80 research outputs found

    RĂ©Ă©valuation des modĂšles d’estimation prĂ©coce de la croissance

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    Dans le n˚ 108 de la Revue de l’OFCE, des modĂšles d’estimation prĂ©coce de la croissance française ont Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©s et Ă©valuĂ©s en pseudo temps rĂ©el sur la pĂ©riode 2001-2007. La crise financiĂšre a quelque peu dĂ©gradĂ© leur performance. Le changement de base des comptes trimestriels en mai 2011 modifie aussi sensiblement les rĂ©sultats car il affecte la croissance du PIB sur toute la pĂ©riode d’estimation des modĂšles. Ainsi le moment est venu de faire le point sur les outils de prĂ©vision Ă  court terme prĂ©sentĂ©s dans l’article de F. Charpin (2009). C’est aussi l’occasion de les confronter Ă  d’autres modĂšles et d’évaluer l’ensemble de nos outils en pseudo temps rĂ©el sur la pĂ©riode allant du 1er trimestre 2001 au 1er trimestre 2011.In the number 108 of the OFCE review, nowcasting factor models of French growth were proposed and assessed in pseudo real time over the period 2001-2007. The financial crisis has reduced their accuracy. The new basis of the French quarterly accounts published mid-may 2011 modifies also the results noticeably because it concerns GDP growth over the whole estimation period. Thus, it is the opportunity to reassess these models presented in Charpin (2009). It is also the occasion to confront them to other models by comparing their performance in pseudo real time over the period 2001 Q1 – 2011 Q1

    Construction of coincident indicators for euro area key macroeconomic variables. 28th International Symposium on Forecasting, Nice, June 23 2008.

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    The availability of timely and reliable information on main macroeconomic variables is considered both by policy makers and analysts crucial for an effective process of decision making. Unfortunately official statistics cannot always meet adequately users' needs, especially concerning their timely availability. This is the reason why, using econometric techniques, analysts try to anticipate or estimate in real time short-term movements of main macroeconomic variables. In this paper we propose a strategy simple and easily replicable in production processes for the estimation of the period on period growth rates of the euro area Industrial Production Index and Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Our strategy is based on the classical multivariate regression model on growth rates with autoregressive error term which is widely used in anticipating economic movements. Concerning GDP three different equations were identified, while for Industrial Production Index we have identified only two suitable representations. Furthermore for both variables we also use a purely autoregressive representation as a benchmark.

    Construction of coincident indicators for the euro area. 5th EUROSTAT Colloquium on Modern Tools For Business Cycle Analysis, Luxembourg, 29th September – 1st October 2008.

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    The availability of timely and reliable information on main macroeconomic variables is considered both by policy makers and analysts as crucial for an effective process of decision making. Unfortunately official statistics cannot always meet adequately user needs. This is the reason why, using econometric techniques analysts try to anticipate or estimate in real time main macroeconomic movements. In this paper we compare several econometric models for the estimation of the period on period growth rate for the euro area Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Industrial Production Index (IPI). This comparison is made on the basis of real time results provided by these models over six years (2002-2007). Tests of absence of bias are performed and Diebold-Mariano tests help us to select among the models. The paper also presents a new indicator for euro area employment quarterly growth, which seems to perform rather well in the recent past, although this is still a preliminary assessment as we are only at an early stage of running the indicator.coincident indicators;GDP;industrial production;employment;euro area;

    indicateur avancé de l'OFCE.

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    L'indicateur avancé de l'OFCE

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    Cet article prĂ©sente les principes de construction d’un indicateur avancĂ© pour l’économie française, ainsi que son utilisation possible. L’objectif est de prĂ©voir la croissance du PIB pour le trimestre en cours et le trimestre Ă  venir. L’indicateur avancĂ© incorpore des informations conjoncturelles Ă  frĂ©quence mensuelle et peut ĂȘtre ainsi calculĂ© chaque mois. Deux blocs de variables entrent dans la composition de l’indicateur : un bloc rĂ©el contenant des variables coĂŻncidentes et avancĂ©es d’un trimestre, et un bloc financier regroupant des variables avancĂ©es d’au moins trois trimestres. Les contributions de chaque bloc sont analysĂ©es pour apprĂ©cier le rĂŽle des diffĂ©rents facteurs. Puis l’indicateur est mis en Ɠuvre dans un exercice rĂ©trospectif de prĂ©vision. Les rĂ©sultats paraissent significatifs et confĂšrent Ă  l’instrument un caractĂšre opĂ©rationnel qui devra toutefois ĂȘtre Ă©prouvĂ© au fil des prĂ©visions

    indicateur de croissance Ă  court terme au Royaume-Uni.

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    Estimation précoce de la croissance:De la régression LARS au modÚle à facteurs

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    Dans ce travail, l’estimation prĂ©coce de la croissance provient d’un modĂšle Ă  facteurs, extraits d’un nombre rĂ©duit de sĂ©ries mensuelles, ces derniĂšres ayant Ă©tĂ© choisies par l’algorithme de la rĂ©gression LARS (Least Angle Regression). On suit en cela le travail de Bai et Ng (2008) qui tranche avec le traditionnel modĂšle Ă  facteurs, basĂ© sur un trĂšs grand nombre de sĂ©ries mensuelles. Les auteurs prĂ©conisent de ne retenir que les sĂ©ries les plus performantes pour prĂ©voir la croissance « the targeted predictors ». Une pseudo analyse en temps rĂ©el est mise en Ɠuvre sur la pĂ©riode 2001-2007 pour estimer la croissance française du trimestre en cours et du trimestre suivant.In this paper, nowcasts are provided by a factor model, where factors are extracted from a small number of monthly series, selected using the LARS algorithm (Least Angle Regression). We follow the work of Bai and Ng (2008) which contrasts strongly with the traditional factor model based on a large information set. They recommend selecting only targeted predictors, i.e. the most informative series to forecast growth. A pseudo real time analysis is carried out to estimate French growth over the period 2001-2007

    On self-dual affine-invariant codes

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    AbstractAn extended cyclic code of length 2m over GF(2) cannot be self-dual for even m. For odd m, the Reed-Muller code [2m, 2m−1, 2(m+1)2] is affine-invariant and self-dual, and it is the only such code for m = 3 or 5. We describe the set of binary self-dual affine-invariant codes of length 2m for m = 7 and m = 9. For each odd m, m â©Ÿ 9, we exhibit a self-dual affine-invariant code of length 2m over GF(2) which is not the self-dual Reed-Muller code. In the first part of the paper, we present the class of self-dual affine-invariant codes of length 2m over GF(2r), and the tools we apply later to the binary codes

    Contre vents et marĂ©es:Perspectives 2001-2002 pour l’économie française

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    La prĂ©vision de croissance de l’OFCE est de 3,0 % pour l’annĂ©e 2001 et de 3,3 % pour l’annĂ©e 2002. La dynamique de croissance enclenchĂ©e en France et en Europe depuis 1997 se poursuit malgrĂ© un contexte international dĂ©gradĂ©. La rĂ©vision de croissance est importante, de 0,7 point pour l’annĂ©e 2001. Le ralentissement amĂ©ricain et ses consĂ©quences sur l’économie mondiale sont Ă  l’origine de cette moindre croissance. NĂ©anmoins, la dynamique interne n’est pas remise en cause. L’investissement reste le moteur de la croissance et les crĂ©ations d’emplois dynamiques alimentent le revenu des mĂ©nages et leur consommation. La politique fiscale et budgĂ©taire est neutre et les baisses d’impĂŽts engagĂ©es compensent le dynamisme des recettes fiscales
