111 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Lambs’ State of Consciousness Signs during Halal and Traditional Slaughtering

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the persistence of two signs of consciousness (rhythmic breathing and corneal reflex) in lambs slaughtered according to the traditional method and Halal ritual rite. A total of 240 lambs were examined and divided into two equal groups (n = 120 each). Lambs of group A were subjected to the stunning phase by the action of an electric current on the brain, while lambs of group B were slaughtered according to the religious Halal method without prior stunning. Rhythmic breathing (RB) and corneal reflex (CR) were used as indicators of prolonged brain function, and their evaluation was carried out by the operators in three subsequent steps at 15 s, 30 s, and 90 s post-bleeding, respectively. The stunning of the lambs reduced the animal’s state of consciousness and, consequently, reduced suffering, pain, and distress. Indeed, the lambs of group B showed longer duration consciousness than the animals stunned by electrodes. The permanence of the reflexes in Halal slaughter could be reduced by introducing a reversible stunning method to make the animal temporarily unconscious. Moreover, given that our results revealed consciousness also after 90 s post-cut, the assessment of the animal’s state of consciousness in wider time intervals than those commonly used is recommended


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    The occurrence of Cadmium was measured in the muscle, liver and kidneys of 220 horses, 120 Polish, 55 Spanish and 45 Italian, subdivided into age-group. The kidneys were found to be the most contaminated and the concentration reveals a situation which should be under investigation

    Oxytocin, prostaglandin F2α, and scopolamine for uterine involution of dairy cows

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    The aim of the study was to compare the effect of three substances with ecbolic activity, Oxytocin, Prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) and Scopolamine, on the uterine involution process in dairy cows and on the resumption of ovarian activity. Eighty bovine were randomly divided in four groups: GROUP C: 20 cows treated, within 24 h of calving, with 5 mL/head of saline solution; GROUP PG: 20 cows treated, within 24 h of calving, with 150 μg/head of d-cloprostenol; GROUP OX: 20 cows treated, within 24 h of calving, with 50 IU/head of oxytocin acetate; GROUP S: 20 cows treated, within 24 h of calving, with 40 mg/q Scopolamine Butylbromide. Each cow was subjected to blood samples to evaluate the Hydroxyproline (HYP) levels, at T0, within 24 h after calving, and T7, T14, T28, 7, 14, and 28 days after calving, respectively. At T14 and T28, an ultrasound examination was performed to measure the diameter of ex-pregnant horn. In all cows, the reproductive indices (days to first service and number of artificial insemination for conception) were evaluated. In all groups, the HYP concentrations have been rising from T0 to T28, with the maximum levels obtained at T28 in the groups PG and S. As regard the diameter of uterine horn, the comparison among the groups showed significant differences only at T28, with lower values in the group PG and S. In group S and PG, the days to first service were less than other groups. Treatment with Scopolamine and PGF2α resulted in better outcomes, evidenced clinically by more efficient uterine involution and faster ovarian recovery

    Volatile organic compounds, oxidative and sensory patterns of vacuum aged foal meat

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    The study aimed to evaluate the effect of 14-day vacuum aging on the volatile compounds (VOC) profile, oxidative profile, antioxidant enzymes activity, and sensory evaluation in the Longissimusthoracis muscle of foal meat under vacuum aging. Longissimusthoracis (LT) was sampled in 20 mm thick slices, vacuum packed, and stored at 4 °C. Samples were randomly assigned to different aging times (1, 6, 9, 14 days after slaughtering). VOCs, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARs), hydroperoxides, carbonyl proteins, superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase were analyzed, and a sensory test was performed. A nested one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed for aging time as an independent variable. Significance was set at p 0.05), instead, protein carbonyls showed higher values at the 14th day (p < 0.01). Catalase, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione peroxidase showed increasing values during aging time (p < 0.01). Vacuum aging slowed down lipid oxidation, and protein oxidation was shown to be present. However, the best vacuum aging duration is in the range of 6–9 days from slaughtering, with an improvement of sensory evaluation.CYTED | Ref. 119RT0568AxenciaGalega de Innovación | Ref. IN607A2019/01Department of Veterinary Medicine of Bari | Ref. DR 3681Italian Ministry of Education | Ref. 183989

    Preliminary survey on the occurrence of microplastics in bivalve mollusks marketed in Apulian fish markets

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    Microplastics (MPs) are a relevant threat to food safety because they are ingested by humans through various foods. Bivalves are at high risk of microplastic contamination due to their filter-feeding mechanism and pose a risk to consumers as they are ingested whole. In this work, microplastics were detected, quantified, identified, and classified in samples of mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) and oysters (Crassostrea gigas) marketed in the Apulia region. The total number of plastic debris was 789 particles in the mussel samples and 270 particles in the oyster samples, with size ranging from 10 to 7350 µm. Fragments with size within the category of 5-500 µm were the predominant findings in both species, with blue as the predominant color in mussels and transparent in oysters; most of the debris was polyamide and nylon polymers in the mussels and chlorinated polypropylene in the oysters. These results show that mussel and oyster samples purchased at fish markets are contaminated with microplastics. The sources may be diverse and further studies are needed to assess the impact of the marketing stage on microplastic contamination in bivalves to better define the human risk assessment associated with microplastic exposure from bivalves consumption

    2-Hydroxy-4-Methylselenobutanoic Acid as New Organic Selenium Dietary Supplement to Produce Selenium-Enriched Eggs

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    Food-based strategies need to be developed to improve the selenium (Se) status of individuals. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a new organic Se [2-hydroxy-4-methylselenobutanoic acid (HMSeBA)] on selected performance criteria and Se deposition in egg of laying hens. Isa Brown laying hens, 18 weeks of age were randomly allocated to two dietary treatments and fed for 10 weeks. The hens were fed two corn-soybean meal-based diets comprising a control basal diet without Se supplementation and a test diet supplemented with Se at 0.2 mg/kg from HMSeBA. No difference was observed among dietary treatments on feed intake, egg weight and laying rate, whereas egg yolk fatty acid profile and vitamin E content were positively influenced by HMSeBA supplementation. Hens fed Se-supplemented diet exhibited greater (P &lt; 0.001) egg yolk total Se contents, which averaged 21.2 mg/100 g dry matter (DM) compared to control diet (11.7 mg/100 g DM). Our results suggested that HMSeBA as Se supplement influences positively egg yolk quality without affecting hens’ productive traits. Moreover, HMSeBA offers an efficient alternative to fortify eggs with Se, which can consequently lead to greater supply of Se for humans
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