582 research outputs found


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    National audienceLa notion d’intersectionnalité a connu en France une importation soudaine et multiforme à partir de la deuxième moitié des années 2000. Forgée par la juriste américaine Kimberlé Crenshaw à la fin des années 1980 dans la foulée du Black feminism, elle vise à décrire des formes combinées de domination renvoyant aux dilemmes stratégiques et identitaires de certaines catégories de la population (Crenshaw, 1989). Formulé initialement dans les arènes des mouvements sociaux et du droit, le terme s’est progressivement vu accorder une portée théorique plus abstraite dont le statut épistémologique dans les sciences sociales reste ambigu

    Individual Differences in Proactive and Reactive Control in Bilinguals

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    This study investigated individual differences in bilinguals’ use of proactive and reactive control processes during an executive control task (the AX-CPT) in relation to aspects of the bilingual experience (e.g., second language proficiency). Participants were presented with cue-target letter pairs, one letter at a time (AX, AY, BX, or BY; B and Y are any letter other than A or X) and were instructed to press the “yes” button for AX pairs and the “no” button for any other pair. They completed three blocks which varied in terms of the most frequent trial type (AX-70% vs. AY-70% vs. BX-70%). Event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were recorded from 15 young adult bilinguals during the AX-CPT. The N2, an ERP related to conflict detection, was analyzed in conjunction with behavioural performance. Individual variations in cognitive control strategy were differentially associated with aspects of bilingualism in the AX-70 and AY-70 blocks. In the AX-70 block, greater engagement of proactive control was associated with shorter overall reaction times (RTs), lower accuracy, and enhanced conflict detection. In the AY-70 block, a proactive strategy was associated with lower accuracy, but similar RTs compared to a reactive strategy. Different patterns of association were found between self-reported language-switching behaviours and cognitive control strategy in the AX-70 block compared to the AY-70 block. The results support the idea of individual differences in the relative use of proactive and reactive mechanisms in bilinguals. These differences were related to aspects of language-switching which is an important source of interindividual variability among bilinguals

    More than meets the ear: Investigating the impact of audiovisual speech cues and supportive sentence context during bilingual speech perception in noise in younger and older adults

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    This dissertation investigates speech perception in noise in a first (L1) and second (L2) language, in both younger and older adults. The studies presented here used a sentence perception in noise task during which participants were asked to identify sentence terminal words across three different modalities (visual-only, auditory-only, audiovisual) and two levels of context (low context, moderate context). Furthermore, baseline perceptual load (i.e., L1, auditory-only, low context) was equated across participants. Manuscript 1 investigated speech perception in noise in young adult English-French/French-English bilinguals. The results suggest that: 1) young adult bilinguals benefit from visual speech cues and sentence context in both of their languages, 2) the benefit of visual speech cues is proportionally greater in L2 compared to L1, and 3) there is a complex interplay between L2 experience and L2 performance during speech perception in noise. Manuscript 2 contrasted bilingual speech perception in noise in younger and older English-French/French-English bilinguals. There were no age differences in performance, except for poorer lip-reading in older adults. Therefore, when baseline perceptual load is equated, younger and older bilinguals benefit from visual speech cues and sentence context to the same extent. Contrary to younger adults, older adults showed similar benefit from visual speech cues in L1 and L2, suggesting that bilinguals’ reliance on visual speech cues may decrease as they accumulate experience in L2. Manuscript 3 examined bilinguals’ tendency to look at the speaker’s nose/mouth around the onset of sentence terminal words during speech perception in noise. Individuals looked at the speaker’s mouth more during audiovisual speech compared to auditory-only speech (i.e., when presented with a still face), but generally no age or language differences were observed. However, the proportion of time spent looking in L1 and L2 were generally positively correlated, suggesting a role of individual preferences/style rather than language experience during L2 speech perception in noise. Overall, this dissertation contributes to the literature on the benefits of visual speech cues and supportive sentence context during speech perception in noise. Furthermore, the results constitute an early step in developing more comprehensive models of speech perception in noise which include diverse listeners

    Utiliser les technologies de l'information et de la communication afin d'améliorer la réussite collégiale des étudiants ayant des troubles d'apprentissage

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    Disponible en anglais dans EDUQ.info sous le titre "Using IT to Improve the Academic Success of College Students with Learning Disabilities"Cet article s’intéresse au rôle que peuvent jouer les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) dans l’amélioration de la réussite des étudiants en situation de handicap au collégial. Les auteurs présentent les TIC dont ont besoin les étudiants aux prises avec des troubles d’apprentissage et rendent compte des suggestions d’amélioration que formulent ces étudiants et divers intervenants, dont ceux des services adaptés, quant à l’usage de ces TIC. Les auteurs communiquent enfin leurs recommandations pour que l’utilisation que l’on fait des TIC dans les collèges favorise la réussite scolaire

    Using IT to Improve the Academic Success of College Students with Learning Disabilities

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    Disponible en français dans EDUQ.info sous le titre "Utiliser les technologies de l'information et de la communication afin d'améliorer la réussite collégiale des étudiants ayant des troubles d'apprentissage"This article explores the role that IT can play in improving the academic success of learning-disabled college students. The authors discuss the IT required by students dealing with learning disabilities, as well as suggestions for improvement on IT use voiced by these students and other stakeholders (including those providing special-needs services). They conclude with recommendations on how to ensure that IT use in colleges promotes academic success

    Les perspectives des étudiants et des professeurs sur l’excellence dans l’utilisation des TIC et du cyberapprentissage au collégial

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    "Ce document est basé sur le rapport final d’un projet financé par le Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC) et son partenaire, le ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement Supérieur (MEES) dans le cadre du programme Actions concertées Persévérance et réussite scolaires."Comprend un résumé, des références bibliographiques et des annexe

    Student and professor perspectives on exemplary practices in the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and e-learning in colleges

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    "This document is based on the final report of a projet funded by the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC) and its partner the ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur (MEES) for the program Actions concertées Persévérance et réussite scolaires."Comprend un résumé, des références bibliographiques et des annexe

    Les cégépiens ayant des troubles d'apprentissage face aux TIC

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    Rapport final présenté au Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et culture (FRQSC) et le ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport (MELS)Également disponible en version papier.Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 10 oct. 2012
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