2,210 research outputs found

    Towards Joint Modeling of Dialogue Response and Speech Synthesis based on Large Language Model

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    This paper explores the potential of constructing an AI spoken dialogue system that "thinks how to respond" and "thinks how to speak" simultaneously, which more closely aligns with the human speech production process compared to the current cascade pipeline of independent chatbot and Text-to-Speech (TTS) modules. We hypothesize that Large Language Models (LLMs) with billions of parameters possess significant speech understanding capabilities and can jointly model dialogue responses and linguistic features. We conduct two sets of experiments: 1) Prosodic structure prediction, a typical front-end task in TTS, demonstrating the speech understanding ability of LLMs, and 2) Further integrating dialogue response and a wide array of linguistic features using a unified encoding format. Our results indicate that the LLM-based approach is a promising direction for building unified spoken dialogue systems

    Dynamic Modelling of an Automated Vehicle Storage and Retrieval System and a Simulation Analysis of its Efficiency

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    In this paper operating-time models for single and multiple instructions are set up considering an AVS/RS (automated vehicle storage and retrieval system). The operation times of AVS/RS and AS/RS (automated storage and retrieval system) are simulated in different situations by changing the shelf structure and order density. The results show that the AVS/RS is more efficient than the AS/RS in all situations. Furthermore, the numbers of rows and columns of storage shelves greatly influence the operation time. The graph of operation-time compression ratio against number of columns shows an inverted U-type distribution, and the compression ratio decreases and ultimately tends to zero as the number of rows is increased. Also, the order density affects the efficiency difference between the two systems: the higher the order density, the higher the AVS/RS operating-time compression rate. Finally, compared with the AS/RS, the AVS/RS operating-time compression ratio improves greatly with increasing density and number of rows because of parallel operations, whereas with decreasing density and number of rows the AVS/RS advantages are gradually lost and the compression ratio decreases and eventually even reaches zero

    Taming Diffusion Models for Music-driven Conducting Motion Generation

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    Generating the motion of orchestral conductors from a given piece of symphony music is a challenging task since it requires a model to learn semantic music features and capture the underlying distribution of real conducting motion. Prior works have applied Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) to this task, but the promising diffusion model, which recently showed its advantages in terms of both training stability and output quality, has not been exploited in this context. This paper presents Diffusion-Conductor, a novel DDIM-based approach for music-driven conducting motion generation, which integrates the diffusion model to a two-stage learning framework. We further propose a random masking strategy to improve the feature robustness, and use a pair of geometric loss functions to impose additional regularizations and increase motion diversity. We also design several novel metrics, including Frechet Gesture Distance (FGD) and Beat Consistency Score (BC) for a more comprehensive evaluation of the generated motion. Experimental results demonstrate the advantages of our model.Comment: Accepted by AAAI 2023 Summer Symposiu

    Ibrutinib for B cell malignancies

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    Research over the role of Bruton’s agammaglobulinemia tyrosine kinase (BTK) in B-lymphocyte development, differentiation, signaling and survival has led to better understanding of the pathogenesis of B-cell malignancies. Down-regulation of BTK activity is an attractive novel strategy for treating patients with B-cell malignancies. Ibrutinib (PCI-32765), a potent inhibitor of BTK induces impressive responses in B-cell malignancies through irreversible bond with cysteine-481 in the active site of BTK (TH/SH1 domain) and inhibits BTK phosphorylation on Tyr(223). This review discussed in details the role of BTK in B-cell signaling, molecular interactions between B cell lymphoma/leukemia cells and their microenvironment. Clinical trials of the novel BTK inhibitor, ibrutinib (PCI-32765), in B cell malignancies were summarized

    An Object SLAM Framework for Association, Mapping, and High-Level Tasks

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    Object SLAM is considered increasingly significant for robot high-level perception and decision-making. Existing studies fall short in terms of data association, object representation, and semantic mapping and frequently rely on additional assumptions, limiting their performance. In this paper, we present a comprehensive object SLAM framework that focuses on object-based perception and object-oriented robot tasks. First, we propose an ensemble data association approach for associating objects in complicated conditions by incorporating parametric and nonparametric statistic testing. In addition, we suggest an outlier-robust centroid and scale estimation algorithm for modeling objects based on the iForest and line alignment. Then a lightweight and object-oriented map is represented by estimated general object models. Taking into consideration the semantic invariance of objects, we convert the object map to a topological map to provide semantic descriptors to enable multi-map matching. Finally, we suggest an object-driven active exploration strategy to achieve autonomous mapping in the grasping scenario. A range of public datasets and real-world results in mapping, augmented reality, scene matching, relocalization, and robotic manipulation have been used to evaluate the proposed object SLAM framework for its efficient performance.Comment: Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Robotics(T-RO

    Thermal analysis of FeCoCu pre-alloyed powders used for diamond tools

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    By simulating the pressureless sintering process, the thermal effects of FeCoCu pre-alloyed powders have been investigated. According to the notions of the Kissinger method, the activation energies in the expansion-shrinkage conversion stage are analyzed. Results show that with Fe content increasing, the specimens’ specific heat capacity values present the increasing trend. The 25 %Fe–15 %Co–60 %Cu specimens have negative enthalpy value at 10 and 20°C/min heating rate but positive values at 30 °С/min. For the specimens with lower Cu content, the enthalpies are always positive. It is established that both the specific heat capacity and enthalpy are larger when at higher heating rates. The activation energy of the 65 %Fe–15 %Co–20 %Cu specimens is 10 times higher than that of the 25 %Fe–15 %Co–60 %Cu specimens and the 45 %Fe–15 %Co–40 %Cu specimens.При моделюванні процесу спікання без тиску досліджено термічні ефекти в попередньо легованих порошках FeCoCu. З використанням методу Кіссінджера проаналізовано енергію активації на стадії розширення–усадка. Результати показують, що при збільшенні вмісту Fe значення питомої теплоємності демонструють тенденцію до зростання. Зразки 25 %Fe–15 %Co–60 %Cu мають негативні значення ентальпії при швидкості нагріву 10 ° і 20 °С/хв, але позитивні при 30 °С/хв. Для зразків з меншим вмістом Cu ентальпія завжди позитивна. Встановлено, що питома теплоємність і ентальпія більші при більш високіх швидкостях нагрівання. Енергія активації зразків 65 %Fe–15 %Co–20 %Cu у 10 разів вища, ніж зразків 25 %Fe–15 %Co–60 %Cu і 45 %Fe–15 %Co–40 %Cu.При моделировании процесса спекания без приложения давления исследованы термические эффекты в предварительно легированных порошках FeCoCu. С использованием метода Киссинджера проанализирована энергия активации на стадии расширение–усадка. Результаты показывают, что с увеличением содержания железа значения удельной теплоемкости образцов демонстрируют тенденцию к повышению. Образцы 25 %Fe–15 %Co–60 %Cu имеют отрицательные значения энтальпии при скорости нагрева 10 и 20 °С/мин, но положительные при 30 °С/мин. Для образцов с меньшим содержанием Cu энтальпия всегда положительна. Установлено, что удельная теплоемкость и энтальпия больше при более высоких скоростях нагрева. Энергия активации образцов 65 %Fe–15 %Co–20 %Cu в 10 раз выше, чем образцов 25 %Fe–15 %Co–60 %Cu и 45 %Fe–15 %Co–40 %Cu