368 research outputs found

    Symmetry-restoring quantum phase transition in a two-dimensional spinor condensate

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    Bose Einstein condensates of spin-1 atoms are known to exist in two different phases, both having spontaneously broken spin-rotation symmetry, a ferromagnetic and a polar condensate. Here we show that in two spatial dimensions it is possible to achieve a quantum phase transition from a polar condensate into a singlet phase symmetric under rotations in spin space. This can be done by using particle density as a tuning parameter. Starting from the polar phase at high density the system can be tuned into a strong-coupling intermediate-density point where the phase transition into a symmetric phase takes place. By further reducing the particle density the symmetric phase can be continuously deformed into a Bose-Einstein condensate of singlet atomic pairs. We calculate the region of the parameter space where such a molecular phase is stable against collapse.Comment: 5 pages, 1 Figure + Supplemen

    Reply to "Comment on 'Kinetic theory for a mobile impurity in a degenerate Tonks-Girardeau gas'"

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    In our recent paper [Phys. Rev. E 90, 032132 (2014)] we have studied the dynamics of a mobile impurity particle weakly interacting with the Tonks-Girardeau gas and pulled by a small external force, FF. Working in the regime when the thermodynamic limit is taken prior to the small force limit, we have found that the Bloch oscillations of the impurity velocity are absent in the case of a light impurity. Further, we have argued that for a light impurity the steady state drift velocity, VDV_D, remains finite in the limit F→0F\rightarrow 0. These results are in contradiction with earlier works by Gangardt, Kamenev and Schecter [Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 070402 (2009), Annals of Physics 327, 639 (2012)]. One of us (OL) has conjectured [Phys. Rev. A 91, 040101 (2015)] that the central assumption of these works - the adiabaticity of the dynamics - can break down in the thermodynamic limit. In the preceding Comment [Phys. Rev. E 92, 016101 (2015)] Schecter, Gangardt and Kamenev have argued against this conjecture and in support of the existence of Bloch oscillations and linearity of VD(F)V_D(F). They have suggested that the ground state of the impurity-fluid system is a quasi-bound state and that this is sufficient to ensure adiabaticity in the thermodynamic limit. Their analytical argument is based on a certain truncation of the Hilbert space of the system. We argue that extending the results and intuition based on their truncated model on the original many-body problem lacks justification

    Many-body localization in the Fock space of natural orbitals

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    We study the eigenstates of a paradigmatic model of many-body localization in the Fock basis constructed out of the natural orbitals. By numerically studying the participation ratio, we identify a sharp crossover between different phases at a disorder strength close to the disorder strength at which subdiffusive behaviour sets in, significantly below the many-body localization transition. We repeat the analysis in the conventionally used computational basis, and show that many-body localized eigenstates are much stronger localized in the Fock basis constructed out of the natural orbitals than in the computational basis.Comment: Submission to SciPos

    Time scale for adiabaticity breakdown in driven many-body systems and orthogonality catastrophe

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    The adiabatic theorem is a fundamental result established in the early days of quantum mechanics, which states that a system can be kept arbitrarily close to the instantaneous ground state of its Hamiltonian if the latter varies in time slowly enough. The theorem has an impressive record of applications ranging from foundations of quantum field theory to computational recipes in molecular dynamics. In light of this success it is remarkable that a practicable quantitative understanding of what "slowly enough" means is limited to a modest set of systems mostly having a small Hilbert space. Here we show how this gap can be bridged for a broad natural class of physical systems, namely many-body systems where a small move in the parameter space induces an orthogonality catastrophe. In this class, the conditions for adiabaticity are derived from the scaling properties of the parameter dependent ground state without a reference to the excitation spectrum. This finding constitutes a major simplification of a complex problem, which otherwise requires solving non-autonomous time evolution in a large Hilbert space. We illustrate our general results by analyzing conditions for the transport quantization in a topological Thouless pump
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