graphite and Anthracite

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    Influence of the conditions of the carbon supports preparation from an expanded natural graphite and chemically modified anthracites on the formation of carbon porous structure, on the distribution and sizes of supported palladium particles and their catalytic activity in liquid phase reactions of hexene-1 and cyclohexene hydrogenation has been studied. At the same reaction parameters and Pd content the catalytic activity of different samples varies by more than 100 times. Besides, the activity of some catalysts in hexene hydrogenation is much higher (up to 20 times) than that in cyclohexene hydrogenation reaction. The possible reasons for observed differences in Pd catalyst behavior are analysed

    Formation of Iron Nanoparticles by Thermal Transformations of Iron Carbonyls on Silica Surface

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    There have been determined some regularities of thermochemical transformations of supported on silica iron carbonyls containing from 1 to 6 metal atoms. There have been selected the conditions of iron carbonyls thermal decomposition which provides the formation of metallic particles having the size of 0,5 -1,0nm

    Study of Thermochemical Transformations of Hydrolytic Lignin and the Properties of the Produced Active Carbons

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    There has been studied the influence of the conditions of heat treatment of hydrolytic lignin and its mixtures with oil slime on the yield, structure and adsorption properties of active carbons (AC). With the increase in the temperature of lignin processing from 400 to 900 ˚C, the yield of active carbon decreases, and its specific surface area and sorption activity reach the maximum values at 800 ˚C. The mutual influence of the components of the mixture of hydrolytic lignin and oil slime during the thermochemical transformations, becomes apparent in the variation of the yield and the porous structure of AC. As for the oil slime, it acts as a binding and structure forming component

    Properties in CO Hydrogenation of the Nano-Catalysts Produced by Supporting Iron Carbonyls on SiO2

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    There have been studied the catalytic properties in the reaction of CO hydrogenation of nano-catalysts produced by supporting on silica the iron carbonyl compounds containing various numbers of metal atoms. It was determined that the catalytic activity of the supported carbonyls increases with the rise of the number of the metal atoms in their composition. Some of them have a very high selectivity in respect to the C2-C3 olefins

    Sorption of Oil Products by Carbon Sorbents from Siberian Larch Bark

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    Исследована адсорбционная способность по нефтепродуктам зерненных сорбентов, полученных из карбонизованной коры лиственницы методом парогазовой активации в псевдоожиженном слое. Изучено влияние температуры и продолжительности активации на сорбционную емкость сорбентов по нефтепродуктам. Показано, что повышение температуры активации от 750 до 850 °С и времени активации от 30 до 90 минут приводит к увеличению статической сорбционной емкости сорбентов по нефтепродуктам. Максимальная нефтеемкость (6,8 г/г) достигнута для образца сорбента с размером зерна 1-2 мм, полученного активацией карбонизованной коры при 850 °С в течение 30 минутThe adsorption capacity for oil products of granulated sorbents prepared by preliminary carbo-nized larch bark activation with water steam in a fluidized bed was studied. The effect of temper-ature and time of carbonized bark activation on the oil sorption capacity of obtained sorbents was investigated. It has been shown that the increase the temperature of activation from 750 °C to 850 °C and the time of treatment from 30 minutes to 90 minutes leads to the increase of the oil static sorption capacity. The maximum oil capacity (6.8 g/g) was achieved for the sorbent with a grain size of 1-2 mm which was prepared by activation of carbonized bark at 850 °C during 30 minute