55 research outputs found

    Stock Prediction Analyzing Investor Sentiments

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    We are going through a phase of data evolution where a major portion of the data from our daily lives is now been stored on social media platforms. In recent years, social media has become ubiquitous and important for social networking and content sharing. Sentiment analysis and opinion mining is the field of study that analyzes people's opinions, sentiments, evaluations, attitudes, and emotions from written language. In the financial sector, sentiments are also of paramount importance, and this dissertation mainly focuses on the effect of sentiments from investors [3] on the behavior of stocks. The dissertation work leverages social data from Twitter and seeks the sentiment of certain investors. Once the sentiment of the tweets is calculated using an advanced sentiment analyzer, it is used as an additional attribute to the other fundamental properties of the stock. This dissertation demonstrates how incorporating the sentiments improves forecasting accuracy of predicting stock valuation. In addition, various experimental analysis on regression based statistical models are considered which show statistical measures to consider for effectively predicting the closing price of the stock. The Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) states that stock market prices are largely driven by additional information and follow a random walk pattern [7, 8, 37, 39, 41]. Though this hypothesis is widely accepted by the research community as a central paradigm governing the markets in general, several people have attempted to extract patterns in the way stock markets behave and respond to external stimuli. We test a hypothesis based on the premise of behavioral economics, that the emotions and moods of individuals basically the sentiments affect their decision-making process, thus, leading to a direct correlation between ?public sentiment? and ?market sentiment? [42, 43, 44, 45]. We first select key investors from Twitter [27, 28] whose sentiments matter and do sentiment analysis on the tweets pertaining to stock related information. Once we retrieve the sentiment for every stock, we combine this information with the other fundamental information about stocks and build different regression-based prediction models to predict their closing price

    Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Hindistan Botanik Bahçesi'nin (Howrah, Batı Bengal, Hindistan) farklı yaşam alanı mozaiklerinde karınca türlerinin çeşitliliği

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    Ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) occupy a wide range of ecological niches and exploit various food resources either as herbivores or as predators or scavengers. This study establishes the diversity of ants in an ex-situ conservation site dedicated for plants known as Indian Botanical garden situated amidst a congested city. It also documents the relation of ant community structure with different habitat mosaics present within this protected area. For this study pit fall trap was used as collection method and amalgamated within quadrat sampling (total 16 quadrats and each quadrat contains 9 pit fall traps placed uniformly) distributed in four different habitats and repeated in two consecutive months. All the specimens were collected, preserved and identified meticulously. Total 27 species of ants from 19 genera and 6 subfamilies are documented from the whole study area. This study also reflects differences in diversity among the habitats. Among different habitats present in the Indian Botanic Garden, ‘Garden-Nurseries’ (Shannon_H =2.214 and Simpson_1-D=0.8333) and ‘Wild Bushes and Tree groves’ (Shannon_H =2.105 and Simpson_1-D=0.8182) are two most diverse habitats and ‘Open scrubland with grasses’ is the most dominant one (Dominance_D = 0.4354, Berger-Parker = 0.6512, Shannon_H =1.521 and Simpson_1-D=0.5646). This study clearly gives an idea about the community structure of the ants and reflects its relation with the habitats in a man-made ex-situ conservation site which establish the stability and conditions of this ecosystem.Karıncalar (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) çok çeşitli ekolojik nişlere sahiptir ve otçul ya da yırtıcı ya da temizleyici olarak çeşitli gıda kaynaklarından yararlanır. Bu çalışma, sıkışık bir şehrin ortasında yer alan Hint Botanik bahçesi olarak bilinen bitkiler için ayrılmış ex-situ bir koruma alanındaki karınca çeşitliliğini ortaya koymaktadır. Ayrıca, çalışma karınca topluluğu yapısının bu korunan alanda bulunan farklı habitat mozaikleriyle ilişkisini belgelemektedir. Bu çalışma için toplama yöntemi olarak çukur düşme tuzağı kullanılmıştır ve dört farklı habitatta dağıtılan ve birbirini takip eden iki ay içinde tekrarlanan kuadrat örneklemesi (toplam 16 kuadrat ve her kuadrat muntazam yerleştirilmiş 9 çukur düşme tuzağı içermektedir) içinde birleştirilmiştir. Tüm örnekler toplanmış, korunmuş ve titizlikle tanımlanmıştır. Tüm çalışma alanından 19 cins ve 6 alt aileden toplam 27 karınca türü belgelenmiştir. Bu çalışma aynı zamanda habitatlar arasındaki çeşitlilik farklılıklarını da yansıtmaktadır. Hint Botanik Bahçesi'nde bulunan farklı habitatlar arasında 'Bahçe-Fidanlık' (Shannon_H = 2.214 ve Simpson_1-D = 0.8333) ve 'Yabani Çalılar ve Ağaç Bahçeleri' (Shannon_H = 2.105 ve Simpson_1-D = 0.8182) en çeşitli iki habitattır ve 'otlu açık çalılık alanı' en baskın olanıdır (Dominance_D = 0.4354, Berger-Parker = 0.6512, Shannon_H = 1.521 ve Simpson_1-D = 0.5646). Bu çalışma, karıncaların toplum yapısı hakkında açıkça bir fikir vermektedir ve bu ekosistemin istikrarını ve koşullarını oluşturan insan yapımı bir exsitu koruma alanındaki habitatlarla ilişkisini yansıtmaktadır

    A Method for Investigating Thermodynamics of Inaccessible Objects by Determining the Co-Amoeba of their Partition Functions

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    Given an Ising-type system, the zeros of its complexified partition function, known as Lee--Yang zeros, form an algebraic variety that sheds light on the thermodynamics of that system. But in practice, we often confront with the inaccessibility of a system for direct experimentation and then a strategic approach is taken to investigate a probe that is interacting with the target system. Considering such an inaccessible system, reading the probe alone, we present a method to determine the co-amoeba, the images of the argument map of an algebraic variety corresponding to the Lee--Yang zeros of its partition function. In our method, starting from thermal equilibrium of target and probe, the target can be effectively initiated at any chosen value of its internal parameters by doing operations only on the probe. Thus, sampling the co-amoeba corresponding to a wide of range of physical parameters is possible which allows one to perceive the full algebraic variety and thereby determining the thermodynamics of the system. No prior knowledge about the internal parameters, neither any control over the target system under investigation is required for this protocol. Finally, we experimentally demonstrate this protocol via the nuclear magnetic resonance architecture using a system of three mutually interacting spin-1/2 nuclei

    On the contribution of the Hall term in small-scale magnetohydrodynamic dynamo

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    A detailed study of small-scale Hall magnetohydrodynamic dynamo has been performed both analytically and numerically. Assuming the magnetic field and the current to be separate fields, the contribution of the Hall term has been decomposed into two parts and their individual contributions have been studied separately. Calculating the scale-separated transfer rates described in Dar \textit{et. al.} (Physica D, 157 (207), 2001), it is found that the small-scale current fields are the primary contributors in sustaining large scale magnetic fields. Furthermore, the nature of the scale-to-scale fluxes are found to be globally intact with the ion inertial scale

    Second-order topological superconductor via noncollinear magnetic texture

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    We put forth a theoretical framework for engineering a two-dimensional (2D) second-order topological superconductor (SOTSC) by utilizing a heterostructure: incorporating noncollinear magnetic textures between an s-wave superconductor and a 2D quantum spin Hall insulator. It stabilizes the higher order topological superconducting phase, resulting in Majorana corner modes (MCMs) at four corners of a 2D domain. The calculated non-zero quadrupole moment characterizes the bulk topology. Subsequently, through a unitary transformation, an effective low-energy Hamiltonian reveals the effects of magnetic textures, resulting in an effective in-plane Zeeman field and spin-orbit coupling. This approach provides a qualitative depiction of the topological phase, substantiated by numerical validation within exact real-space model. Analytically calculated effective pairings in the bulk illuminate the microscopic behavior of the SOTSC. The comprehension of MCM emergence is aided by a low-energy edge theory, which is attributed to the interplay between effective pairings of (px + py )-type and (px + ipy )-type. Our extensive study paves the way for practically attaining the SOTSC phase by integrating noncollinear magnetic textures

    Topological Superconductivity by Engineering Noncollinear Magnetism in Magnet/ Superconductor Heterostructures: A Realistic Prescription for 2D Kitaev Model

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    We report on a realistic and rather general scheme where noncollinear magnetic textures proximitized with the most common ss-wave superconductor can appear as the alternative to pp-wave superconductor{--}the prime proposal to realize two-dimensional (2D) Kitaev model for topological superconductors (TSCs) hosting Majorana flat edge mode (MFEM). A general minimal Hamiltonian suitable for magnet/superconductor heterostructures reveals robust MFEM within the gap of Shiba bands due to the emergence of an effective ``px+pyp_x+p_y"-type pp-wave pairing, spatially localized at the edges of a 2D magnetic domain of spin-spiral. We finally verify this concept by considering Mn (Cr) monolayer grown on a ss-wave superconducting substrate, Nb(110) under strain (Nb(001)). In both 2D cases, the antiferromagnetic spin-spiral solutions exhibit robust MFEM at certain domain edges that is beyond the scope of the trivial extension of 1D spin-chain model in 2D. This approach, particularly when the MFEM appears in the TSC phase for such heterostructure materials, offers a perspective to extend the realm of the TSC in 2D.Comment: This is the published versio

    Influence of controlled pretension of core on hairiness of silk-nylon core-spun yarns

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    12-16<span style="font-size:11.0pt;line-height:115%; font-family:" calibri","sans-serif";mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin;mso-fareast-font-family:="" "times="" new="" roman";mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast;mso-hansi-theme-font:="" minor-latin;mso-bidi-font-family:calibri;mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-latin;="" mso-ansi-language:en-us;mso-fareast-language:en-us;mso-bidi-language:ar-sa"="">The hairiness of simple core-spun yarns, produced from silk sheath and monofilament nylon core, has been studied at different twist multipliers (TM) under the controlled pretension of the core and compared with that of the equivalent silk ring-spun yarns. The nature of hairs of the two types of yarn has been studied in terms of protruding ends and loops. Silk-nylon core-spun yarns show less number of ends and loops than equivalent silk ring-spun yarns. In both types of yarn, the distribution of loops with respect to different intersecting lengths has been found to be exponential in nature.</span