16 research outputs found

    An integrated analysis of surface velocities induced by rainfall in the SĂ©chilienne landslide (Western Alps, France)

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    International audienceAn integrated analysis on the relationship between rainfall and displacement in the most active area of the SĂ©chilienne unstable slope was performed. This study combines several techniques and models to adequately reproduce the landslide movement induced by the rainfall. The analysis of available time series shows a long term trend and seasonal variations in the displacement, respectively independent and synchronous to precipitations. In particular wavelet analysis highlights that the movement is rather linked to groundwater recharge than to precipitation (rainfall + snowfall), involving then the importance of groundwater process in the area. A first and simple relationship between the water input and the fluctuations of displacements apart from the general trend is shown using a tank model. Moreover, a seasonal analysis of this relationship was performed, showing that displacement rate follows the behavior of the hydrological cycle. Two different models were applied to the long temporal series of extensometric and precipitation data: the FLAME model, from BRGM and the FORESEES model, from Univ. Lausanne. These tools are based on a combined statistical-mechanical approach to predict changes in landslide displacement rates from observed changes in precipitation amounts. The forecasting tool FLAME associates 1) a statistical impulse response (IR) model to simulate the changes in landslide rates by computing a transfer function between the rainfall and the displacements, and 2) a 1D mechanical (ME) model (e.g. visco-plastic rheology), in order to take into account changes in pore water pressures. The performance of different combinations of models was evaluated against observed displacement rates at the selected pilot study area. Our results indicate that both models are able to reproduce, with a high degree of accuracy, the observed displacement pattern in the general kinematic regime. Finally the variability of the results, depending in particular on the input data, is discussed

    Toward a Generic Computational Approach for Flexible Rockfall Barrier Modeling

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    La Revue Française de Géotechnique (RFG) est une publication scientifique parrainée par les comités français de mécanique des sols, de mécanique des roches, de géologie de l\textquoterightingénieur et des géosynthétique

    Quantification des dĂ©placements 3D par la mĂ©thode PLaS − application au glissement du Chambon (IsĂšre)

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    Une mĂ©thode de suivi de l'Ă©volution des mouvements de versant sans vĂ©gĂ©tation, facile Ă  mettre en Ɠuvre et Ă  bas coĂ»t, est dĂ©veloppĂ©e : la mĂ©thode PLaS (Photogrammetry-based method for Landslide Study). Elle est basĂ©e sur le principe de la photogrammĂ©trie qui est utilisĂ©e Ă  la fois pour la gĂ©nĂ©ration du modĂšle 3D de la surface sous la forme de nuages de points et pour le calcul des dĂ©placements 3D en surface pour le suivi de son Ă©volution. Cette mĂ©thode est appliquĂ©e Ă  l'Ă©tude de l'Ă©volution du glissement du Chambon entre avril 2016 et juillet 2016. Elle permet d'identifier les zones stables et en mouvement et fournit une valeur et une direction des dĂ©placements 3D sensiblement Ă©gales aux valeurs mesurĂ©es

    Seasonal and long term analysis of precipitation-displacement relationships on a deep seated unstable slope (SĂ©chilienne, French Alps)

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    National audienceTime series analysis and cross-wavelet analysis are used to characterize the relationship between water input and displacement in the most active zone of the SĂ©chilienne unstable slope. Time series analysis shows a displacement long term trend and seasonal intra-annual variations, respectively independent and synchronous to precipitations. Wavelet analysis has allowed identifying and characterizing the precipitation-detrended displacement relationship which shows that the SĂ©chilienne destabilisation is rather linked to effective rainfall than to raw precipitation (rainfall + snowfall), involving then groundwater process. Seasonal analysis of this relationship was performed, showing that displacement rate follows the behaviour of the hydrological cycle. Finally, trend was analysed and a weakening model approach was developed with an attempt to forecast the next modifications in unstable slope destabilisation behaviour

    Comparison of two DEM modeling of flexible rockfall fences under dynamic impact

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    International audienceFlexible fences are efficient and cost-effective rockfall protection structures, but their complex response to impact remains difficult to predict. Models based on a discrete element method (DEM) of rock impact on a flexible fence are developed for a better understanding of the dynamic response of the structure under impact. Two of these models are introduced and compared in this paper

    Étude expĂ©rimentale multi-Ă©chelle sur les Ă©crans pare-blocs : comportement des ouvrages hors cadre ETAG27

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    Dans le cadre du projet national C2ROP, une large campagne d’essais expĂ©rimentaux a Ă©tĂ© conduite. Des essais sous sollicitations quasi-statiques et dynamiques ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s sur les composants les plus critiques des Ă©crans pare-blocs (filets, dissipateur d’énergie) et sur un ouvrage complet selon diffĂ©rentes configurations. Une dizaine d’essais d’impact a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e sur un Ă©cran dĂ©veloppĂ© spĂ©cifiquement pour Ă©tudier expĂ©rimentalement le comportement de ce type d’ouvrage. Des mĂ©thodes d’acquisition de donnĂ©es spĂ©cifiques ont Ă©tĂ© mises en place, et une grande quantitĂ© de donnĂ©es a Ă©tĂ© recueillie puis exploitĂ©e. La force d’impact utile pour le dimensionnement des composants, le phasage de la dĂ©formation de l’ouvrage (de l’impact Ă  l’arrĂȘt du bloc), et la cinĂ©matique des dissipateurs d’énergie ont ainsi pu ĂȘtre Ă©tudiĂ©s. Des configurations d’impacts inhabituelles reprĂ©sentatives des conditions de sollicitation de l’ouvrage dans son contexte de mise en Ɠuvre ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es et comparĂ©es aux configurations de certification prescrites par l’ETAG27. Des coefficients ont Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©s afin de quantifier l’endommagement de l’ouvrage par rapport Ă  la configuration de certification en fonction du type d’impact. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus mettent en Ă©vidence que la configuration dĂ©finie par l’ETAG27 n’est pas nĂ©cessairement la configuration la plus dĂ©favorable

    Managing Rockfall Hazard on Strategic Linear Stakes: How Can Machine Learning Help to Better Predict Periods of Increased Rockfall Activity?

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    International audienceWhen rockfalls hit and damage linear stakes such as roads or railways, the access to critical infrastructures (hospitals, schools, factories 
) might be disturbed or stopped. Rockfall risk management often involves building protective structures that are traditionally based on the intensive use of resources such as steel or concrete. However, these solutions are expensive, considering their construction and maintenance, and it is very difficult to protect long linear stakes. A more sustainable and effective risk management strategy could be to account for changes on rockfall activity related to weather conditions. By integrating sustainability principles, we can implement mitigation measures that are less resource-intensive and more adaptable to environmental changes. For instance, instead of solely relying on physical barriers, solutions could include measures such as restriction of access, monitoring and mobilization of emergency kits containing eco-friendly materials. A critical step in developing such a strategy is accurately predicting periods of increased rockfall activity according to meteorological triggers. In this paper, we test four machine learning models to predict rockfalls on the National Road 1 at La RĂ©union, a key road for the socio-economic life of the island. Rainfall and rockfall data are used as inputs of the predictive models. We show that a set of features derived from the rainfall and rockfall data can predict rockfall with performances very close and almost slightly better than the standard expert model used for operational management. Metrics describing the performance of these models are translated in operational terms, such as road safety or the duration of road closings and openings, providing actionable insights for sustainable risk management practices

    An integrated analysis of surface velocities induced by rainfall in the SĂ©chilienne landslide (Western Alps, France)

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    International audienceAn integrated analysis on the relationship between rainfall and displacement in the most active area of the SĂ©chilienne unstable slope was performed. This study combines several techniques and models to adequately reproduce the landslide movement induced by the rainfall. The analysis of available time series shows a long term trend and seasonal variations in the displacement, respectively independent and synchronous to precipitations. In particular wavelet analysis highlights that the movement is rather linked to groundwater recharge than to precipitation (rainfall + snowfall), involving then the importance of groundwater process in the area. A first and simple relationship between the water input and the fluctuations of displacements apart from the general trend is shown using a tank model. Moreover, a seasonal analysis of this relationship was performed, showing that displacement rate follows the behavior of the hydrological cycle. Two different models were applied to the long temporal series of extensometric and precipitation data: the FLAME model, from BRGM and the FORESEES model, from Univ. Lausanne. These tools are based on a combined statistical-mechanical approach to predict changes in landslide displacement rates from observed changes in precipitation amounts. The forecasting tool FLAME associates 1) a statistical impulse response (IR) model to simulate the changes in landslide rates by computing a transfer function between the rainfall and the displacements, and 2) a 1D mechanical (ME) model (e.g. visco-plastic rheology), in order to take into account changes in pore water pressures. The performance of different combinations of models was evaluated against observed displacement rates at the selected pilot study area. Our results indicate that both models are able to reproduce, with a high degree of accuracy, the observed displacement pattern in the general kinematic regime. Finally the variability of the results, depending in particular on the input data, is discussed