1,248 research outputs found
Radio emission from satellite-Jupiter interactions (especially Ganymede)
Analyzing a database of 26 years of observations of Jupiter from the
Nan\c{c}ay Decameter Array, we study the occurrence of Io-independent emissions
as a function of the orbital phase of the other Galilean satellites and
Amalthea. We identify unambiguously the emissions induced by Ganymede and
characterize their intervals of occurrence in CML and Ganymede phase and
longitude. We also find hints of emissions induced by Europa and, surprisingly,
by Amalthea. The signature of Callisto-induced emissions is more tenuous.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, in "Planetary Radio Emissions VIII", G. Fischer,
G. Mann, M. Panchenko and P. Zarka eds., Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna,
in press, 201
N-tree approximation for the largest Lyapunov exponent of a coupled-map lattice
The N-tree approximation scheme, introduced in the context of random directed
polymers, is here applied to the computation of the maximum Lyapunov exponent
in a coupled map lattice. We discuss both an exact implementation for small
tree-depth and a numerical implementation for larger s. We find that the
phase-transition predicted by the mean field approach shifts towards larger
values of the coupling parameter when the depth is increased. We conjecture
that the transition eventually disappears.Comment: RevTeX, 15 pages,5 figure
Comparison of voter and Glauber ordering dynamics on networks
We study numerically the ordering process of two very simple dynamical models
for a two-state variable on several topologies with increasing levels of
heterogeneity in the degree distribution. We find that the zero-temperature
Glauber dynamics for the Ising model may get trapped in sets of partially
ordered metastable states even for finite system size, and this becomes more
probable as the size increases. Voter dynamics instead always converges to full
order on finite networks, even if this does not occur via coherent growth of
domains. The time needed for order to be reached diverges with the system size.
In both cases the ordering process is rather insensitive to the variation of
the degreee distribution from sharply peaked to scale-free.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure
In-flight calibration of STEREO-B/WAVES antenna system
The STEREO/WAVES (SWAVES) experiment on board the two STEREO spacecraft
(Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory) launched on 25 October 2006 is
dedicated to the measurement of the radio spectrum at frequencies between a few
kilohertz and 16 MHz. The SWAVES antenna system consists of 6 m long orthogonal
monopoles designed to measure the electric component of the radio waves. With
this configuration direction finding of radio sources and polarimetry (analysis
of the polarization state) of incident radio waves is possible. For the
evaluation of the SWAVES data the receiving properties of the antennas,
distorted by the radiation coupling with the spacecraft body and other onboard
devices, have to be known accurately. In the present context, these properties
are described by the antenna effective length vectors. We present the results
of an in-flight calibration of the SWAVES antennas using the observations of
the nonthermal terrestrial auroral kilometric radiation (AKR) during STEREO
roll maneuvers in an early stage of the mission. A least squares method
combined with a genetic algorithm was applied to find the effective length
vectors of the STEREO Behind (STEREO-B)/WAVES antennas in a quasi-static
frequency range () which fit best to the model
and observed AKR intensity profiles. The obtained results confirm the former
SWAVES antenna analysis by rheometry and numerical simulations. A final set of
antenna parameters is recommended as a basis for evaluations of the SWAVES
Jupiter radio emission probability tool
Jupiter is a source of intense radio emissions in the decametric wavelength range observable from ground (above âŒ10 MHz) and from space (down to a few kHz). The strong anisotropy of the Jovian radio sources results in characteristic shapes in the temporal-spectral domain, which can be used to identified the various types of Jovian radio components. The Jupiter Probability Tool provides users with Jovian radio emission observability predictions, depending on the observers location, and the radio emission class. The application can be used for observation planning or data analysis for ground or space observations
The complex conformational dynamics of neuronal calcium sensor-1: A single molecule perspective
The human neuronal calcium sensor-1 (NCS-1) is a multispecific two-domain EF-hand protein expressed predominantly in neurons and is a member of the NCS protein family. Structure-function relationships of NCS-1 have been extensively studied showing that conformational dynamics linked to diverse ion-binding is important to its function. NCS-1 transduces Ca 2+ changes in neurons and is linked to a wide range of neuronal functions such as regulation of neurotransmitter release, voltage-gated Ca 2+ channels and neuronal outgrowth. Defective NCS-1 can be deleterious to cells and has been linked to serious neuronal disorders like autism. Here, we review recent studies describing at the single molecule level the structural and mechanistic details of the folding and misfolding processes of the non-myristoylated NCS-1. By manipulating one molecule at a time with optical tweezers, the conformational equilibria of the Ca 2+ -bound, Mg 2+ -bound and apo states of NCS-1 were investigated revealing a complex folding mechanism underlain by a rugged and multidimensional energy landscape. The molecular rearrangements that NCS-1 undergoes to transit from one conformation to another and the energetics of these reactions are tightly regulated by the binding of divalent ions (Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ ) to its EF-hands. At pathologically high Ca 2+ concentrations the protein sometimes follows non-productive misfolding pathways leading to kinetically trapped and potentially harmful misfolded conformations. We discuss the significance of these misfolding events as well as the role of inter-domain interactions in shaping the energy landscape and ultimately the biological function of NCS-1. The conformational equilibria of NCS-1 are also compared to those of calmodulin (CaM) and differences and similarities in the behavior of these proteins are rationalized in terms of structural properties
Planetary Science Virtual Observatory architecture
In the framework of the Europlanet-RI program, a prototype of Virtual
Observatory dedicated to Planetary Science was defined. Most of the activity
was dedicated to the elaboration of standards to retrieve and visualize data in
this field, and to provide light procedures to teams who wish to contribute
with on-line data services. The architecture of this VO system and selected
solutions are presented here, together with existing demonstrators
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