10 research outputs found

    Artroplastia de rodilla: nuestra experiencia

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    Se presenta una casu铆stica de 209 pr贸tesis tricompartimentales de deslizamiento respetando el LCP, de las que 52 fueron PCA y 150 AGC, cementadas y sin cementar y 7 ICLH, implantadas desde 1980 a 1990, con un seguimiento medio de 4.5 a帽os, obteniendo un 40% de Muy Buenos Resultados, un 51% de Buenos Resultados, 5% Regulares y 4% de Malos. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre cementadas y sin cementar. Se presentaron complicaciones en 9,56% de los casos. Se expone la t茅cnica quir煤rgica as铆 como las conclusiones pr谩cticas de nuestra experiencia.A series of 209 prosthesis with three sliding compartiments retaining the PCL are presented, of these 52 were PCA and 150 AGC, with or without cement, and 7 ICLH, implanted between 1980 and 1990, with and average follow-up of 4.5 years. The results wer e 40% very good, 51% good, 5% fair and 4% poor. No singnificant difference was seen between those cemented and cementlers. Complications occurred in 9.56% of theese patients. The surgical technique used and practical conclusions drown, are described

    Tratamiento quir煤rgico de la luxaci贸n recidivante de r贸tula mediante t茅cnica combinada de realineaci贸n proximal y distal

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    Los autores presentan su experiencia en el tratamiemto quir煤rgico de la luxaci贸n recidivante de r贸tula, en una serie de 26 pacientes esquel茅ticamente maduros (27 rodillas), intervenidos tras fracaso de un periodo m铆nimo de seis meses de tratamiento conservador. El tiempo medio de seguimiento postoperatorio fue de 20 meses. La t茅cnica quir煤rgica realizada fue la realineaci贸n proximal seg煤n Insall, asociada a realineaci贸n distal tipo Emslie-Trillat. La patolog铆a intraarticular concomitante se resolvi贸 mediante artroscopia previa en el mismo tiempo quir煤rgico. Las complicaciones encontradas fueron, un caso de hematoma postoperatorio, dos cicatrices queloides, y cuatro casos de rigidez articular. Los resultados fueron excelentes en 21 pacientes. En cinco casos se objetiv贸 cl铆nica de sufrimiento patelar, postquir煤rgico. Los buenos resultados obtenidos parecen tener relaci贸n con la seguridad que proporciona la t茅cnica de realineaci贸n combinada proximal y distal unida a un programa meticuloso de rehabilitaci贸n precoz.We review our experience on the surgical treatment of the recurrent dislocation of the patella in a series of 26 mature patients (27 knees) operated on after failure of conservative treatment. The average period of postoperative follow-up was 20 mouths. As for surgical technique we performed proximal realignment according to Insall, associated to EmslieTrillat's distal realignment. Intraarticular concomitant pathology was treated by previous arthroscopy. Complications were found in one case with postoperative haematoma, two cases of queloid scar, and four cases of joint stiffness. Excellent results were achieved in 21 patients. In other five cases patellar complains persisted after surgery. The satisfactory results obtained seems to be due to the safety of the combined proximal-distal realignment procedure together with a meticulous programme for early rehabilitation

    Roturas agudas de L.C.A. de la rodilla: refuerzo con cord贸n RD.S

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    Se presenta la t茅cnica de reconstrucci贸n en las roturas agudas del L.C.A. mediante reparaci贸n con cord贸n de P.D.S., as铆 como los criterios seguidos por los autores ante las roturas agudas de dicho ligamento. Expone una casu铆stica de 24 intervenciones, con un seguimiento de 1.5 a帽os, sin haber encontrado complicaciones destacables y con un 75% de Muy Buenos Resultados y un 25% de Buenos Resultados.The technique used in the repair of acute rupture of the ACL with a band of PDS, together with the criteria followed by our department in such cases both acute are decribed. The describe 24 operations performed by them, with a follow-up of 1.5 years, with no major complications, 75% excellent results and 25% good results

    Plastia sustitutiva del LCA con tendones de la pata de ganso cuadruples

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    Se han estudiado retrospectivamente 44 casos de pacientes a los que se les realiz贸 por v铆a artroc贸spica una plastia sustitutiva intraticular de reconstrucci贸n del LCA, con tendones de Semitendinoso y Recto Interno ant贸logos, en 4 fasc铆culos. La edad media de los pacientes fue de 25 a帽os. Los resultados a corto plazo (2 a帽os) obtenidos con KT-1000 a 30 Ib han sido excelente-bueno en 40 casos y aceptable en 4 casos. Cuatro casos refer铆an sensaci贸n de inestabilidad. Los test de Lachman y P铆vot-Shift fueron positivos en 3 casos. Con el test de Lysholm se obtuvo resultado excelente-bueno en 36 casos, regular en 6 y malo en 2 casos. Este tipo de plastia presenta una baja morbilidad de la zona dadora del injerto, comparativamente con la plastia HTH patelar ant贸loga, y sin alteraci贸n del aparato extensor.A retrospective study of 44 patients, who underwent an arthroscopically assisted ACL (anterior cruciata ligament) reconstruction with quadrupled semitendinosus/gracilis tendon autografts was performed. The mean age was 25 years. Short term outcomes of knee stability (2 years follow-up) with KT-1000 arthrometer at 30 pounds were excellent or good in 40 cases and acceptable in 4. Pain or joint swelling were not found. Instability complaints were found in 4 cases. Lachman and Pivot-shift were found positive in 3 cases. Lysholm questionnaire scores were excellent or good in 36 cases, fair in 6 cases and per in two cases, the donor site morbidity associated with hamstring harvest seems to be minimal compared with bonepatellar tendon-bone autograft without impairment of the extensor mechanism

    Laxitud cr贸nica de ligamento lateral externo de tobillo : plastia de Castaing modificada

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    Twenty cases of chronic laxitude of the external Iigament of the ankle, using the Castaing's technique for surgery, are reviewed. The authors describe the procedure abd show the excellent results obtained from the usage of this technique

    Conoropatia rotuliana : tratamiento mediante la t茅cnica emslie- trillat modificada

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    Twenty-six eases of Patella ehondromalacia operated with Emslie- Trillat's teehnique to which a modifieation of the T T A elevation is associated using a graft taken from the tibia are presented. The results were satisfactory and the technique easy to perform

    Inestabilidad cr贸nica anterior de rodilla : sustituci贸n de ligamento cruzado anterior mediante pr贸tesis de Dacron por v铆a artrosc贸pica. T茅cnica intra y extraarticular

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    The authors describe 51 cases operated on for chronic anterior laxity of the knee, using a Dacron prosthesis inserted through on arthroscope perfoming on extraarticular plasty and on intraarticular prosthesis. Very satisfactory results were obteined witbout requiring plastering and with early rehabilitation. The importance of careful selection of the sites of femoral and tibial perforation is emphasised, together with complete absence of ruptures

    Rotura degenerativa de Tend贸n de Aquiles. : Reparaci贸n quir煤rgica mediante t茅cnica de Teuffer

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    Los autores presentan 14 casos de rotura degenerativa de Tend贸n de Aquiles reparados quir煤rgicamente mediante t茅cnica de TEUFFER con tend贸n de peroneo lateral corto. Descripci贸n de la t茅cnica haciendo resaltar los buenos resultados obtenidos con una rehabilitaci贸n precoz

    Profilaxis antibiotica en la fractura subcapital del anciano

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    A doubJe blind study of antibiotic prophyllaxls in fractures of rhe neck uf rhe 铆ernur in elderly patients, was made for the following reasons: - the high incidence in this hospital. - the great riske of infection in elderly patients with their associatcd pruhlerns IIf general health, nutrition... - slnce it is an example of replacement surgery, these results may be applied ro total arthroplasty of the hipo After study of the literature, and consideration of the pharmacokinetics IIf the cephalosporins most frequently used, together with the epidemiology IIf the Trauma and Orthopaedics ward of this Hospital (with computerized antibiograms), 芦cefaznlin禄 was chosen for prophyllaxis. The treatement was as follows: 1 gram intravenously 15 minutes preoperatively. 1 gram intravenously every 6 hours for the following 3 days. The incidence of infection in the control group which received no antibiotic treatement was of 12'5 %, this was reduced to 3'S % in the group receiving antibiotic prophyllaxis. It should be pointed out that all patients received the same type of prothesis and the same therapeutic route for the antibiotic. These cases were all treated by the same surgical team

    Artroscopia quir煤rgica de la rodilla : (nuestra experiencia en 500 intervenciones)

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    El objeto de este trabajo es presentar la experiencia y la valoraci贸n estad铆stica en 500 artroscopias quir煤rgicas de rodilla realizadas por los autores, describiendo la patolog铆a hallada,路 t茅cnica empleada y complicaciones per y postoperatorias