29 research outputs found

    Stratégies de coping chez le sportif

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    Le sport n'est pas seulement un univers d'émotions joyeuses. Les sportifs doivent faire face à de multiples situations stressantes telles que : les blessures, la pression et les échecs. Le sport est un lieu privilégié pour étudier le stress. Cette étude étudie la variabilité intra-individuelle des stratégies de coping au cours de sept pratiques sportives dans un contexte d'examen. 103 étudiants âgés de 20 à 23 ans ont rempli l'ISCCS (Inventaire des Stratégies de Coping en Compétition Sportive) de Gaudreau et Blondin (2002) tout de suite après leurs épreuves. Nous avons pu montrer que lorsque les sportifs sont seuls, ou dans un groupe, lorsqu'ils sont experts ou non, lorsque l'intensité du stress perçu est haute ou basse, certaines stratégies n'étaient pas les mêmes pour un même sujet. Plus généralement, le choix des stratégies pourrait dépendre du coût et des bénéfices des stratégies, du niveau de compétence et du temps dont les athlètes disposentLILLE3-BU (590092101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Un programme mixte activité physique et sportive-relaxation a-t-il ou non des effets sur le bien-être ?

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    National audienceIntroduction : Les activités physiques et sportives (APS) impactent positivement le bien-être.Il en est de même pour la relaxation. L’objectif de cette étude est de tester l’effet d’unprogramme d’APS (aérobie) couplé à de la relaxation sur les manifestations du bien-être et seséléments de régulation.Méthode :La population comportait 33 adultes répartis en 3 groupes. Un groupe contrôle (G1) sansintervention. Deux autres groupes (G2 et G3) bénéficiant des mêmes contenus : 20 minutes decourse au 1er seuil ventilatoire, un circuit training de 10 exercices pendant 30 minutes, 10minutes de relaxation (respiration et pleine conscience). Les fréquences des séances étaientdifférentes : 2 séances/mois pour G2 et 4 séances/mois pour G3. Le questionnaire Diagnofeel®a évalué les effets du programme et mesuré l’évolution des manifestations et des régulations dubien-être. Deux mesures ont été réalisées : à T0 et à T1 (après 10 semaines).Résultats :Les résultats montrent une augmentation de la sérénité (manifestation) pour G2 (p <.02) et uneaugmentation de certaines stratégies de régulation (p <.05) : prendre plaisir, s’isoler, avoir desrelations sociales. Il n’existe aucun effet pour G1 et G3.Discussion :Bien que G2 ait moins pratiqué que G3 durant le programme, ces résultats peuvent s’expliquerpar une pratique délibérée déclarée plus importante pour G2 (à la fois sur l’activité aérobie etsur la relaxation) allant au-delà de 4 séances/mois. Cette étude montre donc l’efficacité de ceprogramme pour une fréquence supérieure à 4 séances/moi

    Effets d'un programme de 8 semaines de temps brefs de pleine conscience combiné à un entraînement en course à pied sur la performance et la santé des coureurs: un essai contrôlé randomisé.

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    International audienceINTRODUCTIONThe impact of Mindfulness Meditation (MM) during Physical Activity (PA) have been well documented.1 However, these studies2,3 have often focused on the response of MM when the intensity of PA was low. Interventions addressing the influence of MM when PA intensities are typically experienced by athletes in sports club are lacking in the literature.1 The main goal of this study was to evaluate the influences of brief MM in trained runners on Intermittent Maximum Speed (IMS), Ratings of Perceived Exertion (RPE), Heart Rate Variability (HRV), Fat Mass (FM) and Physical Fitness (PF) level.METHODSFifty-four trained athletes were randomized in a control group or a brief MM group following the same running training program including high intensities. They performed at 3 times: baseline (T0), 4 (T4) and 8 weeks (T8) after baseline IMS test (i.e., 45’’- 15’’ of Gacon).4 The RPE scale of Borg (RPE6-20) was documented at each stage of the IMS test. As an indicator of HRV, the Root Mean Square of Successive R-R interval Differences (RMSSD) was measured using the Polar® V800 (Polar® Electro OY; Kempele, Finland) during 5 minutes in a supine position before the IMS test. The FM using the Biody Xpert® (Aminostats Bio-ZM II, Aminogram, La Ciotat, France) and PF level with the Diagnoform® Actif (IRFO, Loos, France) were measured at T0 and T8. A 2-way repeated measures ANalysis Of VAriance (ANOVA) was conducted for each outcome. A Bonferroni post-hoc test was realized when significant differences were noted.RESULTSA decrease of IMS was reported for the control group between T0 and T8 (p = 0.004) whereas a stagnation was observed for the brief MM group (p = 0.056). The speed reached at RPE13, RPE15 and RPE17 decreased with time (p ≤ 0.05). No statistical differences were detected for RMSSD (p = 0.681). FM and PF level increased between T0 and T8 (p ≤ 0.01).CONCLUSIONBrief MM combined with a running program does not seem to have an impact on RPE, HRV, FM and PF level in trained runners. According to speed performance, the decrease observed for the control group on IMS could be partly explained by the high training load at this time of year for athletes. The stagnation of IMS for the brief MM group might be illustrated by the development of psychological skills (e.g., awareness of one’s sensations, acceptance and refocusing) allowing the athletes to regulate their speed during the training according to hisown sensations. More studies with a larger sample size need to be conducted to confirm our results.ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The authors are grateful to Alycia BACHA, Marie BOCHUN, Raymond BARBRY and Amandine DAUBRESSE.REFERENCES1. French & Cox (2021). doi :10.1093/oso/9780197512494.003.00162. Yang et al. (2018). doi :10.1123/japa.2017-03903. Cox et al. (2020). doi :10.1037/spy00001924. Assadi & Lepers R. (2012). doi :10.1123/ijspp.7.3.27

    Effects of an 8-week of brief mindfulness meditation combined with a running programme on physical performances and health in runners: a randomized controlled study

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    International audienceINTRODUCTION: The impact of Mindfulness Meditation (MM) during Physical Activity (PA) have been well documented.1However, these studies2,3 have often focused on the response of MM when the intensity of PA was low. Interventionsaddressing the influence of MM when PA intensities are typically experienced by athletes in sports club are lacking in theliterature.1 The main goal of this study was to evaluate the influences of brief MM in trained runners on Intermittent Maximum Speed (IMS), Ratings of Perceived Exertion (RPE), Heart Rate Variability (HRV), Fat Mass (FM) and Physical Fitness (PF)level.METHODS: Fifty-four trained athletes were randomized in a control group or a brief MM group following the same runningtraining program including high intensities. They performed at 3 times: baseline (T0), 4 (T4) and 8 weeks (T8) after baselineIMS test (i.e., 45’’- 15’’ of Gacon).4 The RPE scale of Borg (RPE6-20) was documented at each stage of the IMS test. As anindicator of HRV, the Root Mean Square of Successive R-R interval Differences (RMSSD) was measured using the Polar®V800 (Polar® Electro OY; Kempele, Finland) during 5 minutes in a supine position before the IMS test. The FM using theBiody Xpert® (Aminostats Bio-ZM II, Aminogram, La Ciotat, France) and PF level with the Diagnoform® Actif (IRFO, Loos,France) were measured at T0 and T8. A 2-way repeated measures ANalysis Of VAriance (ANOVA) was conducted foreach outcome. A Bonferroni post-hoc test was realized when significant differences were noted.RESULTS: A decrease of IMS was reported for the control group between T0 and T8 (p = 0.004) whereas a stagnation wasobserved for the brief MM group (p = 0.056). The speed reached at RPE13, RPE15 and RPE17 decreased with time (p ≤0.05). No statistical differences were detected for RMSSD (p = 0.681). FM and PF level increased between T0 and T8 (p ≤0.01).CONCLUSION: Brief MM combined with a running program does not seem to have an impact on RPE, HRV, FM and PFlevel in trained runners. According to speed performance, the decrease observed for the control group on IMS could bepartly explained by the high training load at this time of year for athletes. The stagnation of IMS for the brief MM groupmight be illustrated by the development of psychological skills (e.g., awareness of one’s sensations, acceptance andrefocusing) allowing the athletes to regulate their speed during the training according to his own sensations. More studieswith a larger sample size need to be conducted to confirm ourresults

    Effets d'un programme de 8 semaines de temps brefs de pleine conscience combiné à un entraînement en course à pied sur la performance et la santé des coureurs: un essai contrôlé randomisé.

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    International audienceINTRODUCTIONThe impact of Mindfulness Meditation (MM) during Physical Activity (PA) have been well documented.1 However, these studies2,3 have often focused on the response of MM when the intensity of PA was low. Interventions addressing the influence of MM when PA intensities are typically experienced by athletes in sports club are lacking in the literature.1 The main goal of this study was to evaluate the influences of brief MM in trained runners on Intermittent Maximum Speed (IMS), Ratings of Perceived Exertion (RPE), Heart Rate Variability (HRV), Fat Mass (FM) and Physical Fitness (PF) level.METHODSFifty-four trained athletes were randomized in a control group or a brief MM group following the same running training program including high intensities. They performed at 3 times: baseline (T0), 4 (T4) and 8 weeks (T8) after baseline IMS test (i.e., 45’’- 15’’ of Gacon).4 The RPE scale of Borg (RPE6-20) was documented at each stage of the IMS test. As an indicator of HRV, the Root Mean Square of Successive R-R interval Differences (RMSSD) was measured using the Polar® V800 (Polar® Electro OY; Kempele, Finland) during 5 minutes in a supine position before the IMS test. The FM using the Biody Xpert® (Aminostats Bio-ZM II, Aminogram, La Ciotat, France) and PF level with the Diagnoform® Actif (IRFO, Loos, France) were measured at T0 and T8. A 2-way repeated measures ANalysis Of VAriance (ANOVA) was conducted for each outcome. A Bonferroni post-hoc test was realized when significant differences were noted.RESULTSA decrease of IMS was reported for the control group between T0 and T8 (p = 0.004) whereas a stagnation was observed for the brief MM group (p = 0.056). The speed reached at RPE13, RPE15 and RPE17 decreased with time (p ≤ 0.05). No statistical differences were detected for RMSSD (p = 0.681). FM and PF level increased between T0 and T8 (p ≤ 0.01).CONCLUSIONBrief MM combined with a running program does not seem to have an impact on RPE, HRV, FM and PF level in trained runners. According to speed performance, the decrease observed for the control group on IMS could be partly explained by the high training load at this time of year for athletes. The stagnation of IMS for the brief MM group might be illustrated by the development of psychological skills (e.g., awareness of one’s sensations, acceptance and refocusing) allowing the athletes to regulate their speed during the training according to hisown sensations. More studies with a larger sample size need to be conducted to confirm our results.ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The authors are grateful to Alycia BACHA, Marie BOCHUN, Raymond BARBRY and Amandine DAUBRESSE.REFERENCES1. French & Cox (2021). doi :10.1093/oso/9780197512494.003.00162. Yang et al. (2018). doi :10.1123/japa.2017-03903. Cox et al. (2020). doi :10.1037/spy00001924. Assadi & Lepers R. (2012). doi :10.1123/ijspp.7.3.27

    Relationships between sports club participation and physical fitness and body mass index in childhood.

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    International audiencePhysical fitness (PF) is a powerful determinant of health. The aim of this study was to examine the relationships between sports club (SC) participation and PF, and body mass index (BMI) in children. The population included 15,625 children (8,029 boys and 7,596 girls) 5 to 10 years old divided into three aged groups. PF was assessed with the Diagnoform® Kid from 5 tests measuring different components: cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, speed, coordination, agility and flexibility. BMI was calculated. SC participation was documented. The sports were classified into four categories based on the educational goal (C1, C2, C3, C4). The relationships between sex, age, BMI class and SC participation were tested. The children who practiced in SC had better PF than those who did not. C1 (track and field, swimming, triathlon and cycling) and C4 (team, combat and racket sports) sports seemed to be associated with a better PF. This study showed that SC participation may be an element for building health. Preventive healthcare projects for SC dropouts (obese children and girls) are needed.Cette étude a étudié les relations entre la pratique sportive en club (PSC), le niveau de condition physique (CP) et l’indice de masse corporelle chez plus de 15 000 enfants âgés de 5 à 10 ans. Le Diagnoform® Kid a été utilisé pour évaluer la CP. Notre étude s’est s’intéressée à l’influence de 4 groupes de sport spécifique (i.e. C1, C2, C3, C4 ; classés par champ d’apprentissage en EPS) sur la CP. Nos résultats suggèrent que : a) les filles et les enfants obèses ont une PSC et une CP plus faible, b) l’écart de CP entre les normo-pondérés et les jeunes obèses augmentent avec la croissance et c) les enfants pratiquant les sports de C1 (i.e. athlétisme, triathlon...) et de C4 (i.e. sports collectifs/combats...) ont une CP plus élevée que ceux pratiquant d’autres sports

    Effet de la pratique sportive en club sur la condition physique et la corpulence auprès de 15 000 enfants français

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    National audienceBackground: Physical fitness (PF) is a powerful determinant of health. The aim of this study was to examine the relationships between sports club (SC) participation and PF, and body mass index (BMI) in children.Methods: The population included 15,625 children (8,029 boys and 7,596 girls) 5 to 10 years old divided into three aged groups. PF was assessed with the Diagnoform® Kid from 5 tests measuring different components: cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, speed, coordination, agility and flexibility. BMI was calculated. SC participation was documented. The sports were classified into four categories based on the educational goal (C1, C2, C3, C4). The relationships between sex, age, BMI class and SC participation were tested.Results: The children who practiced in SC had better PF than those who did not. C1 (track and field, swimming, triathlon and cycling) and C4 (team, combat and racket sports) sports seemed to be associated with a better PF.Conclusions: This study showed that SC participation may be an element for building health. Preventive healthcare projects for SC dropouts (obese children and girls) are needed.Cette étude a étudié les relations entre la pratique sportive en club (PSC), le niveau de condition physique (CP) et l’indice de masse corporelle chez plus de 15 000 enfants âgés de 5 à 10 ans. Le Diagnoform® Kid a été utilisé pour évaluer la CP. Notre étude s’est s’intéressée à l’influence de 4 groupes de sport spécifique (i.e. C1, C2, C3, C4 ; classés par champ d’apprentissage en EPS) sur la CP. Nos résultats suggèrent que : a) les filles et les enfants obèses ont une PSC et une CP plus faible, b) l’écart de CP entre les normo-pondérés et les jeunes obèses augmentent avec la croissance et c) les enfants pratiquant les sports de C1 (i.e. athlétisme, triathlon...) et de C4 (i.e. sports collectifs/combats...) ont une CP plus élevée que ceux pratiquant d’autres sports

    Relationships Between Sports Club Participation and Health Determinants in Adolescents and Young Adults

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    International audiencePhysical fitness is a powerful marker of health in adolescents and young adults. The purpose of this study was to measure the relationships between age, sex, body mass index, and sports club participation on physical fitness. The population included 49,988 participants (23,721 girls and 26,267 boys) who were divided into five age groups (11–12, 13–14, 15–16, 17–18, and 19–21 years). Body mass index was calculated. Physical fitness was assessed with the Diagnoform® Tonic battery. Sports club participation was also documented. The practiced sport was collected. The effects of age, sex, body mass index class, and sports club participation were tested. Boys' PF increased with age at a faster rate and was better than that of girls, except for flexibility (p < 0.001). For girls, a decrease was observed in endurance, speed and flexibility at 17-18 years. Sports club participation was greater for boys at every age. Obese participants had the lowest physical fitness and sports club participation. Sports club participation increased physical fitness. Team sports seemed best for improving physical fitness, except flexibility. The study shows that sports club participation may be a key element for building health in adolescents. Preventive healthcare projects that promote sports club are needed to target sports club dropouts (obese adolescents and girls). Bridges should be built between physical education classes and sports clubs in adolescence to improve the health status of young people.La condition physique (CP) est un puissant indicateur de santé chez les adolescents et les jeunes adultes. L'objectif de cette étude était de mesurer les relations entre l'âge, le sexe, l'indice de masse corporelle (IMC) et la participation à des clubs sportifs (PCS) sur la CP. Notre population était composée de 49 988 participants (23 721 filles et 26 267 garçons) répartis en 5 groupes d'âge (11-12, 13-14, 15-16, 17-18 et 19-21 ans). L'IMC a été calculé. La CP a été évaluée via le Diagnoform® Tonic de l'IRFO. La PCS a également été documentée. Le sport le plus pratiqué a été collecté. Les effets de l'âge, du sexe, de la classe d'IMC et de la PCS sport ont été testés. La CP des garçons augmentait avec l'âge de manière plus rapide et était meilleure que celle des filles, exceptée sur la souplesse (p < 0.001). Chez les filles, une diminution de l'endurance, de la vitesse et de la souplesse a été observé à l'âge de 17-18 ans. Indépendamment de l'âge, la PCS était plus importante chez les garçons. Les adolescents atteints d'obésité possédaient un niveau de CP et une PCS plus faibles que les adolescents des autres classes d'IMC. La PCS semblerait augmenter le niveau de CP. Les sports d'équipe semblent être associés a une amélioration de la CP, à l'exception de la souplesse. L'étude montre également que la PCS peut être un élément clé du développement de la santé des adolescents français. Des projets de prévention santé au sein des collèges et des lycées ayant pour finalité de promouvoir les clubs de sport locaux sont nécessaires. Une pratique sportive en club plus ludique et moins compétitive pourrait être envisagée pour attirer les plus éloignés de la PCS (les filles et les adolescents atteints d'obésité). Des passerelles devraient être établies entre les cours d'éducation physique et les clubs de sport à l'adolescence pour augmenter le niveau d'activité physique et ainsi améliorer l'état de santé des jeunes