3 research outputs found

    Effect of 8 weeks CrossFit exercises on high school students during a physical fitness program: Effect of 8 weeks CrossFit exercises

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of CrossFit exercises over a period of 8 weeks in a group of high school students during their physical education sessions at the school. and to mitigate the deficits in fitness caused by COVID-19 prevention measures. Material and methods: 94 students subject aged (16– 17) years were randomly allocated into an included 46 students (2nd level:12 men 11 women; 3rd level: 12 men 11 women)  and 1 control group included 48 students (2nd level:13 men 11 women; 3rd level: 13 men 12 women Experimental group (EG) that performed the 8 weeks CrossFit exercises and control group (CG). Physical fitness tests were done: lifting straight legs in height (number times); running on the spot with an intensity of 70% of the maximum to severe fatigue (c); "Shuttle" run 4 × 9 m (with); 60 m run (s) and cross twine (cm). Results: there are considering changes, development of the maximum dynamic force endurance, speed abilities, flexibility and mobility in the hip joints of the main groups, In the age aspect, there is mainly the improvement in results with age, both in the main and control groups (p>0,05). Conclusion: the study achieved a significant improvement in the physical condition of the students, also allows to talk about the effectiveness of training, built on the basis of a motivated choice of the target CrossFit high school program

    Effect of 8 weeks CrossFit exercises on high school students during a physical fitness program

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of CrossFit exercises over a period of 8 weeks in a group of high school students during their physical education sessions at the school. and to mitigate the deficits in fitness caused by COVID-19 prevention measures. Material and methods: 94 students subject aged (16– 17) years were randomly allocated into an included 46 students (2nd level:12 men 11 women; 3rd level: 12 men 11 women)  and 1 control group included 48 students (2nd level:13 men 11 women; 3rd level: 13 men 12 women Experimental group (EG) that performed the 8 weeks CrossFit exercises and control group (CG). Physical fitness tests were done: lifting straight legs in height (number times); running on the spot with an intensity of 70% of the maximum to severe fatigue (c); "Shuttle" run 4 × 9 m (with); 60 m run (s) and cross twine (cm). Results: there are considering changes, development of the maximum dynamic force endurance, speed abilities, flexibility and mobility in the hip joints of the main groups, In the age aspect, there is mainly the improvement in results with age, both in the main and control groups (p>0,05). Conclusion: the study achieved a significant improvement in the physical condition of the students, also allows to talk about the effectiveness of training, built on the basis of a motivated choice of the target CrossFit high school program

    Funkcjonalne badanie przesiewowe ruchu jako predyktor urazu u wysoko wyszkolonych kobiet - sportowców sztuk walki

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    Objective. This research examines the emerging role of FMS™ in the context of predicting lower extremity injury in females University athletes. The secondary purpose of this study is to investigate the differences between FMS performance comparisons between three martial arts sports to establish baseline comparisons. Method. Forty-seven university female athletes were recruited for this study, The data collected was separated into three groups based on their sports discipline (judo N=17 age: 19}4, wrestling N=15 age: 18}5, karate N=15 age: 19}3), Independent t-tests were performed on each group with significance being set at P<0.05 to determine difference in FMS™ scores between injured and non injured athletes during the successive competitive seasons. One-way analyses of variances were used to determine if there was a significant difference between sports, ‘body parts injured’ groups, and ‘mechanisms of injury’ groups. Results. One-way analysis of variance revealed no statistically significant difference between the two (ankle, knee) injury groups, and non-injury group (F2,54= 2.34; p=0.106). There was no statistical difference between the pre-season FMS™ scores of the injured and non-injured groups (t47 = -1.68; P=.100; d=0.52; 95%CI: -0.11, 1.15). Finally, strong evidence of FMS score was found when comparing the three sports with one-way ANOVAs (F=5.83, df= 2, 54, p=0.005). Conclusion. One of the more significant findings to emerge from this study is that FMS™ has emerged as a powerful tool for identifying lower extremity injury in female athletes. Further investigation and experimentation into FMS™ are strongly recommended before implementing them into a pre-participation physical examination (PPE) for combat sports. What is now needed is a cross-national study involving other sports.Cel. Celem badania jest analiza rozwijającej się roli FMS™ w kontekście przewidywania kontuzji kończyn dolnych u zawodniczek uniwersyteckich. Drugim celem niniejszego badania jest zbadanie rożnic pomiędzy wynikami FMS w trzech dyscyplinach sportow walki w celu wyznaczenia porownań bazowych. Metoda. Na potrzeby badania rekrutowano czterdzieści siedem zawodniczek uniwersyteckich. Zebrane dane podzielono na trzy grupy na podstawie ich dyscypliny sportowej (judo N=17 wiek: 19}4, zapaśniczki N=15 wiek:18}5, karate N=15 wiek:19}3). Dla każdej grupy przeprowadzono niezależne t-testy, ktorych istotność została ustalona na poziomie P<0,05 w celu określenia rożnicy w punktacji FMS™ pomiędzy zawodniczkami kontuzjowanymi i nie kontuzjowanymi w kolejnych sezonach zawodow. Jednokierunkową analizę wariancji wykorzystano do określenia, czy istnieje znacząca rożnica pomiędzy sportem, pomiędzy częściami ciała w grupach urazowych oraz pomiędzy mechanizmami grup urazowych. Wyniki. Jednokierunkowa analiza wariancji nie wykazała statystycznie istotnej rożnicy między dwiema grupami urazow (kostka, kolano), a grupą nieurazową (F2,54= 2,34; p=0,106). Nie było statystycznej rożnicy między punktacją przed sezonem FMS™ dla grupy urazowej i nieurazowej (t47 = -1,68; P=,100; d=0,52; 95%CI: -0,11, 1,15). Ponadto, podczas porownywania trzech sportow z jednokierunkowymi testami ANOVA znaleziono mocne dowody potwierdzające uzyskane wyniki FMS (F=5,83, df= 2, 54, p=0,005). Wnioski. Jednym z ważniejszych wnioskow płynących z badania jest fakt, że FMS™ stał się potężnym narzędziem do identyfikacji urazow kończyn dolnych u kobiet-sportowcow. Dalsze badania i eksperymenty z FMS™ są zdecydowanie zalecane przed wdrożeniem ich do sprzętu ochrony indywidualnej przeznaczonego do sportow walki. Obecnie konieczne jest przeprowadzenie ponadnarodowego badania obejmującego inne dyscypliny sportowe