38 research outputs found

    Ecological niche models for sister species pairs.

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    <p>A: <i>Triatoma p. protracta</i> (red) and <i>T. barberi</i>; B: <i>T. rubida</i> (red) and <i>T. nitida</i> (blue); C: <i>T. gerstaeckeri</i> (red) and <i>T. mexicana</i> (blue); D: <i>T. recurva</i> (red) and <i>T. longipennis</i> (blue); E: <i>T. phyllosoma</i> (red) and <i>T. mazzottii</i> (blue); F: <i>T. dimidiata</i> group 2 (red) and <i>T. dimidiata</i> group1a (blue). Grey dots and squares represent the collection sites for each species. Diagonal lines in E and F indicate the overlapping niche range between the sister pairs.</p

    Divergence time estimates for Triatominae clades.

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    <p>Asterisks and black circles above branches indicate clades supported by PP of 0.9–0.94 and ≥0.95, respectively.</p

    Ecological niche similarity tests between sister species pairs of NCA triatomines.

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    <p>Observed similarity between niches is indicated with the arrows, while bars indicate the null distribution of ecological niche distance generated randomly. Schoeners' D ranges from 0 (complete different ENM), to 1 (identical ENM). In all cases, the observed similarities were higher that their respective null distribution for random niche models.</p

    Bayesian phylogram derived from a multilocus analysis of the Triatominae subfamily, includes <i>Zelurus petax</i> and <i>Reduvius personatus</i> from the Reduviinae as outgroup (in blue).

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    <p>The geographic range for all species modeled in the genus <i>Triatoma</i> is also shown (NCA species are shown in red, South American species in green and from the Antilles in brown). <i>Panstrongylus</i> species are shown in yellow, <i>Mepraia</i> in pink and <i>Rhodnius</i> species are in purple. Branch color indicates PP<0.8 in gray and ≥0.8 in black. Black circles indicate PP≥0.95<; black stars PP≥0.9<0.95.</p

    Interaction network between potential and confirmed vectors and reservoirs for <i>Leishmania</i> in Mexico.

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    <p>Mammal species confirmed as reservoirs for <i>Leishmania mexicana</i>, responsible for the cutaneous form of the disease are marked with a double circle. One species, <i>Didelphis marsupialis</i> is the known sylvatic reservoir for the visceral form.</p

    Ecological niche models for <i>Lutzomyia cruciata</i> (tropical).

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    <p>A) A2 scenario, CSIRO model; B) A2 scenario, HadCM3 model; C) B2 scenario, CSIRO model and D) B2 scenario, HadCM3 model.</p

    Ecological niche similarity between ENM of sand fly species and <i>Leishmania</i> spp.

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    <p>Ecologically indistinct ENM have a significant value (p<0.05 = *), not significantly more distinct than expected at random (+), or when identity is not significant (p>0.05 = ns).</p