2 research outputs found

    Silicon-Based Thermoelectrics Made from a Boron-Doped Silicon Dioxide Nanocomposite

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    We report a method for preparing p-type silicon germanium bulk alloys directly from a boron-doped silica germania nanocomposite. This is the first successful attempt to produce and characterize the thermoelectric properties of SiGe-based thermoelectric materials prepared at temperatures below the alloy’s melting point through a magnesiothermic reduction of the silica-germania nanocomposite. We observe a thermoelectric power factor that is competitive with the literature record obtained for high energy ball milled nanocomposites. The large grain size in our hot pressed samples limits the thermoelectric figure of merit to 0.5 at 800 °C for an optimally doped Si<sub>80</sub>Ge<sub>20</sub> alloy

    Rapid Microwave Preparation of Thermoelectric TiNiSn and TiCoSb Half-Heusler Compounds

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    The 18-electron ternary intermetallic systems TiNiSn and TiCoSb are promising for applications as high-temperature thermoelectrics and comprise earth-abundant, and relatively nontoxic elements. Heusler and half-Heusler compounds are usually prepared by conventional solid state methods involving arc-melting and annealing at high temperatures for an extended period of time. Here, we report an energy-saving preparation route using a domestic microwave oven, reducing the reaction time significantly from more than a week to one minute. A microwave susceptor material rapidly heats the elemental starting materials inside an evacuated quartz tube resulting in near single phase compounds. The initial preparation is followed by a densification step involving hot-pressing, which reduces the amount of secondary phases, as verified by synchrotron X-ray diffraction, leading to the desired half-Heusler compounds, demonstrating that hot-pressing should be treated as part of the preparative process. For TiNiSn, high thermoelectric power factors of 2 mW/mK<sup>2</sup> at temperatures in the 700 to 800 K range, and <i>zT</i> values of around 0.4 are found, with the microwave-prepared sample displaying somewhat superior properties to conventionally prepared half-Heuslers due to lower thermal conductivity. The TiCoSb sample shows a lower thermoelectric figure of merit when prepared using microwave methods because of a metallic second phase