96 research outputs found

    Give Me More Details: Improving Fact-Checking with Latent Retrieval

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    Evidence plays a crucial role in automated fact-checking. When verifying real-world claims, existing fact-checking systems either assume the evidence sentences are given or use the search snippets returned by the search engine. Such methods ignore the challenges of collecting evidence and may not provide sufficient information to verify real-world claims. Aiming at building a better fact-checking system, we propose to incorporate full text from source documents as evidence and introduce two enriched datasets. The first one is a multilingual dataset, while the second one is monolingual (English). We further develop a latent variable model to jointly extract evidence sentences from documents and perform claim verification. Experiments indicate that including source documents can provide sufficient contextual clues even when gold evidence sentences are not annotated. The proposed system is able to achieve significant improvements upon best-reported models under different settings.Comment: Fixed minor issues, 11 page

    Nested Named Entity Recognition from Medical Texts: An Adaptive Shared Network Architecture with Attentive CRF

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    Recognizing useful named entities plays a vital role in medical information processing, which helps drive the development of medical area research. Deep learning methods have achieved good results in medical named entity recognition (NER). However, we find that existing methods face great challenges when dealing with the nested named entities. In this work, we propose a novel method, referred to as ASAC, to solve the dilemma caused by the nested phenomenon, in which the core idea is to model the dependency between different categories of entity recognition. The proposed method contains two key modules: the adaptive shared (AS) part and the attentive conditional random field (ACRF) module. The former part automatically assigns adaptive weights across each task to achieve optimal recognition accuracy in the multi-layer network. The latter module employs the attention operation to model the dependency between different entities. In this way, our model could learn better entity representations by capturing the implicit distinctions and relationships between different categories of entities. Extensive experiments on public datasets verify the effectiveness of our method. Besides, we also perform ablation analyses to deeply understand our methods

    Materialism, Social Stratification, and Ethics: Evidence from SME Owners in China

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    Purpose: The study of business ethics has seldom shed light on small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) despite their theoretical and practical significance. Drawing from strain perspective, this research intends to address this insufficiency and investigate SME owners’ ethical attitudes towards money-related deviances. Design/methodology/approach: Based on a large sample of 741 Chinese SMEs, an OLS regression analysis was employed to test associated hypotheses. The robustness of results was additionally checked. Findings: Results suggest that for stratification variables, education level is positively related to ethical attitudes, whereas household income level is surprisingly negatively associated with ethical attitudes; for materialism facets, success and happiness exert a negative impact on ethical attitudes as hypothesized, but centrality has no associated impact. Research limitations/implications: This study has examined both structural and motivational sources of personal strains on the ethical attitude of SME owners, while the characteristics of these strains could be explored in the future studies. Originality/value: This study advances and complements the dominant behavior approach that emphasizes cognitive and other psychological processes in explaining individual ethical attitudes. It is also seemingly the first study to examine the influence of three materialism facets on entrepreneurial ethical attitudes

    Prompt Me Up: Unleashing the Power of Alignments for Multimodal Entity and Relation Extraction

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    How can we better extract entities and relations from text? Using multimodal extraction with images and text obtains more signals for entities and relations, and aligns them through graphs or hierarchical fusion, aiding in extraction. Despite attempts at various fusions, previous works have overlooked many unlabeled image-caption pairs, such as NewsCLIPing. This paper proposes innovative pre-training objectives for entity-object and relation-image alignment, extracting objects from images and aligning them with entity and relation prompts for soft pseudo-labels. These labels are used as self-supervised signals for pre-training, enhancing the ability to extract entities and relations. Experiments on three datasets show an average 3.41% F1 improvement over prior SOTA. Additionally, our method is orthogonal to previous multimodal fusions, and using it on prior SOTA fusions further improves 5.47% F1.Comment: Accepted to ACM Multimedia 202

    Variational Relational Point Completion Network for Robust 3D Classification

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    Real-scanned point clouds are often incomplete due to viewpoint, occlusion, and noise, which hampers 3D geometric modeling and perception. Existing point cloud completion methods tend to generate global shape skeletons and hence lack fine local details. Furthermore, they mostly learn a deterministic partial-to-complete mapping, but overlook structural relations in man-made objects. To tackle these challenges, this paper proposes a variational framework, Variational Relational point Completion Network (VRCNet) with two appealing properties: 1) Probabilistic Modeling. In particular, we propose a dual-path architecture to enable principled probabilistic modeling across partial and complete clouds. One path consumes complete point clouds for reconstruction by learning a point VAE. The other path generates complete shapes for partial point clouds, whose embedded distribution is guided by distribution obtained from the reconstruction path during training. 2) Relational Enhancement. Specifically, we carefully design point self-attention kernel and point selective kernel module to exploit relational point features, which refines local shape details conditioned on the coarse completion. In addition, we contribute multi-view partial point cloud datasets (MVP and MVP-40 dataset) containing over 200,000 high-quality scans, which render partial 3D shapes from 26 uniformly distributed camera poses for each 3D CAD model. Extensive experiments demonstrate that VRCNet outperforms state-of-the-art methods on all standard point cloud completion benchmarks. Notably, VRCNet shows great generalizability and robustness on real-world point cloud scans. Moreover, we can achieve robust 3D classification for partial point clouds with the help of VRCNet, which can highly increase classification accuracy.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, accepted by PAMI. project webpage: https://mvp-dataset.github.io/. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2104.1015

    IAIFNet: An Illumination-Aware Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Network

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    Infrared and visible image fusion (IVIF) is used to generate fusion images with comprehensive features of both images, which is beneficial for downstream vision tasks. However, current methods rarely consider the illumination condition in low-light environments, and the targets in the fused images are often not prominent. To address the above issues, we propose an Illumination-Aware Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Network, named as IAIFNet. In our framework, an illumination enhancement network first estimates the incident illumination maps of input images. Afterwards, with the help of proposed adaptive differential fusion module (ADFM) and salient target aware module (STAM), an image fusion network effectively integrates the salient features of the illumination-enhanced infrared and visible images into a fusion image of high visual quality. Extensive experimental results verify that our method outperforms five state-of-the-art methods of fusing infrared and visible images.Comment: Submitted to IEE

    SSPFusion: A Semantic Structure-Preserving Approach for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion

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    Most existing learning-based infrared and visible image fusion (IVIF) methods exhibit massive redundant information in the fusion images, i.e., yielding edge-blurring effect or unrecognizable for object detectors. To alleviate these issues, we propose a semantic structure-preserving approach for IVIF, namely SSPFusion. At first, we design a Structural Feature Extractor (SFE) to extract the structural features of infrared and visible images. Then, we introduce a multi-scale Structure-Preserving Fusion (SPF) module to fuse the structural features of infrared and visible images, while maintaining the consistency of semantic structures between the fusion and source images. Owing to these two effective modules, our method is able to generate high-quality fusion images from pairs of infrared and visible images, which can boost the performance of downstream computer-vision tasks. Experimental results on three benchmarks demonstrate that our method outperforms eight state-of-the-art image fusion methods in terms of both qualitative and quantitative evaluations. The code for our method, along with additional comparison results, will be made available at: https://github.com/QiaoYang-CV/SSPFUSION.Comment: Submitted to IEE

    RNA-Seq analysis implicates dysregulation of the immune system in schizophrenia

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    Background While genome-wide association studies identified some promising candidates for schizophrenia, the majority of risk genes remained unknown. We were interested in testing whether integration gene expression and other functional information could facilitate the identification of susceptibility genes and related biological pathways. Results We conducted high throughput sequencing analyses to evaluate mRNA expression in blood samples isolated from 3 schizophrenia patients and 3 healthy controls. We also conducted pooled sequencing of 10 schizophrenic patients and matched controls. Differentially expressed genes were identified by t-test. In the individually sequenced dataset, we identified 198 genes differentially expressed between cases and controls, of them 19 had been verified by the pooled sequencing dataset and 21 reached nominal significance in gene-based association analyses of a genome wide association dataset. Pathway analysis of these differentially expressed genes revealed that they were highly enriched in the immune related pathways. Two genes, S100A8 and TYROBP, had consistent changes in expression in both individual and pooled sequencing datasets and were nominally significant in gene-based association analysis. Conclusions Integration of gene expression and pathway analyses with genome-wide association may be an efficient approach to identify risk genes for schizophrenia

    Primary prevention for risk factors of ischemic stroke with Baduanjin exercise intervention in the community elder population: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: Stroke is a major cause of death and disability in the world, and the prevalence of stroke tends to increase with age. Despite advances in acute care and secondary preventive strategies, primary prevention should play the most significant role in the reduction of the burden of stroke. As an important component of traditional Chinese Qigong, Baduanjin exercise is a simple, safe exercise, especially suitable for older adults. However, current evidence is insufficient to inform the use of Baduanjin exercise in the prevention of stroke. The aim of this trail is to systematically evaluate the prevention effect of Baduanjin exercise on ischemic stroke in the community elder population with high risk factors. METHODS: A total of 170 eligible participants from the community elder population will be randomly allocated into the Baduanjin exercise group and usual physical activity control group in a 1:1 ratio. Besides usual physical activity, participants in the Baduanjin exercise group will accept a 12-week Baduanjin exercise training with a frequency of five days a week and 40 minutes a day. Primary and secondary outcomes will be measured at baseline, 13 weeks (at end of intervention) and 25 weeks (after additional 12-week follow-up period). DISCUSSION: This study will be the randomized trial to evaluate the effectiveness of Baduanjin exercise for primary prevention of stroke in community elder population with high risk factors of stroke. The results of this trial will help to establish the optimal approach for primary prevention of stroke. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Chinese Clinical Trial Registry: ChiCTR-TRC-13003588. Registration date: 24 July, 2013

    DeformToon3D: Deformable 3D Toonification from Neural Radiance Fields

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    In this paper, we address the challenging problem of 3D toonification, which involves transferring the style of an artistic domain onto a target 3D face with stylized geometry and texture. Although fine-tuning a pre-trained 3D GAN on the artistic domain can produce reasonable performance, this strategy has limitations in the 3D domain. In particular, fine-tuning can deteriorate the original GAN latent space, which affects subsequent semantic editing, and requires independent optimization and storage for each new style, limiting flexibility and efficient deployment. To overcome these challenges, we propose DeformToon3D, an effective toonification framework tailored for hierarchical 3D GAN. Our approach decomposes 3D toonification into subproblems of geometry and texture stylization to better preserve the original latent space. Specifically, we devise a novel StyleField that predicts conditional 3D deformation to align a real-space NeRF to the style space for geometry stylization. Thanks to the StyleField formulation, which already handles geometry stylization well, texture stylization can be achieved conveniently via adaptive style mixing that injects information of the artistic domain into the decoder of the pre-trained 3D GAN. Due to the unique design, our method enables flexible style degree control and shape-texture-specific style swap. Furthermore, we achieve efficient training without any real-world 2D-3D training pairs but proxy samples synthesized from off-the-shelf 2D toonification models.Comment: ICCV 2023. Code: https://github.com/junzhezhang/DeformToon3D Project page: https://www.mmlab-ntu.com/project/deformtoon3d