41 research outputs found

    Nutritional changes in oilseeds due to Aspergillus spp.

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    In present research work experiments were carried out to study the deteriorative changes in oilseeds under the influence of Aspergillus sp. It was found that fat content in groundnut and soybean was reduced due to Aspergillus flavus. In groundnut the maximum loss in protein content was due to A. terreus. On the other hand, A. niger, A. terreus, A. parasiticus and A. fumigatus were found to reduced the protein content in soybean. A. versicolor effectively reduced maximum amount of reducing sugar content in groundnut and soybean

    Impact of Temperature and Relative Humidity on Development of Aspergillus flavus Rot of Mango Fruit

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    Effect of temperature and relative humidity on severity of disease, spore germination, Cellulase and pectinase enzyme activity of Aspergillus flavus rot was studied. It was found that low temperature and low relative humidity inhibits severity of disease, spore germination, cellulase and pectinase enzyme activity of A. flavus. ÂÂ

    Status of biochemical content in papaya (Carica papaya L.) after post-harvest pathogenesis by fungi

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    Post-harvest fungi depleted the pectin, sugar, ash, phosphorous, calcium and ascorbic acid content of papaya fruit

    Nutritional changes in soybean and safflower oil due to storage fungi

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    Present research work embodies the deteriorative changes in soybean and safflower oil due to storage fungi. Ten test fungi which were previously isolated from abnormal oilseeds inoculated separately into the double refined soybean and safflower oil. Great variation in the colour and odour of the biodeteriorated oils of soybean and safflower oil were observed. Colour variation from yellow to bright yellow, while that of odour variation from normal to rancid. Curvularia pellescens increased the saponification number of safflower oil. Macrophomina phaseolina showed decrease in saponification number of soybean oil. Alternaria dianthicola hampered the free fatty acid content while, Penicillium chrysogenum and Fusarium equiseti showed increased in free fatty acid content of safflower oil. Free fatty acid content in soybean oil was drastically decreased due to Alternaria dianthicola and Rhizopus stolonifer. Curvularia lunata decreased the iodine value of safflower and soybean. Peroxide value of safflower and soybean was found to be increased due to Fusarium oxysporum and Fusarium equiseti. Based on this study, it is proposed that efforts should be made to minimize the hazard of deterioration due to storage fungi during storage of such oils

    Molecular characterization of Fusarium spp. Isolates by using RAPD technique

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    Genetic diversity of ten Fusarium spp. isolates was studied by using RAPD technique. As Fusarium species were commonly occurred on all five oilseeds in almost all varieties especially showing abnormalities. Out of seven primers used three primers viz., OPAD-4, OPAD-7 and OPAD-18 gave amplification and produced twenty seven bands. The diversity index in dendrogram clearly indicate the distinct features which gives clear idea about the relation between Fusarium species isolates and seed content.Â

    Effect of physical factors on hydrolytic enzyme action of seed bone Alternaria Species

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    Impact of physical factors on hydrolytic enzyme production of Alternaria species was studied. Continuous light favored enzyme production in Alternaria species. Maximum enzyme activity occurred in 15 – 20 days in all the Alternaria species. Alternaria species produced hydrolytic enzymes maximum at 20 – 30oC temperature.All the species of Alternaria at 5.5 to 6.5 pH value produced maximum enzyme, however pH 3.5 and 8.5 inhibited enzyme activity

    Seed Physiology of some Pulses and Cereals under the Influence of Acacia arabica Gum

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    Present paper deals with the study of impact of Acacia arabica gum solution on seed germination, root and shoot length of some pulses like cowpea, gram and some cereals like wheat and maize. It was found that Acacia arabica gum induces the seed germination, root and shoot length

    Incidence of Alternaria Species on Different Cereals, Pulses and Oil Seeds

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    Present paper deals with the study of diversity of Alternaria species on different cereals, pulses and oilseeds. Total nine species of Alternaria viz A. alternata, A. crassa, A. cihhorii, A. chrysanthemi, A. dianthicola, A. longipes A. porri, A. tenuissima and A. triticina were isolated from cereals like wheat, bajra, maize, barley and jowar . Eight species of Alternaria viz A. alternata, A. dianthicola, A. longipes, A. longissima, A. raphani, A. porri, A. sesame and A. tenuissima were reported on the pulses viz green gram, black gram, pea, red gram, cowpea and moth bean. Thirteen species of Alternaria like A. alternata, A. brassicicola, A. brassicae, A. carthami, A. helianthi ,A. longipes, A. longissima A. macrospore, A. ricini, A. raphani, A. sesame, A. sesamicola and A. tenuissima were occurred on six oil seeds like cotton, ground nut, sunflower, safflower, mustard and sesame

    Determination of Toxicity of some Fungal Metabolites on Seed Germination and Pigment Leaching

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    In present investigation, eighteen fungi were isolated on Potato Dextrose Agar and Rose Bengal Agar medium from abnormal soybean seeds. Out of these eighteen fungi, ten dominant fungi were selected to study the toxic potentialities of culture filtrate of these ten fungi on oilseeds germination, pigment leaching i.e. chlorophyll of spinach and betalain of beet root.  Maximum loss of chlorophylls was caused due to toxins of Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus and Penicillium notatum. Fusarium oxysporum caused minimum loss of chlorophylls. Aspergillus niger and Alternaria dianthicola was responsible for maximum leaching of betalain pigment while Curvularia lunata causes minimum leaching of pigment.---Seed Pathology and Fungal Biotechnology Laboratory, Department of Botany, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad- 431004(M.S.) India  ---Please Cite This Article As: Rajendra B. Kakde and Ashok M. Chavan. 2010. Determination of Toxicity of some Fungal Metabolites on Seed Germination and Pigment Leaching. J. Ecobiotechnol. 2(6):46-55.Â

    Effect of Carbon, Nitrogen, Sulphur, Phosphorus, Antibiotic and Vitamin Sources on Hydrolytic Enzyme Production by Storage Fungi

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    In present investigation emphasis is given on to screen the lipolytic activity of storage fungi. Abnormal safflower seeds of PBNS-12 and Bhima varieties were collected from Marathwada region of Maharashtra state. Dominant fungi were isolated from abnormal oilseeds on Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA). Total twenty fungi were isolated. Out of that lipase enzyme activity of ten dominant fungi other than Aspergillus sp. was studied by using different nutritional sources like carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur, antibiotic and vitamin sources. It was found that carbon sources like fructose and sucrose induces lipase activity while starch, lactose and carboxyl methyl cellulose (CMC) inhibits lipase activity. Nitrogen sources like casein and peptone which are organic forms stimulated maximum lipase enzyme production of storage fungi. Sulphur sources like calcium sulphate and ferrus sulphate reduced the lipase enzyme production by storage fungi while, phosphorus source like di-sodium hydrogen ortho-phosphate, ammonium phosphate and potassium di-hydrogen ortho-phosphate stimulated lipase enzyme production. Antibiotic like ampicillin, norfloxacin and tetracycline reduced the lipase production of storage fungi. Lipase activity of storage fungi was reduced in presence of vitamin source like riboflavin while, folic acid and vitamin C stimulated the lipase enzyme production