3 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Character Based Integrated Learning (CBIL) Berbasis Literasi Sains untuk Menumbuhkan Sikap Peduli Lingkungan

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    Learning model is a design conceptually that there is in the activities of learning from beginning to the end the systematically to reach the learning. The learning model to be used in the learning adapted to the characteristic, materials, objectives that will be achieved during the process of learning, and level of the ability of students. This research aim is to develop a model of learning Character Based Integrated Learning (CBIL) based science literacy to straighten the attitude of a caring environment. The preparation model of learning consider several aspect, there were syntax aspect, social of system, principle of reaction, means of suppoerters, and instruksional of affect. Syntax of CBIL model which consists of five stages, there are orientation, motivation, modelling, application, and repetition. This research used Research and Development (RnD). In this development, there are 4 steps namely research and information collecting, planning, development, and validation Testing was not done because it is still in the condition of pandemic Covid-19. So, that the learning model CBIL deseerve to be tested. Feasibility test of the product conducted by experts of the model and experts of lesson plan. The results of the validation of the expert model obtained in the average 4.22 with a very valid category. The results of the validation of expert lesson plan obtained in the average 4.6 with a very valid category

    Talking Stick Learning Model Assisted by Media Question Box: Effectiveness on Science Learning Outcomes in Elementary Schools

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    The research aims to determine the effectiveness of using the talking stick learning model assisted by the question box media on science learning outcomes in elementary schools. This type of research is quantitative with an experimental design. Selection of the sample using simple random sampling. The research subjects were fifth-grade students at an elementary school in Purwodadi District, Grobogan Regency. The research design uses the "One Group Pretest-Posttest Design," which involves one group without a comparison group. Data collection techniques using observation and test techniques. Analyzing the data obtained in the study using descriptive statistical analysis techniques and inferential statistical analysis. The results showed that based on the learning outcomes obtained by class students, it could be concluded that after applying the talking stick learning method assisted by the questions box, it has increased so that the majority of student scores fall into the high category. Based on the analysis results, the output of the Independent Sample T Test is known to be the value of Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.000, then H0 is accepted, so it can be concluded that there is an average difference between the pretest and posttest results. So that the talking stick learning model, assisted by question box media, effectively improves science learning outcomes for students

    Penerapan Pembelajaran Berbasis Lingkungan Kelas IV Tema 9 Sub Tema 4 Di SDN 1 Kenteng Boyolali

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    This research aims to: (1) describe the environment-based learning planning in Public Elementary School 1 Kenteng; (2) describes the implementation of environment-based learning in Public Elementary School 1 Kenteng; (3) describes the evaluation of environment-based learning in Public Elementary School 1 Kenteng; (4) analyzing obstacles and environment-based learning solutions in Public Elementary School 1 Kenteng. Research method used in this study is qualitative based stusdies. Data collection techniques in research using observation, interviews, and documentation. The validity of the data uses source triangulation and technique triangulation. Data analysis techniques using the method of data reduction, data presentation (display data), and drawing conclusions (verification). Based on the results of the research that has been done, can be concluded (1) Planning an environment-based learning in Public Elementary School 1 Kenteng is done through compiling Promissory notes, Prota, syllabus and lesson plans. The distinctive feature of Public Elementary School 1 Kenteng is that teachers are given freedom in developing lesson plans. The lesson plans that teachers develop are learning plans that utilize the surrounding environment as a source of learning for students. (2) In the implementation of environment-based learning in Public Elementary School 1 Kenteng, students play a role as subject of learning center (student centerbased learning) so students are actively involved in learning and can build knowledge, attitudes, and behavior. (3) Evaluation of environment-based learning at Public Elementary School 1 Kenteng is done directly through cognitive assessment, affective assessment, and psychomotor assessment. (4) Obstacles and solutions to the implementation of environment-based learning, namely, a) teacher first survey the surrounding environment to be used as a source and the medium of learning. b) during the rainy season learning takes place in the classroom. c) when the Indonesian Air Force conducts shooting training, learning continues but takes place in the classroom. Practicum is held at other times or gives additional hours to students