7,899 research outputs found

    On the Modeling of Transcatheter Therapies for the Aortic and Mitral Valves: A Review

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    Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) has become a milestone for the management of aortic stenosis in a growing number of patients who are unfavorable candidates for surgery. With the new generation of transcatheter heart valves (THV), the feasibility of transcatheter mitral valve replacement (TMVR) for degenerated mitral bioprostheses and failed annuloplasty rings has been demonstrated. In this setting, computational simulations are modernizing the preoperative planning of transcatheter heart valve interventions by predicting the outcome of the bioprosthesis interaction with the human host in a patient-specific fashion. However, computational modeling needs to carry out increasingly challenging levels including the verification and validation to obtain accurate and realistic predictions. This review aims to provide an overall assessment of the recent advances in computational modeling for TAVR and TMVR as well as gaps in the knowledge limiting model credibility and reliability

    Night-time shift work and related stress responses: A study on security guards

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    Work-related stress can induce a break in homeostasis by placing demands on the body that are met by the activation of two different systems, the hypothalamic\u2013pituitary\u2013adrenal axis and the sympathetic nervous system. Night-shift work alters the body\u2019s exposure to the natural light\u2013 dark schedule and disrupts circadian (daily) rhythms. The greatest effect of night-shift work is the disruption of circadian rhythms. The impact that these disruptions may have on the pathogenesis of many diseases, including cancer, is unknown. This study aims to discover the relationship among three different job activities of security guards and their stress-related responses by evaluating salivary cortisol levels and blood pressure. Methods: Ninety security guards, including night-time workers and night-time and daily-shift workers, were recruited for this study. Each security guard provided two saliva samples before and after three scheduled time points: (i) at 22:00, (ii) at 06:30, and (iii) at 14:00. Results: The results of the study showed a significant alteration in cortisol levels. Night-time shift cortisol levels significantly increased before and after the work shifts. A physiological prevalence of the vagal tone on the cardiocirculatory activity was found during night-shift work. Conclusions: This study indicates that cortisol levels and blood pressure are sensitive markers of biological responses to severe work stress. Shift-change consequences may occur at the end of the night shift when there is a significant increase in the cortisol level and a significant variation in cardiovascular parameters

    Transcranial Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Guided Focused Ultrasound Treatment at 1.5 T: A Retrospective Study on Treatment- and Patient-Related Parameters Obtained From 52 Procedures

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    Objective: To present a retrospective analysis of patient- and sonication-related parameters of a group of patients treated with a transcranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-guided focused ultrasound (tcMRgFUS) system integrated with a 1.5-T MRI unit. Methods: The data obtained from 59 patients, who underwent the tcMRgFUS procedure from January 2015 to April 2019, were retrospectively reviewed for this study. The following data, among others, were mainly collected: skull density ratio (SDR), skull area (SA), number of available transducer elements (Tx), and estimated focal power at target (FP). For each of the four different treatment stages, we calculated the number of sonication processes (S-n), user-defined sonication power (S-p), effective measured power (S-mp), sonication duration (S-d), user-defined energy (E), effective measured energy (E-m), maximum temperature (T-max), and MR thermometry plane orientation. Furthermore, the time delay between each sonication (S-t) and the total treatment time (T-t) were recorded. Results: Fifty-two patients (40 males and 12 females; age 64.51 +/- SD 11.90 years; range 26-86 years), who underwent unilateral Vim thalamotomy (left = 50, 96.15%; right = 2, 3.85%) for medication-refractory essential tremor (n = 39; 78%) or Parkinson tremor (n = 13; 22%) were considered. A total of 1,068 (95.10%) sonication processes were included in our final analysis (average S-n per treatment: 20.65 +/- 6.18; range 13-41). The energy released onto the planned target was found to decrease with the SDR for all temperature ranges. A positive correlation was observed between the slope of T-max vs. E-m plot and the SDR (R-2 = 0.765; p < 0.001). In addition, the T-max was positively correlated with SDR (R-2 = 0.398; p < 0.005). On the contrary, no significant correlation was found between SDR and SA or Tx. An analysis of the MR thermometry scanning plane indicated that, at our site, the axial and the coronal planes were used (on average) 10.4 (SD +/- 3.8) and 7.7 (SD +/- 3.0) times, respectively, whereas the sagittal plane was used only 2.5 (SD +/- 3.0) times per treatment. Conclusion: Our results confirm the factors that significantly influence the course of a tcMRgFUS procedure even when a 1.5-T MRI scanner is used for procedure guidance. The experience we gained in this study indicates that the SDR remains one of the most significant technical parameters to be considered in a tcMRgFUS procedure. The possibility of prospectively setting the sonication energy according to the presented curves of energy delivery as a function of SDR for each treatment stage could provide a further understanding and a greater awareness of this emerging technology

    Uniform non-stoichiometric titanium nitride thin films for improved kinetic inductance detector array

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    We describe the fabrication of homogeneous sub-stoichiometric titanium nitride films for microwave kinetic inductance detector (mKID) arrays. Using a 6 inch sputtering target and a homogeneous nitrogen inlet, the variation of the critical temperature over a 2 inch wafer was reduced to <25 %. Measurements of a 132-pixel mKID array from these films reveal a sensitivity of 16 kHz/pW in the 100 GHz band, comparable to the best aluminium mKIDs. We measured a noise equivalent power of NEP = 3.6e-15 W/Hz^(1/2). Finally, we describe possible routes to further improve the performance of these TiN mKID arrays.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Journal of low temperature physics, Proceedings of LTD-1

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery for the Treatment of Symptomatic Uterine Fibroids

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    Uterine broids, the most common benign tumor in women of childbearing age, may cause symptoms including pelvic pain, menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea, pressure, urinary symptoms, and infertility. Various approaches are available to treat symptomatic uterine broids. Magnetic Resonance-guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery (MRgFUS) represents a recently introduced noninvasive safe and e ective technique that can be performed without general anesthesia, in an outpatient setting. We review the principles of MRgFUS, describing patient selection criteria for the treatments performed at our center and we present a series of ve selected patients with symptomatic uterine broids treated with this not yet widely known technique, showing its e cacy in symptom improvement and broid volume reduction

    MinerAlert: an hybrid approach for web mining detection

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    The introduction of new memory-based crypto-mining techniques and the rise of new web technologies like WebAssembly, made the use of browsers for crypto-currencies mining more and more convenient and popular. That, in turn, originated a new form of computer piracy, called cryptojacking, which is rapidly gaining ground on the web. A cryptojacking site exploits its visitors’ hardware resources to secretly mine crypto-currencies. This paper analyzes current web-based cryptojacking detection methods in order to propose a novel hybrid strategy. Current detection methods are found to require either considerable computer administration skills or execution privileges usually not available to common users. In this view, a method, named MinerAlert, has been designed and proposed, aiming at detecting in real-time sites performing cryptojacking. To address the limitations of current methods, the method implementation has been achieved through a browser extension. The present paper describes the method’s details and its implementation. It also reports the experimental results of its utilization, showing its positive performances in terms of ease of use, successful detections and speed

    Additive manufacturing for the automotive industry: on the life-cycle environmental implications of material substitution and lightweighting through re-design

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    The automotive sector has recently been taking measures to reduce fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions for the mobility of ground vehicles. Light-weighting, via material substitution, and the re-designing of components or even a combination of the two, have been identified as a crucial solution. Additive manufacturing (AM) can be used to technologically complement or even replace conventional manufacturing in several industrial fields. The enabling of complexity-for-free (re) designs is inherent in additive manufacturing. It is expected that certain benefits can be achieved from the adoption of re-design techniques, via AM, that rely on topological optimisation, e.g., a reduced use of resources in both the material production and use phases. However, the consequent higher specific energy consumption and the higher embodied impact of feedstock materials could result in unsustainable environmental costs. This paper investigates the case of the light-weighting of an automobile component to quantify the outcomes of the systematic integration of re-designing and material substitution. A bracket, originally cast in iron, has been manufactured by means of a powder bed-based AM technique in AlSi10Mg through an optimized topology. Both manufacturing routes have been evaluated through a comparative Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) within cradle-to-grave boundaries. A 69%-lightweighting has been achieved, and the carbon dioxide emissions and energy demands of both scenarios have been compared. Besides the use-phase-related savings in terms of both energy and carbon footprint due to the lightweighting, the results highlight the environmental trade-offs and prompt the consideration of such a manufacturing process as an integral part of sustainable product development

    Preterm birth after loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP). how cone features and microbiota could influence the pregnancy outcome

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    OBJECTIVE: In the last years, the mean age of women who underwent cervical treatment for high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN 2-3) is similar to the age of women having their first pregnancy. The aim of this study was to evaluate the risk of preterm birth in subsequent pregnancies after loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP). PATIENTS AND METHODS: From January 2013 to January 2016 the study identified a total of 1435 women, nulliparous, who underwent LEEP for CIN 2-3, and who wished to have their first pregnancy. Before surgery, the lengths of the cervix were calculated by transvaginal sonography. After the treatment, the dimension of the removed tissue was evaluated. During the pregnancy, all women carried out periodic transvaginal sonography and vaginal-cervical swabs. RESULTS: The average age of patients was 31.96±5.24 years; the interval between the surgical procedure and pregnancy was 12.04±4.67 months; the gestational age at births was 37.53±2.91 weeks. The first vaginal and cervical swab performed during pregnancy was negative in 81.8% of patients. The most prevalent infections were related to C. Albicans, G. Vaginalis, and Group B Streptococcus (GBS). The rate of preterm delivery was significantly higher in women with a minor cervical length. CONCLUSIONS: The length and the volume of cervical tissue excised have been shown to be directly related to the risk for preterm birth. Furthermore, vaginal infections and their persistence during pregnancy in women with a history of LEEP may be associated with an increased risk for preterm birth, compared with women with no history of LEEP
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