38 research outputs found

    Transmission des génomes cytoplasmiques et phylogénie moléculaire chez Actinidia

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    *INRA CR Bordeaux, Documentation de Centre Diffusion du document : INRA CR Bordeaux, Documentation de Centre DiplĂ´me : Dr. Ing

    A SNP-based assay in a non model species : evolutionary lineage assignment of brown trout ancient DNA

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     International audienc

    Typing for brown trout LDH-C1 alleles together with microsatellites by automated sequencing

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    Reticulate evolution in kiwifruit (Actinidia, Actinidiaceae) identified by comparing their maternal and paternal phylogenies

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    Evolutionary relationships within Actinidia, a genus known for the contrasting mode of inheritance of its plastids and mitochondria, were studied. The phylogenetic analysis is based on chloroplast (cp) and mitochondrial (mt) restriction site and sequence data (matK, psbC-trnS, rbcL, and trnL-trnF for cpDNA; nad1-2/3 and nad4-1/2 for mtDNA). The analysis of cp sequence data confirms the hypothesis that the four currently recognized sections are not monophyletic. The detection of incongruences among phylogenies (mtDNA vs. cpDNA tree) coupled with the detection of intraspecific polymorphisms confirms some of the reticulations previously emphasized, diagnoses new hybridization/introgression events, and provides evidence for multiple origin of at least two polyploid taxa. A number of hybridization/introgression events at the diploid, tetraploid, and possibly hexaploid levels are documented. The extensive reticulate evolution undergone by Actinidia could account for the lack of clear morphological discontinuities at the species leve

    Reticulate evolution in kiwifruit (Actinidia, Actinidiaceae) identified by comparing their maternal and paternal phylogenies

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    Evolutionary relationships within Actinidia, a genus known for the contrasting mode of inheritance of its plastids and mitochondria, were studied. The phylogenetic analysis is based on chloroplast (cp) and mitochondrial (mt) restriction site and sequence data (matK, psbC-trnS, rbcL, and trnL-trnF for cpDNA; nad1-2/3 and nad4-1/2 for mtDNA). The analysis of cp sequence data confirms the hypothesis that the four currently recognized sections are not monophyletic. The detection of incongruences among phylogenies (mtDNA vs. cpDNA tree) coupled with the detection of intraspecific polymorphisms confirms some of the reticulations previously emphasized, diagnoses new hybridization/introgression events, and provides evidence for multiple origin of at least two polyploid taxa. A number of hybridization/introgression events at the diploid, tetraploid, and possibly hexaploid levels are documented. The extensive reticulate evolution undergone by Actinidia could account for the lack of clear morphological discontinuities at the species leve

    Continuité écologique et conservation de la diversité génétique et écotypique d'un grand migrateur (Salmo trutta). Rapport final

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    Localisation Bibliothèque Aquapôle Saint Pée sur Nivelle M 2138La présente étude sur les populations de truites du fond du Golfe de Gascogne révèle une diversité génétique fortement structurée par l’architecture du réseau hydrographique. Cette structuration est entretenue par les truites de mer qui adoptent massivement un comportement de homing. Un flux de TRMs étrangères s’ajoute parfois aux flux de TRMs natives. En provenance des petits fleuves cantabriques ou basques espagnols, ce flux est important dans les Nives et la Nivelle et anecdotique au niveau des Gaves. Les gènes d’origine domestique sont peu présents chez les populations de truites sauvages et contribuent à part égale aux populations sédentaires et marines. Certaines truites du bassin de l’Adour, plus spécifiquement dans sa partie amont, sont génétiquement proches de celles de la Garonne, accréditant l’hypothèse d’un flux de truites entre la Garonne et l’Adour par le biais du canal de la Nest