11 research outputs found

    Legislative Documents

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    Also, variously referred to as: Senate bills; Senate documents; Senate legislative documents; legislative documents; and General Court documents

    Legislative Documents

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    Also, variously referred to as: House bills; House documents; House legislative documents; legislative documents; General Court documents

    Legislative Documents

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    Also, variously referred to as: Senate bills; Senate documents; Senate legislative documents; legislative documents; and General Court documents

    Additional file 11: of Transcriptome profiling of the honeybee parasite Varroa destructor provides new biological insights into the mite adult life cycle

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    Co-expressed contigs during the adult mite cycle. The co-expression analysis was performed for contigs identified as differentially expressed in at least one of the life-cycle stages by performing a likelihood ratio test of the full model (~stage) versus the null model (~ 1). Cluster labels, as well as the normalized expression counts for each sample, are provided for all contigs included in the co-expression analysis. In the sample names (library IDs), R204, R245, R41 and R78 correspond to the colony replicate and the last digit of the library ID to the life-cycle stage or condition: 1. Arrest, 2. Pre-lay, 3. Laying, 5. Emerg., 6.Young, 8. Phor, 10. Post-lay. (XLSX 6591 kb

    Additional file 5: of Transcriptome profiling of the honeybee parasite Varroa destructor provides new biological insights into the mite adult life cycle

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    Heatmap of Pearson correlations between samples, based on log10 expression counts across contigs. The heatmap was produced using the pheatmap R package [81], and rows and columns were clustered using hierarchical clustering using the Euclidean distance and complete linkage. (PDF 193 kb

    Additional file 7: of Transcriptome profiling of the honeybee parasite Varroa destructor provides new biological insights into the mite adult life cycle

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    Dynamic expression of contigs encoding vitellogenin and the large lipid transfer protein across the Varroa reproductive cycle. After averaging values for each contig across replicates in each stage, mean expression values are reported as log2 fold-change with respect to the Young stage. (PDF 89 kb

    Additional file 2: of Transcriptome profiling of the honeybee parasite Varroa destructor provides new biological insights into the mite adult life cycle

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    Contigs mapped per library. R204, R245, R41 and R78 correspond to the colony replicate and the last digit of the library ID to the life-cycle stage or condition: 1. Arrest, 2. Pre-lay, 3. Laying, 4. NR, 5. Emerg., 6.Young, 7. Male, 8. Phor, 9. Cage, 10. Post-lay. (XLSX 11673 kb