17 research outputs found

    Intelligent Web Recommender System Based on Semantic Enhanced Approach

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    Today’sworld the growth of the Web has created a big challenge for directing the user to the web pages in their areas of interest. This paper has presented a new method for better web page recommendation through semantic enhancement by integrating the domain and Web usage knowledge of a website. There are three different models are used, first model is ontology based model, second model is semantic network model and third model is Conceptual prediction model which is used for automatically generate a semantic network of the semantic Web usage knowledge

    Web Page Annotation Using Web Usage Mining and Domain Knowledge Ontology

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    Today’s world the growth of the WWW has increased tremendously, the user is totally relying on web for information. Search engine provides the result pages to the user but all are not relevant so the challenging task is extracting the pages from web and provide to the user. WUM is an approach to extract knowledge and use it to the different purposes. In this paper new semantic approach is proposed based on WUM and Domain Knowledge Ontology. Ontology database preparation, it is also challenging task in this project

    A Review on Detection of Traumatic brain Injury using Visual-Contextual model in MRI Images

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    Recently, there are various computational methods to analyze the traumatic brain injury (TBI) from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).The detection of brain injury is very difficult task in the medical science. There are various soft techniques for the detection of the patch of brain injury on the basis of MRI image contents. This paper gives brief analysis about the different methods to determine the normal and abnormal tissues of the brain


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    A AB BS ST TR RA AC CT T Tolerance analysis is used to predict the effects of manufacturing variation on finished products. Either design tolerances or manufacturing process data may be used to define the variation. Tolerances stack up in machining results from using operational datum that are different from design datum. It is inevitable due to economic considerations of the machining process. Conventional methods used for tolerance stack up analysis include worst-case and statistical analysis. These methods are based on strong assumptions and have certain drawbacks. VIS-VSA is a powerful dimensional analysis tool used to simulate manufacturing and assembly processes and predict the amounts and causes of variation VIS-VSA can help reduce the negative impact of variation on product dimensional quality, cost and time to market

    An Overview of Wind Power Generation and Design Asp Ects in India

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    There is huge activity in wind power, pan-India with the instal led capacity increasing to 10,000MW. India today has the fifth largest installed capacity of wind power in the world w ith 11087MW installed capacity and potential for on-shore capabilities of 65000MW. However the plant load factor (PLF) in wi nd power generation is very low, often in the single digits. The increase in interest in wind energy is due to inves tment subsidies, tax holidays, and government action towards renewable energy playing a big part in nation's energy system. T here is a need to generate environment friendly power that not only raises energy efficiency and is sustainable too. The time has come for moving to generation based subsidies and understanding the drawbacks associated with wind power in India. The capital cost of wind power is third higher than Conventional thermal power; further electrical problems like v oltage flicker and variable frequency affect the implementation of wind farm. However advances in technologies such as offshore construction of wind turbines, advanced control methodologies, and simulation of wind energy affecting over all grid performance are making a case for wind energy

    To Study Energy Conservation in Foundry by Using Process Parameters of Cupola Furnace

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    Cupola furnace is having greater melting efficiency compared to induction furnace. Recent day's duplexing operation is best option in order to achieve energy efficiencyin this paper we had done design and experimentation related to cupola furnace.. There are various zones in the cupola furnace and reactions. Material size is also important factor because it will level of melting zone and preheating zone. Various melt ratios can be obtained by varying coke ratio and amount of air. Also analysis is done on Design, on the basis of floor space required, volume of air flow required, cost and working conditions. Quantity of heat required for melting is depends upon characteristics of raw material used for furnace charging. In this paper it is suggested that cupola could further assist manufacturers who wish to build larger furnaces for commercial applicationwith reduced cost implication.Metal to coke ratio was about 7:6. It generally depends upon quality of coal i.e. particle size, coke strength, porosity, ash content, sulfur content, moisture used for cupola furnace and it also depends upon preheating zone height of cupola. In order to improve coke to metal ratio stringent material specifications implemented and increased preheating zone height of cupola furnace

    Tensile Strength Analysis of Lap Welded Joint of Similar Plates with F.e.a.

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    ‘Welding', the simple process and excellent strength makes it useful in manufacturing of steel structures like ships, ocean structures, automobile, aircraft and bridges. The challenges associated with welding and welded joints are improved tensile strength of welding under variable environmental and working conditions. The parametric study has been carried out, overlap length and gap size are selected as parameters to be varied during experimentation. The range of parameters is decided by referring literature. Design and validation of fixture is carried out for testing purpose. Specimens are prepared with greater accuracy and tests were carried out using UTM. The results obtained from experimentation are compared with result obtained from simulation. It is recommended to keep overlap length 25 mm for 5 mm thick plate with minimum gap size. This will give maximum tensile strength

    Control and Monitor of Automated Material Handling Trolley

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    Automated Material Handling Trolley is the system of transportation of material from one location to another in commercial as well as domestic places. For more flexibility and ease it is connected to internet with help of IOT technology. We first embed the path network of workplace in it. With the help of suitable algorithm like shortest path, strategy of path is decided. Simultaneously we upload the information on internet for controlling it and simulation purpose for future modification in it. This paper is mainly based on material handling with the feature of IOT to perform complex task in less time and efforts to give user-friendly environment