837 research outputs found

    Heat Transport in Spin Chains with Weak Spin-Phonon Coupling

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    The heat transport in a system of S=1/2S=1/2 large-JJ Heisenberg spin chains, describing closely Sr2_2CuO3_3 and SrCuO2_2 cuprates, is studied theoretically at T≪JT\ll J by considering interactions of the bosonized spin excitations with optical phonons and defects. Treating rigorously the multi-boson processes, we derive a microscopic spin-phonon scattering rate that adheres to an intuitive picture of phonons acting as thermally populated defects for the fast spin excitations. The mean-free path of the latter exhibits a distinctive TT-dependence reflecting a critical nature of spin chains and gives a close description of experiments. By the naturalness criterion of realistically small spin-phonon interaction, our approach stands out from previous considerations that require large coupling constants to explain the data and thus imply a spin-Peierls transition, absent in real materials.Comment: 5+ pages main text, 4+ pages supplemental, 4+2 figures, adiabatic approximation to the published versio

    The representations of the Hubbard algebra in terms of spin-fermion operators and motion of a hole in an antiferromagnetic state

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    The representation of the Hubbard operators in terms of the spin−12-\frac{1}{2} operators and the fermion operator with spin−12-\frac{1}{2} is proposed. In the low-energy limit this representation is reduced to the representation following from the Hubbard diagramm technique. In framework of this approach motion of a hole in an antiferromagnetic state of the t-J model is considered. It is shown that the primary hole energy is strongly renormalized and the band width has an order of J rather than t. The functional integral for the strongly correlated model induced by the obtained representation is formulated. The representation of the total Hubbard algebra for states in the lower and the upper Hubbard bands is formulated in terms of the spin−12-\frac{1}{2} and two fermion fields with spin−12-\frac{1}{2} is formulated.Comment: 12 pp. (LATEX

    N 3-[(E)-Morpholin-4-yl­methyl­idene]-1-phenyl-1H-1,2,4-triazole-3,5-diamine monohydrate

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    In the title compound, C13H16N6O·H2O, the mean planes of the benzene and 1,2,4-triazole rings form a dihedral angle of 54.80 (5)°. The N atom of the amino group adopts a trigonal–pyramidal configuration. Conjugation in the amidine N=C—N fragment results in sufficient shortening of the formal single bond. In the crystal, inter­molecular N—H⋯O and O—H⋯N hydrogen bonds link mol­ecules into double layers parallel to the bc plane

    Spinon-holon interactions in an anisotropic t-J chain: a comprehensive study

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    We consider a generalization of the one-dimensional t-J model with anisotropic spin-spin interactions. We show that the anisotropy leads to an effective attractive interaction between the spinon and holon excitations, resulting in a localized bound state. Detailed quantitative analytic predictions for the dependence of the binding energy on the anisotropy are presented, and verified by precise numerical simulations. The binding energy is found to interpolate smoothly between a finite value in the t-Jz limit and zero in the isotropic limit, going to zero exponentially in the vicinity of the latter. We identify changes in spinon dispersion as the primary factor for this non-trivial behavior.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures, long story. The short story is cond-mat/0702213. Published versio

    Binding of holons and spinons in the one-dimensional anisotropic t-J model

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    We study the binding of a holon and a spinon in the one-dimensional anisotropic t-J model using a Bethe-Salpeter equation approach, exact diagonalization, and density matrix renormalization group methods on chains of up to 128 sites. We find that holon-spinon binding changes dramatically as a function of anisotropy parameter \alpha=J_\perp/J_z: it evolves from an exactly deducible impurity-like result in the Ising limit to an exponentially shallow bound state near the isotropic case. A remarkable agreement between the theory and numerical results suggests that such a change is controlled by the corresponding evolution of the spinon energy spectrum.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, published versio

    Acoustic instability of a circular vortex with a smoothed vorticity profile

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    It is known that a localized vortex can have two specific mechanisms of interaction with the ambient flow. The first mechanism is associated with acoustic radiation, which is accompanied by a loss of energy and causes instability in the case of negative energy of vortex disturbances. The second is a Miles mechanism of interaction of the vortex core oscillations with disturbances in the vicinity of the critical layer (where the phase velocity of the disturbances coincides with the velocity of the mean flow), accompanied by an energy flux from the critical layer vicinity, which leads to damping in the case of negative energy of the oscillations. For the first time, the flow with both of these mechanisms is considered. The problem is solved from the first principles. It is shown that the Miles mechanism can completely suppress acoustic instability, however, in the case of a stronger loss of energy due to acoustic radiation, acoustic instability will dominate. The role of various parameters is analyzed and a quantitative criterion for the acoustic instability of a vortex with a smoothed vorticity profile is obtained

    Crystal structure of mixed fluorites Ca(1-x)Sr(x)F(2) and Sr(1-x)Ba(x)F(2) and luminescence of Eu(2+) in the crystals

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    Within the framework of the virtual crystal method implemented in the shell model and pair potential approximation the crystal structure of mixed fluorites Ca(1-x)Sr(x)F(2) and Sr(1-x)Ba(x)F(2) has been calculated. The impurity center Eu(2+) and the distance Eu(2+)-F in this crystals have been also calculated. The low level position of excited 4f65d configuration of the Eu(2+) ion has been expressed using phenomenological dependence on distance E(2+)-F. The dependences of Stokes shift and Huang-Rhys factor on concentration x have been received for yellow luminescence in Sr(1-x)Ba(x)F(2):Eu(2+). The value x, for which the eg -level of Eu(2+) ion will be in conduction band in Sr(1-x)Ba(x)F(2):Eu(2+) has been calculated.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. The manuscript is sent to journal 'Physics of the solid state'. The results will be submitted on inernational conference SCINTMAT'2002 in oral session (june,20-22,2002,Ekaterinburg,Russia). Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected]
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