6 research outputs found

    Etude de la qualité des eaux de l'estuaire de l'Adour - Résultats du suivi matiÚre vivante - années 2001-2002

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    L'estuaire de l'Adour, caractĂ©risĂ© par une taille rĂ©duite et une embouchure fortement urbanisĂ©e et industrialisĂ©e, constitue un enjeu socio-Ă©conomique fort pour le dĂ©partement des PyrĂ©nĂ©es-Atlantiques. Dans ce contexte, un SecrĂ©tariat Permanent Ă  la PrĂ©vention des Pollutions Industrielles (SPPPI), chargĂ© de veiller Ă  la prĂ©servation de l'Ă©cosystĂšme estuarien est crĂ©Ă© en 1999. L'Ă©tude de la qualitĂ© de l'estuaire de l'Adour, programmĂ©e sur trois annĂ©es (2001-2003) a Ă©tĂ© initiĂ©e par le Groupe "Eau" Ă©manant de cette structure. Elle comporte trois volets indissociables confiĂ©s Ă  trois organismes diffĂ©rents : - L'UniversitĂ© de Pau Ă©tudie plus particuliĂšrement la contamination des sĂ©diments de l'estuaire. - La CQEL 64 est chargĂ©e de l'Ă©valuation de la qualitĂ© de l'eau. - L'Ă©tude de la contamination de l'estuaire intĂ©grĂ©e par la matiĂšre vivante a Ă©tĂ© confiĂ©e Ă  l'IFREMER pour ses compĂ©tences dans ce domaine, dĂ©jĂ  mises en Ɠuvre dans le cadre du RNO. Au travers des niveaux mesurĂ©s dans la matiĂšre vivante au cours des deux premiĂšres annĂ©es, l'estuaire de l'Adour apparaĂźt caractĂ©risĂ© par une forte contamination bactĂ©riologique gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©e. Localement, on y observe un impact trĂšs important des zones urbanisĂ©es assainies par des rĂ©seaux de collecte unitaires en cours de rĂ©habilitation, prĂ©sentant des taux de raccordement faibles. Les mĂ©taux sont prĂ©sents Ă  un niveau modĂ©rĂ©, mĂȘme si quelques pollutions accidentelles en plomb (Adour amont) et en chrome (Edmond Foy et Tarnos) ont pu ĂȘtre observĂ©es en 2001. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus pour le cadmium, le cuivre et le zinc pourraient indiquer une origine «bassin versant» de ces apports avec des concentrations supĂ©rieures dans la partie amont. La pollution par les insecticides organochlorĂ©s est assez faible mĂȘme si l’on perçoit encore des «bouffĂ©es» de DDT sans doute relarguĂ©es par des terrains traitĂ©s dans le passĂ©. L’étude des empreintes en HAP confirme l’existence d’une contamination chronique assez Ă©levĂ©e Ă  laquelle s’ajoute quelques Ă©vĂšnements accidentels. Les courbes d’évolution, d’allures similaires pour chaque point, traduisent une tendance gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©e Ă  la baisse et indiquent, sans doute, une origine plutĂŽt «bassin versant» des apports en HAP. Le suivi mis en Ɠuvre en 2001 et 2002 sera poursuivi en 2003 puis probablement pĂ©rennisĂ© sous la forme d'un rĂ©seau reprenant plusieurs points d’échantillonnage sur lesquels seuls les contaminants trĂšs prĂ©sents seront mesurĂ©s. L’évolution de la contamination par les autres molĂ©cules sera, par ailleurs, toujours Ă©tablie par le RĂ©seau National d’Observation

    Effects of digenean trematodes and heterotrophic bacteria on mortality and burying capability of the common cockle Cerastoderma edule (L.)

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    International audiencePopulation dynamics of marine invertebrates is controlled by a variety of abiotic and biotic factors. Among these, some have received lesser attention from marine ecologists because of their ‘discrete’ nature. This is the case of parasitism and bacterial load. In the present study, we focused on the role that both digenean trematodes and heterotrophic aerobic bacteria might play in the mortality and burying behaviour of cockles, Cerastoderma edule.The bivalves were sampled monthly during 1 year from two sites in Arcachon Bay (French Atlantic coast). Mortality rates were assessed after transferring in the laboratory normally buried and unburied (i.e. found lying at the sediment surface at low tide) cockles. Their digenean and bacterial loads were determined for both positions (normally buried and unburied). Mortality rate was significantly higher for cockles found out of the sediment at low tide, suggesting that this abnormal position was a prelude to cockles' death. Comparison of digenean load of cockles showed no significant difference between buried and unburied bivalves. In contrast, bacterial load was significantly higher in unburied cockles than in normally buried animals. The effect of high concentration of a marine bacterial strain (Pseudomonas fluorescens) on cockles' burying behaviour and mortality was tested in the laboratory. Results showed that these bacteria could trigger the emergence of animals from the sediment but did not cause cockles' death. These field observations and laboratory experiments suggest that bacteria, rather than digenean trematodes, could play a role in the emergence of cockles and, hence, affect their survival in the wild

    Impact of an urban effluent on antibiotic resistance of riverine Enterobacteriaceae and Aeromonas spp.

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    cited By 241International audienceIn order to evaluate the impact of an urban effluent on antibiotic resistance of freshwater bacterial populations, water samples were collected from the Arga river (Spain), upstream and downstream from the wastewater discharge of the city of Pamplona. Strains of Enterobacteriaceae (representative of the human and animal commensal flora) (110 isolates) and Aeromonas (typically waterborne bacteria) (118 isolates) were selected for antibiotic susceptibility testing. Most of the Aeromonas strains (72%) and many of the Enterobacteriaceae (20%) were resistant to nalidixic acid. Singly nalidixic acid-resistant strains were frequent regardless of the sampling site for Aeromonas, whereas they were more common upstream from the discharge for enterobacteria. The most common resistances to antibiotics other than quinolones were to tetracycline (24.3%) and beta-lactams (20.5%) for Enterobacteriaceae and to tetracycline (27.5%) and co-trimoxazole (26.6%) for Aeromonas. The rates of these antibiotic resistances increased downstream from the discharge at similar degrees for the two bacterial groups; it remained at high levels for enterobacteria but decreased along the 30-km study zone for Aeromonas. Genetic analysis of representative strains demonstrated that these resistances were mostly (enterobacteria) or exclusively (Aeromonas) chromosomally mediated. Moreover, a reference strain of Aeromonas caviae (CIP 7616) could not be transformed with conjugative R plasmids of enterobacteria. Thus, the urban effluent resulted in an increase of the rates of resistance to antibiotics other than quinolones in the riverine bacterial populations, despite limited genetic exchanges between enterobacteria and Aeromonas. Quinolone resistance probably was selected by heavy antibiotic discharges of unknown origin upstream from the urban effluent

    Encyclopédie des historiographies : Afriques, Amériques, Asies

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    Quels rapports les sociĂ©tĂ©s humaines entretiennent-elles avec leur passĂ© et quels rĂ©cits font-elles du temps rĂ©volu ? Pour ce premier volume de l’EncyclopĂ©die des historiographies. Afriques, AmĂ©riques, Asies, 157 spĂ©cialistes reprĂ©sentant 88 institutions acadĂ©miques en France et dans le monde explorent l’univers des productions humaines qui constituent des sources pour l’historien et dĂ©chiffrent les nombreuses modalitĂ©s (« scientifiques », littĂ©raires, artistiques, monumentales
) de l’écriture du passĂ©. Évoquant tour Ă  tour l’Afrique, l’AmĂ©rique latine, l’Asie, l’OcĂ©anie, les 216 notices de l’ouvrage prĂ©sentent des matĂ©riaux historiques de toute nature, issus de toutes les Ă©poques, souvent mĂ©connus, ainsi que l’histoire de leurs usages. L’entreprise collective qu’est l’EncyclopĂ©die se veut novatrice : il s’agit de susciter une rĂ©flexion historiographique rĂ©solument non-occidentalo-centrĂ©e qui complĂšte utilement les dĂ©marches Ă©pistĂ©mologiques traditionnelles. Nouvel outil de connaissance historique forgĂ© Ă  l’heure de la mondialisation, l’EncyclopĂ©die des historiographies est aussi une vĂ©ritable invitation au voyage.What are the different types of relations that non-Western societies upkeep with their past and how are narratives about the past produced by them? In this first volume of the Encyclopaedia of Historiography: Africa, America, Asia, 157 specialists from 88 international academic institutions explore the wealth of evidence that constitutes source material for historians. They also examine the immensely diverse modes or genres of narrated history: “scientific”, literary, artistic, architectural, etc. 216 entries dealing with Africa, Latin America, Oceania, and Asia, cover a large variety of sources, including many which are unfamiliar to the Western or non-Western reader, along with the history of how they have been exploited. By bringing together for the first time such an abundance of material the reader is offered the possibility of exploring continents and building meaningful connections across space and time. In addition to being a new tool for historical enquiry in an era of globalization, this encyclopaedia is also an invitation to travel the world