11 research outputs found

    Yeasts as Dietary Additives to Manipulate Ruminal Fermentation: Effect on Nutrient Utilization and Productive Performance of Ruminants

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    There is considerable interest in the use of microbial additives such as yeasts in the nutrition of ruminants. The prohibition of the antibiotics as growth promoters in animal feeds increased the interest to investigate the effects of yeasts as natural additives on the gastrointestinal ecosystem and animal productive behavior. The effect of yeast-based preparations on the rumen environment and on the growth performance of ruminants has been well documented and has generated considerable scientific attention in the last two decades. However, the precise action modes by which the yeast cultures improve nutrient utilization and livestock production are still under study. Therefore, the objective of this chapter is to deepen into the action mechanisms of the yeasts at the ruminal level and at the productive level for their use as additives in animal feeding

    Destete precoz en ganado criollo mexicano de rodeo

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    El ganado criollo de rodeo se caracteriza por presentar un bajo comportamiento productivo, como consecuencia, su explotación tiene una baja rentabilidad financiera y debe darse mayor énfasis en mejorar estas características. En este estudio, se utilizaron 22 vacas con sus crías de una edad promedio de 66 días, que fueron asignadas en forma aleatoria a dos tratamientos; destete normal (DN) (n1=11) y destete precoz (DP) (n2=11) con el objetivo de medir el efecto de la separación temprana de las crías de sus madres en el comportamiento productivo de ellas. Durante el estudio, se evaluó el peso vivo (PV) y la condición corporal (CC) de las vacas y el porcentaje de gestación (PG), así como el PV de las crías. No se encontraron diferencias significativas para PV (266.7 y 289.79 kg para DN y DP respectivamente), CC (4.5 y 4.9 para DN y DP respectivamente), PV de las crías (127.0 y 134.6 kg para DN y DP respectivamente), ni para PG (55 y 82 % para DN y DP respectivamente). A pesar de la falta de significancia estadística, hubo mejoras sustanciales numéricas en los parámetros medidos. Estos resultados sugieren que el uso de programas de destete precoz puede ser de utilidad limitada para mejorar los parámetros productivos de vacas de rodeo en condiciones extensivas. Abstract Mexican criollo cattle are characterized by a poor productive performance and consequently its production shows low financial return and it is necessary to improve these characteristics. In this particular study, twenty two Mexican criollo rodeo cows with calves were assigned at random to two treatments: traditional weaning (TW) (n1=11) and early weaning (EW) (n2=11) to determine the effect of early separation of the calves from their dams on the productive performance of rodeo cows. Body weight (BW), body condition (BC) and pregnancy rate (PR) of the cows, and BW of the calves were determined. No significant differences were found for BW (266.7 and 289.8 Kg for TW and EW respectively), BC (4.5 and 4.9 for TW and EW respectively) BW of the calves (64.6 and 65.1 Kg for TW and EW respectively), neither for PR (55 and 82 % for TW and EW respectively). Although there was no statistical significance, important numerical improvements were found in the parameters measured. These data suggest that utilization of early weaning programs can be a limited tool to increase production parameters of rodeo cows under extensive conditions. Keywords: anestrous, suckling, pregnanc

    Effect of Live Yeasts (<i>Pichia guilliermondii</i>) on In Vitro Fermentation of Corn Stover as a Fibrous Substrate

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    The objective of the present study was to examine the potential utilization of the yeast strain Pichia guilliermondii (Levica 27) on the ruminal fermentation of corn stover. Two in vitro treatments were evaluated: (A) filtered rumen liquid + powdered corn stover + yeast-free culture medium and (B) filtered rumen liquid + powdered corn stover + culture medium inoculated with yeast. Samples were collected at 0, 6, 12, and 24 h and examined for effects on culture pH, ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N), the fiber digestibility percentages of neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber, the digestibility of dry matter, and the concentration of volatile fatty acids (VFAs). The results showed that the addition of Levica 27 had no effect on the ruminal pH, NH3-N or the digestibility indicators (p > 0.05). However, at 12 h, the inclusion of Levica 27 increased (p p < 0.05) the C2:C3 ratio. It is concluded that Levica 27 seems to have a stimulating effect on ruminal fermentation over a range within 6 and 12 h, a result that should be taken into account when in vivo studies are performed with this yeast strain

    Efecto de Candida norvegensis sobre la degradabilidad ruminal de rastrojo de maíz y el crecimiento de corderos

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    Probiotics assist in the development of beneficial microorganisms in the rumen that increase digestibility of nutrients and improves the productive performance of ruminants; it also has the possibility of using ingredients as corn stover of relatively low nutritional value, but available in some places at low prices. Saccharomyces yeasts are conventionally used as probiotics and there are reports that use native strains such as Candida norvegensis. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the probiotic of Candida norvegensis on the in situ ruminal dry matter degradability of corn stover and on the productive performance of growing lambs. In the first experiment, the yeast Candida norvegensis (strain Levazoot 15) [0 g (T1)] and 5 g (T2) was used to determine the in situ ruminal dry matter degradation (RDMD) of the corn stover in 3 cows with cannulas in the rumen, which was determined by the polyester bag technique. There was no effect of yeast (P > 0.05) on fraction (a), (b) and (a+b). However, the effective degradability at 1 %/h and 5 %/h of ruminal turnover was higher in T2 (P 0.05) para la fracción (a), (b) y (a+b); pero la degradabilidad efectiva al 1 %/h y 5 %/h de recambio ruminal fue mayor para T2 (P < 0.05). En un segundo experimento, 32 corderos se asignaron al azar a corrales individuales por 105 d para evaluar 4 dietas que difirieron en la proporción de concentrado/forraje: T1 = 75:25, T2 = 75:25, T3 = 50:50, y  T4 = 25:75. A excepción de T1, las dietas fueron suplementadas con Candida norvegensis, a razón de 15 mL/kg de peso vivo, equivalente a 5 g/d de levadura en base seca. Los ovinos en la dieta con 75 % de concentrado más la levadura (T2) presentaron mayor ganancia de peso, y mejor conversión alimenticia (P < 0.05). Se concluye que Candida norvegensis mostró efectos benéficos en la degradabilidad ruminal y  en  el  desarrollo  de  corderos

    Principales causas de mortalidad en granjas de crecimiento de pollitas comerciales de la línea Bovans White

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    Comparison of three sampling procedures for evaluating intestinal villi: A swine model

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    Background: Villi morphology and function affect the absorption capacity of the small intestine. Most tissues are fragile and their morphology may change with excessive manipulation and inadequate sampling techniques. Intestinal sampling includes methodologies such as cutting longitudinally or transversely, keeping the intestinal content in it and preserving all in a 10% formalin solution; washing the intestinal sample in saline solution while emptying it by pressing downwards with two fingers, conserving the sample in a 10% formalin solution and knotting both ends of the sample, introducing 10% formalin into it and preserving it in the same solution. Objective: To compare height, area and desquamation caused by washing, pressing, and knotting used in sampling and conservation techniques of small intestine villi of pigs. Methods: Samples (n = 270) from duodenum, jejunum and ileum of 30 Landrace × Yorkshire crossed pigs, aged 7 to 8 months were randomly subjected to washing, soft pressing or knotting procedures, fixed in 10% formalin solution, embedded in paraffin, and stained with eosin and hematoxylin. Intestinal villi in each slide were observed to determine height, surface area and cellular desquamation of each villus. Results: Villi height from duodenum and ileum knotted samples was higher (p0.05). Villi from knotted jejunum samples were the shortest (p0.05). Knotted samples from ileum had larger villi area compared with the rest of the procedures and intestinal portions (p0.05). Conclusion: Knotting is the recommended procedure for intestinal cell morphometry evaluation, as values of villi height and area are higher. Desquamation in the three procedures may be related to epithelial restoration processes.Antecedentes: A morfologia e função das vilosidades afeta a capacidade de absorção no intestino delgado. A maioria dos tecidos são frágeis e podem mudar sua morfologia com um manuseio excessivo e técnicas de amostragem inadequada. A amostragem de intestino inclui metodologias tais como corte longitudinal ou transversal, conservando o conteúdo intestinal e mantendo tudo em uma solução de formalina a 10%. A amostra do intestino é lavada em solução salina enquanto se esvazia pressionando para baixo com dois dedos, após isso a amostra é submergida em uma solução de formalina a 10% e atam-se as duas extremidades do intestino, mais formalina 10% é introduzida no mesmo e é preservado na mesma solução. Objetivo: Comparar a altura, área e descamação nas vilosidades do intestino delgado em porcos, causada pela lavagem, pressão e colocação do nó y pelas técnicas de conservação. Métodos: Duzentos e setentaa mostras de duodeno, jejuno e íleo de 30 porcos de cruzamento de raças Landrace e Yorkshire de sete a oito meses de idade foram submetidos aleatoriamente a procedimentos de lavagem, prensagem suave ou colocação de nós e foram fixados em solução de formalina a 10%, processados para inclusão em parafina e corados com hematoxilina e eosina. Foram observadas as vilosidades de cada amostra para determinar a sua altura, a superfície de cada célula vilosidade e descamação celular. Resultados: A altura das vilosidades nas amostras de duodeno e íleo com nó foi maior (p0,05). Amostras de jejunos com nó apresentaram vilosidades menores (p0,05). Amostras de íleo com nó apresentaram maior área nas vilosidades do que outros procedimentos e outras porções do intestino (p0,05). Conclusão: O procedimento de colocação do nó é o recomendado para a avaliação morfométrica das células intestinais, já que os valores de altura e área das vilosidades são mais elevados. A observação da descamação nos três procedimentos poderia estar relacionada com um processo de restauração epitelial.Antecedentes: La morfología y función de las vellosidades afectan la capacidad de absorción del intestino delgado. La mayoría de los tejidos son frágiles y su morfología puede cambiar con una manipulación excesiva y técnicas de muestreo inadecuadas. El muestreo intestinal incluye metodologías tales como el corte longitudinal o transversal, conservando el contenido intestinal y conservando todo en una solución de formol al 10%; lavado de la muestra de intestino en solución salina mientras se vacía, presionándola hacia abajo con dos dedos, conservando la muestra en solución de formol al 10% y anudando ambos extremos de la muestra, introduciendo en ella formol al 10% y preservándola en la misma solución. Objetivo: Comparar la altura, área y descamación causada por el lavado, presión y anudamiento utilizados en la toma de muestras y técnicas de conservación utilizadas en vellosidades intestinales en cerdos. Métodos: Se obtuvieron 270 muestras de duodeno, yeyuno e íleon de 30 cerdos cruzados Landrace × Yorkshire de 7 a 8 meses de edad, y se sometieron aleatoriamente a procedimientos de lavado, prensado suave o anudado y fueron fijados en solución de formol al 10%, procesados por inclusión en parafina y teñidos con eosina y hematoxilina. Se observaron las vellosidades intestinales de cada muestra para determinar su altura, la superficie de cada vellosidad y la descamación celular. Resultados: La altura de las vellosidades de las muestras anudadas de duodeno e íleon fue mayor (p0,05). Las vellosidades procedentes de muestras de nudos de yeyuno fueron las más cortas (p0,05). Las muestras anudadas del íleon presentaron mayor área de vellosidades que el resto de los procedimientos y porciones intestinales (p0,05). Conclusión: El procedimiento de anudamiento es el recomendado para la evaluación morfométrica de células intestinales, considerando que los valores de altura y área de las vellosidades son mayores. La observación de la descamación en los tres procedimientos puede estar relacionada con un proceso de restauración epitelial

    Comparison of three sampling procedures for evaluating intestinal villi: A swine model

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    Abstract Background: Villi morphology and function affect the absorption capacity of the small intestine. Most tissues are fragile and their morphology may change with excessive manipulation and inadequate sampling techniques. Intestinal sampling includes methodologies such as cutting longitudinally or transversely, keeping the intestinal content in it and preserving all in a 10% formalin solution; washing the intestinal sample in saline solution while emptying it by pressing downwards with two fingers, conserving the sample in a 10% formalin solution and knotting both ends of the sample, introducing 10% formalin into it and preserving it in the same solution. Objective: To compare height, area and desquamation caused by washing, pressing, and knotting used in sampling and conservation techniques of small intestine villi of pigs. Methods: Samples (n = 270) from duodenum, jejunum and ileum of 30 Landrace × Yorkshire crossed pigs, aged 7 to 8 months were randomly subjected to washing, soft pressing or knotting procedures, fixed in 10% formalin solution, embedded in paraffin, and stained with eosin and hematoxylin. Intestinal villi in each slide were observed to determine height, surface area and cellular desquamation of each villus. Results: Villi height from duodenum and ileum knotted samples was higher (p0.05). Villi from knotted jejunum samples were the shortest (p0.05). Knotted samples from ileum had larger villi area compared with the rest of the procedures and intestinal portions (p0.05). Conclusion: Knotting is the recommended procedure for intestinal cell morphometry evaluation, as values of villi height and area are higher. Desquamation in the three procedures may be related to epithelial restoration processes

    Effects of Live Cells on Oat Straw Rumen Fermentation

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    This study evaluated the effect of Candida norvegensis (C. norvegensis) viable yeast culture on in vitro ruminal fermentation of oat straw. Ruminal fluid was mixed with buffer solution (1:2) and anaerobically incubated with or without yeast at 39°C for 0, 4, 8, 16, and 24 h. A fully randomized design was used. There was a decrease in lactic acid (quadratic, p = 0.01), pH, (quadratic, p = 0.02), and yeasts counts (linear, p<0.01) across fermentation times. However, in vitro dry matter disappearance (IVDMD) and ammonia-N increased across fermentation times (quadratic; p<0.01 and p<0.02, respectively). Addition of yeast cells caused a decrease in pH values compared over all fermentation times (p<0.01), and lactic acid decreased at 12 h (p = 0.05). Meanwhile, yeast counts increased (p = 0.01) at 12 h. C. norvegensis increased ammonia-N at 4, 8, 12, and 24 h (p<0.01), and IVDMD of oat straw increased at 8, 12, and 24 h (p<0.01) of fermentation. Yeast cells increased acetate (p<0.01), propionate (p<0.03), and butyrate (p<0.03) at 8 h, while valeriate and isovaleriate increased at 8, 12, and 24 h (p<0.01). The yeast did not affect cellulolytic bacteria (p = 0.05), but cellulolytic fungi increased at 4 and 8 h (p<0.01), whereas production of methane decreased (p<0.01) at 8 h. It is concluded that addition of C. norvegensis to in vitro oat straw fermentation increased ruminal fermentation parameters as well as microbial growth with reduction of methane production. Additionally, yeast inoculum also improved IVDMD

    Composting of laying hen manure with the addition of a yeast probiotic

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    This study assessed the effect of inclusion of a yeast probiotic on the counts of lactobacilli, total aerobes (TA), total coliforms (TC), E. coli and Salmonella in the composting of laying hen manure. The yeast probiotic concentration (0, 7.5 and 15% wet basis) in the composting effect was defined as factor A and the fermentation time (FT) (0, 7 and 23 days) was defined as factor B. A completely randomised design with a factorial arrangement of 3 × 3 and four replicates was used. An interaction was found in Salmonella and pH (p < .0001). The lowest (p < .05) Salmonella counts were obtained at day 7 in the treatments with 7.5% and 15%, respect to the control. The lowest values (p < .05) for pH were obtained at day 23 in the treatments containing 0 and 15%. Lactobacilli, E. coli, TC, whereas TA counts were affected only by fermentation time (p < .05). In all treatments, lactobacilli increased (p < .05) by day 7. E. coli and TC counts decreased (p < .05) across the fermentation time and TA remained constant for the first seven days. (p < .05). Anaerobic fermentation of poultry litter over 23 days is sufficient to lower the pH and eliminate pathogenic microorganisms

    Efecto de la Edad de Corte en la Capacidad Fermentativa In Vitro y la Dinámica de Degradación Ruminal In Situ de Tithonia diversifolia

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    An experiment was conducted with Tithonia diversifolia , at different harvesting ages to determine the effect of age on the in vitro fermentation capacity and on the in situ dry matter dynamic of ruminal degradation. For the in vitro study there were utilized incubation times of 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h of fermentation, meanwhile for the in situ study, samplings were taken at 6, 12, 36, 48, and 72 h. Fermentation data were adjusted to the exponential model. In vitro kinetics performance showed an increment in the gas production as samples were exposed to attack of the microorganisms with values of 36.03, 32.12, 34.12, 37.11 and 34.7 at 98h for 30, 50, 70, 90, and 110 d of growing respectively, with higher values of gas production at 90 h. Dynamics of in situ dry matter ruminal degradation showed an asymptotic type of progressive increment, meanwhile data for dry matter effective degradability for different constants of ruminal turnover rate (k=0.03, 0.044, and 0.05 %/h) had a similar performance in all nutrients, varying between 46.39-60.46, 42.40-56.23, 41.75-53.86, and 41.18-53.31 for 30, 50, 70, and 90d of growing, respectively. Results obtained suggested, according to the in vitro and in situ studies, that ages between 70 and 90d allow a great use of the nutrients by the animal. It is necessary to perform in vivo studies to confirm this hypothesis, considering inclusion of different levels of the plant in the diet of ruminants.Se desarrolló un experimento con Tithonia diversifolia , con diferentes edades de corte, para determinar el efecto de la edad en la capacidad fermentativa in vitro y en la dinámica de degradación ruminal in situ de su materia seca. Para el estudio in vitro se utilizaron tiempos de 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72 y 96 h de fermentación, mientras que para la prueba in situ se realizaron muestreos a las 6, 12, 36, 48 y 72 h. Los resultados de la fermentación se ajustaron al modelo exponencial. El comportamiento cinético in vitro se caracterizó por un incremento de la producción de gases con el tiempo de exposición de las muestras al ataque de microorganismos, con valores de 36,03 32,12 34,12 37,11 y 34,7 a las 96 h para 30, 50, 70, 90 y 110 d de rebrote, respectivamente, con mayores valores en producción de gases a 90 h. La evolución en la dinámica de degradación ruminal in situ de la MS mostró un aumento progresivo de tipo asintótico, mientras que los valores de degradabilidad efectiva de MS para diferentes constantes de velocidad de recambio ruminal (k=0,03 0,044 y 0,05 %/h) tuvieron un comportamiento similar en todos los nutrientes y oscilaron entre 46,39-60,46; 42,40-56,23; 41,75-53,86 y 41,18-53,31 para 30, 50, 70 y 90 d de rebrote, respectivamente. Los resultados obtenidos permiten sugerir, por los estudios in vitro e in situ, que edades entre 70 y 90 d son las que permiten un mayor aprovechamiento de los nutrientes por el animal. Estudios in vivo se hacen necesarios para avalar esta hipótesis, considerando diferentes niveles de inclusión de este arbusto en las dietas de los rumiantes