8 research outputs found

    Project “DIVINA!” For Dante’s 700th death anniversary

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    The “Divina!” project stems from the collaboration with the Tuscany Regional Council to celebrate the Supreme Poet and his opus in the seven hundredth anniversary of his death. The project conceived and implemented a contemporary statuary installation that exploits the Divina commedia to prompt viewers to a technological meditation on the importance of preservation, of keeping firm roots in the evolutionary and innovative path, in communication and disclosure


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    The recent technological advancements in the field of digital photogrammetry together with the improvement of computational methods for image analysis have been show to aid laser technologies in architectural measurements, yielding high-resolution surveys of unprecedented resolution. In theory (and in many real applications) an integrated survey coming from both laser scanning and photogrammetry is able to meet all the requirements to perform a correct architectural survey, both in terms of the centimeter resolution and for fine aesthetic representations. The presented study deals a survey of the attic and the top surface of the domes of the left and right naves of the San Francesco Basilica in Ferrara (Italy), in which not all the ideal conditions required for a good quality integrated survey are present. Different practical problems may pose due to a recent earthquake (2012). The present job will be focused on survey planning and performing, in such emergency condition, on the used techniques and the final products. The results of such survey will be used for a future restoration of the Basilica

    Integrated geomatic survey and virtual reality navigation engines for the historical-architectural analysis. The paradigmatic case of a "Modern Age" fortification: the Fortezza Vecchia in Livorno.

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    The paper offers a reflection on current methodologies for 3-D surveying aimed at the generation of geometrically consistent models provided with realistic textures for fruition in virtual reality environments. In particular, the possible use of these tools is discussed for both technical-scientific applications and devising virtual immersive experiences by means of gaming engines. The reflections are accompanied by a case study involving a historical site in Livorno, the Fortezza Vecchia, with particular focus on the North gallery, a section where public access is prohibited

    Virtual reality for the ‘representation’ of music. Which possibilities for inclusion? The experience of Crescendo-Naturalia e Artificialia

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    In the live performance CRESCENDO-Naturalia e Artificialia, presented in 2019 at the Innovation Day in Turin by a multidisciplinary team of artists and technicians, the sound of a piano is translated into a virtual landscape that changes concerning sound inputs. Music is graphically rendered in a synchronic and dynamic succession of image and videos. Starting from the close relationship between the visual dimension and perceived sound realized through this experience, the work intends to investigate what possibilities of interaction subsist between music and digital environments, with a view to psycho-sensorial inclusion

    “Divina!” a Contemporary Statuary Installation

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    In 2021, the year of the 700th anniversary of Dante Alighieri’s death, the ASTRO Laboratory of the Pisa University Department of Civil Engineering have set up, in collaboration with the Tuscany Regional Council, the contemporary statuary installation “Divina!” based on the work of the great poet. This installation leads users to ponder, from a technological standpoint, the way in which the means of communication are used and the importance of preserving and conserving the roots of linguistic evolution

    Immersive Technologies for the Museum of the Charterhouse of Calci

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    The Charterhouse of Pisa in Calci, one of the most important monasteries in Tuscany, now houses two important museums: the Natural History Museum of the University of Pisa and the National Museum of the Monumental Charterhouse of Calci. While the Natural History Museum has recently enriched its collection by offering structured and differentiated visits based on user type, the offerings of the Museum of the Monumental Charterhouse are not sufficiently adequate to meet the great historical value of the complex. This contribution therefore presents the first results of a project aimed at enhancing visits to the National Museum of the Charterhouse using immersive technologies. The project envisages the definition of a new visit path, modifying the current path and integrating it with immersive experiences of video mapping, VR/AR, sound immersion, informative totems, audio–visual supports, and multisensory activities

    L’esperienza immersiva di «QUIRINALE 3D VR» La ricostruzione 3D in realtĂ  virtuale del Piano Nobile del Palazzo del Quirinale

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    QUIRINALE 3D VR is a software for the navigation in virtual reality of the Quirinale Palace. It is the result of an innovative 3D reconstruction project developed by the Italian companies Geocart and Digital Lighthouse aiming to the enhancement of the Quirinale through the most innovative techniques of Digital Heritage field. The project, based on the integration of existing methodologies and novel processes for cultural heritage digitization supported by computer graphics, has created a unique result in terms of user involvement, also by means of immersive experience