622 research outputs found

    Covariant gravity with Lagrange multiplier constraint

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    We review on the models of gravity with a constraint by the Lagrange multiplier field. The constraint breaks general covariance or Lorentz symmetry in the ultraviolet region. We report on the F(R)F(R) gravity model with the constraint and the proposal of the covariant (power-counting) renormalized gravity model by using the constraint and scalar projectors. We will show that the model admits flat space solution, its gauge-fixing formulation is fully developed, and the only propagating mode is (higher derivative) graviton, while scalar and vector modes do not propagate. The preliminary study of FRW cosmology indicates to the possibility of inflationary universe solution is also given.Comment: 10 pages, to appear in the Proceedings of the QFEXT11 Benasque Conferenc

    Constraints on Gauss-Bonnet Gravity in Dark Energy Cosmologies

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    Models with a scalar field coupled to the Gauss-Bonnet Lagrangian appear naturally from Kaluza-Klein compactifications of pure higher-dimensional gravity. We study linear, cosmological perturbations in the limits of weak coupling and slow-roll, and derive simple expressions for the main observable sub-horizon quantities: the anisotropic stress factor, the time-dependent gravitational constant, and the matter perturbation growth factor. Using present observational data, and assuming slow-roll for the dark energy field, we find that the fraction of energy density associated with the coupled Gauss-Bonnet term cannot exceed 15%. The bound should be treated with caution, as there are significant uncertainies in the data used to obtain it. Even so, it indicates that the future prospects for constraining the coupled Gauss-Bonnet term with cosmological observations are encouraging.Comment: 15 pages. v3: extended analysis, conclusions change

    Gauss-Bonnet gravity renders negative tension braneworlds unstable

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    We show that the Gauss-Bonnet correction to Einstein gravity induces a gravitational tachyon mode, namely an unstable spin 2 fluctuation, in the Randall-Sundrum I model. We demonstrate that this instability is generically related to the presence of a negative tension brane in the set-up, with or without Z2Z_2-symmetry across it. Indeed it is shown that the tachyon mode is a bound state localised on any negative tension brane of co-dimension one, embedded in anti-de Sitter background. We discuss the possible resolution of this instability by the inclusion of induced gravity terms on the branes or by an effective four-dimensional cosmological constant.Comment: published versio

    Dilaton Brane Cosmology with Second Order String Corrections and the Cosmological Constant

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    We consider, in five dimensions, the effective action from heterotic string which includes quantum gravity corrections up to (a')^2. The expansion, in the string frame, is in terms of |a'R|, where R is the scalar curvature and uses the third order Euler density, next to the Gauss-Bonnet term. For a positive tension brane and infinite extra dimension, the logarithmic class of solutions is less dependent from fine-tuning problems than in previous formulations. More importantly, the model suggests that in the full non-perturbative formulation, the string scale can be much lower than the effective Planck mass, without the string coupling to be vanishingly small. Also a less severe fine-tuning of the brane tension in needed.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures LaTeX. Accepted for publication in IJMP

    Classical Duals, Legendre Transforms and the Vainshtein Mechanism

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    We show how to generalize the classical duals found by Gabadadze {\it et al} to a very large class of self-interacting theories. This enables one to adopt a perturbative description beyond the scale at which classical perturbation theory breaks down in the original theory. This is particularly relevant if we want to test modified gravity scenarios that exhibit Vainshtein screening on solar system scales. We recognise the duals as being related to the Legendre transform of the original Lagrangian, and present a practical method for finding the dual in general; our methods can also be applied to self-interacting theories with a hierarchy of strong coupling scales, and with multiple fields. We find the classical dual of the full quintic galileon theory as an example.Comment: 16 page

    Charged C-metric with conformally coupled scalar field

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    We present a generalisation of the charged C-metric conformally coupled with a scalar field in the presence of a cosmological constant. The solution is asymptotically flat or a constant curvature spacetime. The spacetime metric has the geometry of a usual charged C-metric with cosmological constant, where the mass and charge are equal. When the cosmological constant is absent it is found that the scalar field only blows up at the angular pole of the event horizon. The presence of the cosmological constant can generically render the scalar field regular where the metric is regular, pushing the singularity beyond the event horizon. For certain cases of enhanced acceleration with a negative cosmological constant, the conical singularity disappears all together and the scalar field is everywhere regular. The black hole is then rather a black string with its event horizon extending all the way to asymptotic infinity and providing itself the necessary acceleration.Comment: regular article, no figures, typos corrected, to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Radion and moduli stabilization from induced brane actions in higher-dimensional brane worlds

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    We consider a 4+N-dimensional brane world with 2 co-dimension 1 branes in an empty bulk. The two branes have N-1 of their extra dimensions compactified on a sphere S^(N-1), whereas the ordinary 4 spacetime directions are Poincare invariant. An essential input are induced stress-energy tensors on the branes providing different tensions for the spherical and flat part of the branes. The junction conditions - notably through their extra dimensional components - fix both the distance between the branes as well as the size of the sphere. As a result, we demonstrate, that there are no scalar Kaluza-Klein states at all (massless or massive), that would correspond to a radion or a modulus field of S^(N-1). We also discuss the effect of induced Einstein terms on the branes and show that their coefficients are bounded from above, otherwise they lead to a graviton ghost.Comment: 23 pages, no figures, references added, typos correcte

    Birkhoff for Lovelock Redux

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    We show succinctly that all metric theories with second order field equations obey Birkhoff's theorem: their spherically symmetric solutions are static.Comment: Submitted to CQ

    Searching for non-Fermi liquids under holographic light

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    This discussion is aimed at identifying physically relevant, albeit lying off the beaten track, gravity models that may provide a holographic description of some prototypical non-Fermi liquid states of strongly correlated condensed matter systems.Comment: Latex, 4+ pages, no figure