75 research outputs found

    Intensification of Mediterranean goat production systems:a case study in northern Morocco

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    Goats are important contributors to both food and financial security of the resource poor, particularly in marginal environments such as those in the Mediterranean region. To fully understand the feasibility and potential consequences of any intensification or husbandry changes that could contribute to higher outputs, it is important to have a thorough prior understanding of the functional dynamics of these systems. Here the current performance of ten goat holdings in the northern region of Morocco, classified as either commercial milk producers, commercial cheese producers or non-commercial dairy producers, was recorded, based on the Food and Agricultural Organisation and International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (FAO-CIHEAM) technical and economic indicators, to assess whether intensification of dairy production was financially viable. Fecundity and prolificacy rates were comparatively lower than those achieved by many European Mediterranean herds. Both kid and doe mortality were higher on commercial dairy holdings, where dairy sales provided an additional, rather than alternative, source of income to goat sales. Despite this, due to significantly higher expenditure on supplementary feed, gross margin per doe did not differ significantly between holding types. With the exception of indigenous Greek herds, all European Mediterranean herds outperform those of northern Morocco. The study suggests that a low level of supplementary feeding is constraining goat dairy production in northern Morocco, and that the current high cost and limited availability of additional supplementary feed restricts the financial viability of intensification. Alternative feeding strategies within a participatory approach that might ameliorate these problems, and value chain constraints, are discussed

    La composition chimique des espèces pastorales broutées par les caprins au niveau d’un parcours forestier du Parc Naturel de Bouhachem

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    This work aims to study the chemical composition (concentrations of crude protein (CP), organic matter (OM), ethereal extract (EE), fibers, and condensed tannins (TC)) of 14 woody pastoral species, in addition to the herbaceous strata, available in forest rangeland of Bouhachem Natural Park (BNP). These selected plant species represent more than 95% of the diet selected by goats in forest pasture. According to the analyses, the OM supply remains stable throughout the year. The EE content is higher during the dry period of most pastoral species with an average of 50 g/kg DM. All studied species recorded above 54 g/kg DM of CP. The highest lignin levels were observed during the summer and autumn seasons with averages of 154 and 152 g/kg DM, respectively. Calicotome villosa and herbaceous plants are characterized by low TC contents that is stable throughout the year. For neutral detergent (NDF) and acid detergent (ADF) fibers, low levels were recorded during the spring with an average of 425 g/kg DM, except for Quercus suber, Myrtus communis, and Lavandula stoechas, which they recorded the highest levels during this season. These results will be used to assess the nutritional value of the diet selected by goats in the forest rangeland of BNP.Ce travail a pour objectif d’étudier la composition chimique (teneurs en protéines brutes (PB), matière organique (MO), extrait éthéré (EE), glucides pariétaux, et tannins condensés (TC)) de 14 espèces pastorales ligneuses, en plus de la strate herbacée, disponibles au niveau des parcours forestiers du Parc Naturel de Bouhachem (PNB). Ces espèces représentent plus de 95 % de la ration sélectionnée par les caprins sur parcours forestier. D’après les analyses de laboratoire, la teneur en MO reste plus ou moins stable durant toute l’année. La teneur en EE est plus élevée durant la période sèche chez la majorité des espèces pastorales avec une moyenne de 50 g/kg MS. Toutes les espèces étudiées ont des teneurs en PB supérieures à 54 g/kg MS. Les taux les plus élevés en lignines ont été observés durant les saisons d’été et d’automne avec des moyennes de 154 et de 152 g/kg MS, respectivement. Calicotome villosa et les herbacées sont caractérisées par des teneurs faibles en TC et plus ou moins stables durant toute l’année. Pour les fibres au détergent neutre (NDF) et au détergent acide (ADF), de faibles teneurs ont été enregistrées durant le printemps avec une moyenne de 425 g/kg MS, à l’exception de Quercus suber, Myrtus communis et Lavandula stoechas qui ont les taux les plus élevés durant cette saison. Ces résultats seront utilisés pour évaluer la valeur nutritive du régime alimentaire sélectionné par les caprins dans les pâturages forestiers du PNB

    Evaluation de la composition chimique des résidus agricoles du Nord du Maroc : cas de résidus de fraise, de framboise, d’haricot, de pois chiche et de féverole

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    In northern Morocco, goats’ diet is based on forest pastures characterized by low availability of fodder supply. Substitution of conventional feed resources for livestock with widely available agricultural residues could be used in ruminant feed. However, this substitution requires prior knowledge of their nutrient intake. This work aims to evaluate the chemical composition of some of these agricultural residues available in the region. Samples of residues from red fruits (strawberries and raspberries) and legumes (faba beans, chickpeas, and beans) were collected. The studied parameters were dry matter, mineral matter, fibers (NDF “neutral detergent fiber”, ADF “acid detergent fiber” and ADL “lignin”) and secondary compounds (total phenols and condensed tannins). The results showed that all the parameters differed significantly according to the studied by-products (P<0.01). Strawberry residues had the highest water content compared to other by-products (67.5%). Mineral matter was lower in chickpea residues (6.6% DM) and higher in raspberry and bean by-products (10.5 and 9.4 % DM, respectively). The lowest fiber content (NDF, ADF and ADL) was found in raspberry residue (47.5, 29.6, 11.4 %DM, respectively). Strawberry residues had the highest concentration of secondary compounds (25.5 and 4.3%DM of total phenols and condensed tannins, respectively), while the lowest levels were observed in bean by-products (10.2 and 1.1%DM of total phenols and condensed tannins, respectively). In conclusion, the use of these agricultural residues seems to be a solution to diversify livestock feed and reduce feed costs.Au nord du Maroc, l'alimentation des caprins est basée sur les pâturages forestiers qui sont caractérisés par une faible disponibilité de l'offre fourragère. La substitution des ressources alimentaires conventionnelles pour le bétail par des résidus agricoles largement disponibles pourrait être utilisée dans l'alimentation des ruminants. Cependant, cette substitution nécessite préalablement la connaissance de leur apport nutritif. Ce travail vise à évaluer la composition chimique de certains de ces résidus agricoles disponibles dans la région. Des échantillons de résidus de fruits rouges (fraise et framboise) et de légumineuses (féverole, pois chiche et haricot) ont été collectés. Les paramètres étudiés étaient la matière sèche, la matière minérale, les fibres (NDF « fibres à détergeant neutre », ADF « fibres à détergeant acide » et ADL « la lignine ») et les composés secondaires (phénols totaux et tanins condensés). Les résultats ont montré que tous les paramètres différaient significativement selon les sous-produits étudiés (P<0,01). Les résidus de fraises avaient la teneur en eau la plus élevée par rapport aux autres sous-produits (67,5%). La matière minérale était plus faible dans les résidus de pois chiches (6,6%MS) et plus élevée dans les sous-produits de framboises et de haricots (10,5 et 9,4 % MS, respectivement). La plus faible teneur en fibres (NDF, ADF et ADL) a été obtenue dans les résidus de framboise (47,5, 29,6, 11,4 %MS, respectivement). Les résidus de fraises présentaient la concentration la plus élevée des composés secondaires (25,5 et 4,3%MS des phénols totaux et tannins condensés, respectivement), tandis que les teneurs les plus faibles ont été observées dans les sous-produits d'haricot (10,2 et 1,1%MS des phénols totaux et tannins condensés, respectivement). En conclusion, l'utilisation de ces résidus agricoles semble être une solution pour diversifier l'alimentation de bétail et réduire les coûts d'alimentation

    Using GPS Tracking Collars and Sensors to Monitor the Grazing Activity of Browsing Goats in Forest Rangeland

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    peer reviewedThe recent advancements in sensor technologies to monitor and record behavioral activities of livestock provide an accurate scope to extend the database and understand the animal behavior under actual grazing conditions. The aim of this work was to determine the seasonal variation in grazing activities of goats using the Global Positioning System (GPS) and leg sensor technologies. The study was conducted in the Southern Mediterranean forest pasture of Northern Morocco. Eight dairy alpine goats have been fitted with GPS tracking collars and tri-axial accelerometers over a 3-day period of each grazing season (spring, summer, and fall). Most of the behavioral activity of goats was dedicated to grazing (36 to 59%), followed by resting (22 to 30%) and walking without grazing (10 to 24%). During summer and fall, goats traveled longer distances compared to the spring. The combination of the two studied sensors provided useful data information to understand the behavioral activity of goat grazing in forest pasture

    Growth performance, carcass characteristics, fatty acid profile, and meat quality of male goat kids supplemented by alternative feed resources: bitter vetch and sorghum grains

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    Bitter vetch and sorghum grains are alternative local feed resources that are underutilized in the southern Mediterranean area. This study aimed to assess the effects of incorporating these grains into the diet of local goat breeds on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and meat quality. Twenty-four goat kids were divided into three groups. The control group received a conventional diet consisting of oat hay, barley, and fava beans. In the first group, fava beans were replaced with bitter vetch, and in the second group, barley was replaced with sorghum. At the end of the trial, the animals were slaughtered and carcass characteristics and meat fatty acid profiles of the longissimus dorsi (LD) muscle were determined. Alternative grain incorporation had no significant effect on the growth parameters. Still, it significantly affected carcass characteristics, especially in the sorghum group compared to the control group, where mesenteric fat was lower (266 vs. 437 g). The back color was lighter (L*=55.1 vs. 59.1) and less yellow (a*=-1.29 vs. 2.22). The diet also influenced the meat's chemical composition, with less protein and ash in the chevrons of animals receiving bitter vetch and sorghum grains, respectively. Regarding the fatty acid (FA) profile, sorghum grains had decreased C18:2 n-6 and polyunsaturated FA (PUFA), whereas bitter vetch grains had increased C18:3 n-3, elongase activity, and nutritive value index (NVI). The control group exhibited intermediate results for C15:0, C16:0, C16:1, C20:3 n-3, n-3, health promoting index (HPI), and thrombogenic index (TI). No significant effects were reported for saturated FA (SFA) and monounsaturated FA (MUFA). Bitter vetch and sorghum grains can be safely incorporated into fattening diets of goat kids.</p

    Effects of Olive Cake and Cactus Cladodes as Alternative Feed Resources on Goat Milk Production and Quality

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    In the Mediterranean area, the olive cake (OC) and cactus cladodes (CC) are two alternative resources widely available that could be used for ruminants’ feeding. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of OC and/or CC diet incorporation on the production performance and quality of goat milk. Forty-four lactating goats were randomly allocated to four groups. The control one (Co) received a conventional feed. Test groups (TOC; TCC and TOC+CC) received 20% OC, 30% CC, or 15% OC and 20% CC, respectively, on concentrate dry matter basis. Over three months, milk production was evaluated, and samples were collected to analyze the milk quality. No significant differences were observed between control and test groups for daily milk production, yield, composition and acidity. In milk fat, OC incorporation increased C18:1n-9, mono-unsaturated (MUFA) and n-9 fatty acid (FA), and decreased 9t-C18:1 and poly-unsaturated FA (PUFA) (p < 0.05). Significantly highest contents of C15:0, C18:1n-9, and C21:0, and lowest levels of C4:0, 9t-C18:1, 6t-C18:2, C20:0, and PUFA were obtained with cactus cladodes administration (p < 0.05). The TOC + CC diet reduced C4:0, 9t-C18:1, 6t-C18:2, C22:6n-3, and PUFA proportions, and increased C18:1n-9, MUFA/PUFA, and thrombogenic indexes. The incorporation rates of OC and CC that could reach 20% and 30%, respectively, had no major negative effects on milk production performance, composition, and quality. Thus, they could be introduced in the diets of lactating goats.Peer reviewe

    Estimation of Grazing Activity of Dairy Goats Using Accelerometers and Global Positioning System

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    peer reviewedThe recent development of advanced electronic sensors to monitor and record animal grazing activity provides a real opportunity to facilitate understanding of their behavioral responses. This study aimed to characterize the grazing activity and protein–energy requirements of grazing dairy goats in a Mediterranean woodland in northern Morocco by combining two sensors, the Global Positioning System (GPS) and three axis accelerometers. An experiment was conducted in a representative woodland with eight dairy goats. Measurements were undertaken during the three main grazing seasons (spring, summer, and autumn) for two consecutive and contrasting years. Grazing activity parameters were assessed using GPS collars and leg position sensors. The results showed that grazing time was higher in spring (57% and 59%) than in summer (39% and 36%) and autumn (41% and 45%), respectively, for the dry and wet years (p < 0.001). During the two studied years, the daily horizontal distance traveled by the goats increased from spring (about 4.5 km) to summer (about 6.5 km) and autumn (about 7.4 km), while greater daily vertical distances were recorded over similar distances during summer–autumn. Several protein–energy intakes that were insufficient to cover the requirements of the grazing goats were recorded, especially in summer. The combination of GPS collars and accelerometers contributed to a better understanding of the grazing activities of dairy goats in the studied Mediterranean woodland. These findings provide useful data on the protein–energy balances of dairy goats and offer additional information that could be useful for herders and managers to enhance goat-feeding strategies and guarantee high-performance in the semi-extensive traditional goat farming system
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