3,392 research outputs found


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    By far the oldest of the common law devices for taking a case away from a jury is the demurrer upon evidence. A reported instance of its use appears as early as 1456

    Edson R. Sunderland and the Teaching of Procedure

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    Once having arrived at the University of Michigan Law School, Edson Sunderland never left, except on a temporary basis. He entered the school in 1898, having previously received his Bachelor\u27s and Master\u27s degrees from the University\u27s College of Literature, Science and the Arts. Immediately upon his graduation in 1901 he was invited to become a member of the faculty, an invitation which he accepted effective the following fall

    The Radiation Resistance of End-Fire and Collinear Arrays

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    Expressions for the radiation resistances of end-fire and collinear arrays of half-wave dipoles are obtained in terms of circular functions in a form convenient for computation. No mathematical approximations except for a Fourier representation of the field of a single half-wave dipole are used. The first integral theorem of Sonine and an integral representation of the Bessel function due to Hansen are involved in the integration of the normal component of Poynting's vector. Results computed from the new formula for the radiation resistance of an n-element parallel array in which the spacings and successive phasings of the dipole elements are 180 degrees (bilateral end-fire) agree closely with those of Pistolkors, who used Brillouin's e.m.f. method; they are a little less than the figures of Bontsch-Bruewitsch, who numerically integrated Poynting's vector. Calculations for the radiation resistance of an n-element collinear array using the new formula are compared with those of Bontsch-Bruewitsch, with which they are in satisfactory agreement. The new formula is also used to compute the radiation resistance of an n-element unilateral end-fire array (i.e., an n-element parallel array in which the spacings and successive phasings of the dipole elements are 90 degrees)

    Input Impedance of Wide-Angle Conical Antennas Fed by a Coaxial Line

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    The input impedances for conical antennas fed by a coaxial line have been computed for several flare angles. A graph of the auxiliary functions Ï‚_n(x)is included to facilitate impedance calculation for any large flare angle

    Radiation from Wide-Angle Conical Antennas Fed by a Coaxial Line

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    An approximate expression for the radiation from spherically capped conical antennas is derived by the Fourier-Laméeigen-function method. Radiation patterns have been calculated for antennas with flare angle of π/6 and various lengths

    Silking of sweet corn as a factor in corn earworm control

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    Differentiation of Schistosoma haematobium from related schistosomes by PCR amplifying an inter-repeat sequence.

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    Schistosoma haematobium infects nearly 150 million people, primarily in Africa, and is transmitted by select species of local bulinid snails. These snails can host other related trematode species as well, so that effective detection and monitoring of snails infected with S. haematobium requires a successful differentiation between S. haematobium and any closely related schistosome species. To enable differential detection of S. haematobium DNA by simple polymerase chain reaction (PCR), we designed and tested primer pairs from numerous newly identified Schistosoma DNA repeat sequences. However, all pairs tested were found unsuitable for this purpose. Differentiation of S. haematobium from S. bovis, S. mattheei, S. curassoni, and S. intercalatum (but not from S. margrebowiei) was ultimately accomplished by PCR using one primer from a newly identified repeat, Sh110, and a second primer from a known schistosomal splice-leader sequence. For evaluation of residual S. haematobium transmission after control interventions, this differentiation tool will enable accurate monitoring of infected snails in areas where S. haematobium is sympatric with the most prevalent other schistosome species

    Stochastic Trends and Economic Fluctuations

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    Recent developments in macroeconomic theory emphasize that transient economic fluctuations can arise as responses to changes in long run factors -- in particular, technological improvements -- rather than short run factors. This contrasts with the view that short run fluctuations and shifts in long run trends are largely unrelated. We examine empirically the effect of shifts in stochastic trends that are common to several macroeconomic series. Using a linear time series model related to a VAR, we consider first a system with GNP, consumption and investment with a single common stochastic trend; we then examine this system augmented by money and prices and an additional stochastic trend. Our results suggest that movements in the "real" stochastic trend account for one-half to two-thirds of the variation in postwar U.S. GNP.
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