70 research outputs found

    Perspectives on Water Quality Monitoring Approaches for Behavioral Change Research

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    Publication history: Accepted - 7 June 2022; Published online - 1 July 2022This review considers enhanced approaches to river water quality monitoring in north-western Europe following a series of study visits (11 sites in 7 countries). Based on the evidence gathered, options were identified and evaluated for their suitability to deliver specific water quality monitoring objectives and with a focus on effecting behavioral change. Monitoring programs were diverse, ranging from enhanced grab sampling and laboratory analysis to sub-hourly sampling of multiple parameters and nutrients in autonomous high-specification, bank-side or mobile laboratories. Only one program out of all the cases evaluated could readily identify influences that had produced behavioral change among stakeholders. This was principally because the other programs were focused on top-down policy change or surveillance rather than specifically focused on influencing behavior. Nevertheless, program researchers were clear that stakeholder engagement potential was very high and that the sites acted as important focus points for discussion on water quality issues, and so part of a suite of tools that might ultimately change behavior. This identifies a space where water quality monitoring solutions could be adapted for behavioral change research.This study was funded by the Department for Agriculture Environment and Rural Affairs, Belfast (Project 17/4/07)

    Soil phosphorus, hydrological risk and water quality carrying capacities in agricultural catchments

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    To support profitable agricultural production, nutrients, including phosphorus (P) are applied to soils. However, to avoid over-application and mobilisation of excess P, in-soil concentrations must be maintained at the agronomic optimum (crop requirement) through soil test P (STP) data. Areas above optimum STP (e.g., Olsen P) status have been linked to elevated instream soluble reactive P (SRP) concentrations. For example, when this status is combined with hydrologically sensitive areas (HSAs), excess P can be mobilised and transported directly to surface waters. Catchment carrying capacities for high STP are a possible management strategy to reduce these pressures. The aim of this study was to investigate the transferability of catchment carrying capacity approaches using primary and secondary datasets. Field by field STP status and LiDAR derived HSAs (2 m grid resolution) were compared with instream SRP concentrations using combinations of least squares regressions. The high range of STP catchment carrying capacities (15 % − 44 %, depending on the regression used) was influenced by the variation of instream SRP concentration thresholds (48 – 71 µg L-1) that are determined using altitude and alkalinity factors. However, a single SRP threshold of 35 µg L-1 reduced the catchment STP carrying capacity to a smaller range (10 % − 16 %), with a mean of 13 %. The analysis showed that instream particulate P concentrations were also related to above optimum STP but to a lesser degree and that all HSAs were vulnerable to P loss when soils were above optimum STP. Targeted management strategies should follow a “treatment-train” approach starting with reducing the catchment or farm area above agronomic optimum STP to a carrying capacity (proposed here as 13 %), followed by interception measures located at HSA breakthrough and delivery points to reduce both instream SRP concentration and load

    Perspectives on water quality monitoring approaches for behavioural change research

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    Publication history: Accepted - 7 June 2022; Published online - 1 July 2022This review considers enhanced approaches to river water quality monitoring in north-western Europe following a series of study visits (11 sites in 7 countries). Based on the evidence gathered, options were identified and evaluated for their suitability to deliver specific water quality monitoring objectives and with a focus on effecting behavioral change. Monitoring programs were diverse, ranging from enhanced grab sampling and laboratory analysis to sub-hourly sampling of multiple parameters and nutrients in autonomous high-specification, bank-side or mobile laboratories. Only one program out of all the cases evaluated could readily identify influences that had produced behavioral change among stakeholders. This was principally because the other programs were focused on top-down policy change or surveillance rather than specifically focused on influencing behavior. Nevertheless, program researchers were clear that stakeholder engagement potential was very high and that the sites acted as important focus points for discussion on water quality issues, and so part of a suite of tools that might ultimately change behavior. This identifies a space where water quality monitoring solutions could be adapted for behavioral change research.This study was funded by the Department for Agriculture Environment and Rural Affairs, Belfast (Project 17/4/07)

    Extensibility - Validation of Workplace Learning in Higher Education - Examples and Considerations

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    The importance of effective curriculum design and development in structuring and supporting learners in their knowledge attainment has been outlined in the writings of Tyler (1949) [1] which supports the approach adopted in European Higher Education stemming from the 1999 Bologna Declaration (European Commission, 2009). These structures are assisted in part by national and European qualification frameworks and the Dublin descriptors which are explicit of the variances in knowledge, skill and competence as one progresses in higher education and training. In addition, the inclusion of learning outcomes and programme objectives in the development of comprehensive curricula has been linked to the product model of curriculum development. Informal learning is defined as learning gained through in-house training, non-accredited courses where the outcomes is known in advance but there is no associated academic credit. This paper outlines the approaches adopted by Cork Institute of Technology in considering informal learning from the workplace in curriculum design, development, delivery and assessment of academic programmes. This is considered in terms of recognising how learning happens and the structures which need to exist to build an effective system for the growth and development of incorporating workplace learning and future needs. The paper includes a discussion around the necessary frameworks identified by Cork Institute of Technology which support the development of a more informed curriculum design quality assurance cycle. This cycle seeks to incorporate flexibility into the design to facilitate individual learning pathways and specialisations, whilst maintaining academic rigour, higher learning and workplace needs. The approach adopted by CIT as outlined in this paper provides examples of how the incorporation of flexibility without compromising quality assurance in curriculum design and development can deliver outcomes more aligned to the needs of graduates and the workplace

    The Future City: A Selection of Views on the Reorganization of Government in Greater Winnipeg

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    Book: pp.54; digital file.This is a collection of short essays on the potential workings and outcomes of the Unicity scheme then proposed by the Manitoba provincial government, and attempts to give careful consideration and critique of the scheme. Essays are written by researchers and academics from the University of Winnipeg, members of the local media and the private sector. The paper argues that amalgamation into a regional government will have both positive and negative effects. Generally, the provision of equitable levels of services and effective planning for the entire region are viewed positively, while the potential for Unicity to become too unwieldy and too under-representative of marginalized communities is seen as a cause for concern. An additional criticism that arises from these essays, is that partisan politics will become more firmly rooted at the municipal level in Winnipeg, on account of Unicity’s proposed parliamentary-style city council. The test of Unicity, therefore, is the degree to which the proposed community committees and ward representation are able to flourish. The editor concludes by saying that the Unicity has the potential to be a framework for a new, more democratic style of politics through greater citizen engagement. This end must be actively pursued, he writes, otherwise the new framework will be governed by the same old politics that characterized Greater Winnipeg in recent years

    A national-scale high-resolution runoff risk and channel network mapping workflow for diffuse pollution management

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    Managing diffuse pollution from agricultural land requires a spatially explicit risk assessment that can be applied over large areas. Major components of such assessments are the precise definition of both channel networks that often originate as small channels and streams, and Hydrologically Sensitive Areas (HSAs) of storm runoff that occur on land surfaces. Challenges relate to regions of complex topography and land use patterns, particularly those which have been heavily modified by arterial drainage. In this study, a national scale, transferrable workflow and analysis were developed using a specifically commissioned LiDAR survey. Research on the first half of Northern Ireland (6927 km2) is reported where field-edge drain to major river channels were mapped from 1 m (16 points per metre) digital terrain models, and in-field HSAs were defined across over 400,000 fields with a median field size of 0.86 ha. Manual drainage mapping supplemented with a novel automated drainage channel correction process resulted in an unparalleled high-resolution national drainage network with 37,320 km of channels, increasing mapped channel density from 0.9 km km−2 to 5.5 km km−2. The HSAs were based on a Soil Topographic Index (STI) system using hillslope and contributing area models combined with soil hydraulic characteristics. In all, 249 km2 of runoff risk HSAs were identified by extracting the top 95th percentile of the modelled STI as the areas with the highest propensity to generate in-field runoff. At field and individual farm scale these targeted risk maps of diffuse pollution were delivered to over 13,000 farmers and form part of the nationwide Soil Nutrient Health Scheme programme

    Muddying the waters: Impacts of a bogflow on carbon transport and water quality

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    Landslides of peat have been recorded throughout Britain and Ireland for centuries. Whilst these events are not uncommon, land degradation can amplify their magnitude and frequency and, crucially, their immediate impacts are rarely documented. A 20,000 m3 bogflow event that occurred on land undergoing development in the Irish border area in November 2020 was monitored at high frequency in the major receiving river system (384 km2). Samples collected every seven hours over a 28 day period at a site 37 km downstream were analysed for suspended sediment (SS), particulate organic carbon (POC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC and UV-derived fractions), synchronous with hydrometeorological data and turbidity. There was no impact of the bogflow on DOC concentrations or loads. However, concentrations of SS and POC in the first samples after the bogflow were 825 mg/L and 346 mg C/L, respectively, and fish kill was estimated at 100 %. Analysis of detrended SS and POC loads suggested the main impacts of the bogflow on water quality lasted just eight days. Over this period, an additional 1318 t of SS and 608 t of POC were transported as far as the monitoring point, equating to 325 % more SS and 925 % more POC than would have been expected otherwise under the same river flow conditions. The carbon loss and water quality impacts were short lived, but nevertheless severe, and highlight the vulnerability of peatlands and the risks when these environments are inappropriately managed

    Assessing wellbeing at school entry using the strengths and difficulties questionnaire: professional perspectives

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    <p>Background: Emotional and behavioural disorders in early childhood are related to poorer academic attainment and school engagement, and difficulties already evident at the point of starting school can affect a child’s later social and academic development. Successful transfer from pre-school settings to primary education is helped by communication between pre-school staff and primary school teachers. Typically, in Scotland, pre-school establishments prepare individual profiles of children before they start school around the age of five years, highlighting their strengths and development needs, for transfer to primary schools. There is, however, no consistent approach to the identification of potential social, emotional and behavioural problems. In 2010, in one local authority area in Scotland, the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) was introduced for children about to start school as a routine, structured, component of the transition process to help teachers plan support arrangements for classes and individual children. The SDQ assesses emotional, conduct, hyperactivity/ inattention and peer-relationship problems as well as pro-social behaviour. In order to be an effective means of communicating social and emotional functioning, the use of instruments such as the SDQ needs to be practicable. Finding out the views of pre-school education staff with experience of assessing children using the SDQ was, therefore, essential to establish its future utility.</p> <p>Aim: The purpose of this study was to explore the views of pre-school education staff about assessing social and emotional wellbeing of children at school entry using the SDQ. The objectives were to examine the opinions of pre-school workers about completing the SDQ and to elicit their thoughts on the value of doing this and their perceptions of the usefulness of the information collected.</p> <p>Method: Pre-school establishments were approached using a purposive sampling strategy in order to achieve a mix of local authority (n=14) and ‘partnership’ establishments (n=8) as well as different socio-economic areas. Semi-structured interviews (n=25) were conducted with pre-school head teachers (n=14) and child development officers (n=11) in order to explore the process of completing the SDQ along with perceptions of its value. The interviews were transcribed verbatim and analysed thematically.</p> <p>Results: In general, staff in pre-school establishments viewed the use of the SDQ positively. It was seen as a chance to highlight the social and emotional development of children rather than just their academic or educational ability. Most felt that the SDQ had not identified anything they did not already know about a child. A minority, nevertheless, suggested that a previously unrecognised potential difficulty was brought to light, most commonly emotional problems. Completing the SDQ was felt to be relatively straightforward even though the staff felt under pressure from competing priorities. Concerns were, however, raised about the potential of labelling a child at an early stage of formal education.</p> <p>Conclusion: The findings from this small scale study suggest that, from the point of view of pre-school education staff, it is feasible to assess children systematically for social and behavioural problems as part of the routine transition process at school entry.</p&gt