91,519 research outputs found

    Dynamical scaling in Ising and vector spin glasses

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    We have studied numerically the dynamics of spin glasses with Ising and XY symmetry (gauge glass) in space dimensions 2, 3, and 4. The nonequilibrium spin-glass susceptibility and the nonequilibrium energy per spin of samples of large size L_b are measured as a function of anneal time t_w after a quench to temperatures T. The two observables are compared to the equilibrium spin-glass susceptibility and the equilibrium energy, respectively, measured as functions of temperature T and system size L for a range of system sizes. For any time and temperature a nonequilibrium time-dependent length scale L*(t_w,T) can be defined by comparing equilibrium and nonequilibrium quantities. Our analysis shows that for all systems studied, an "effective dynamical critical exponent" parametrization L*(t_w,T) = A(T) t^(1/z(T)) fits the data well at each temperature within the whole temperature range studied, which extends from well above the critical temperature to near T = 0 for dimension 2, or to well below the critical temperature for the other space dimensions studied. In addition, the data suggest that the dynamical critical exponent z varies smoothly when crossing the transition temperature.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures, 9 table

    Sound insulation design of modular construction housing

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    This paper provides an insight into the acoustic issues of modular housing using the Verbus System of construction. The paper briefly summarises the history of the development of Verbus modular housing and the acoustic design considerations of the process. Results are presented from two sound insulation tests conducted during the course of the project. The results are discussed in terms of compliance with Approved Document E1 and increased performance standards such as EcoHomes2

    Track finding in e+ e- interactions

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    Ecology and thermal inactivation of microbes in and on interplanetary space vehicle components

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    The experiments conducted to determine the heat resistance of Bacillus megaterium ATCC 6458 at 90 and 100 C were completed. Estimates from replicate experiments at eight percent relative humidities (less than 0.001 to 100% RH) for each temperature were computed. A Bacillus cereus strain with high heat resistance was cultured and the resistance determined in phosphate buffer (D sub 121.1 = 2.16 min and z = 8.7 C). The profile of the dry heat resistance of B. megaterium is summarized and the most resistant condition to the three spores (Bacillus subtilis var. niger, ATCC 29669, and Bacillus stearothermophilus, strain 1518) is compared

    Stratigraphy and reserves of pumiceous sand deposits in Perry's 'Asparagus Block' at Horotiu

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    The stratigraphic relationships between the deposits of the Hinuera Formation and the Taupo Pumice Alluvium are described over a 16 ha plot of land known as the 'Asparagus Block' at Horotiu. The Hinuera Formation is exposed at the surface at the southern end of this block, and is overlain by a wedge of Taupo Pumice Alluvium which increases in thickness from 0 to 8 m northwards across the block. Lithofacies in the Hinuera Formation are dominated by trough cross-bedded gravelly sands (lithofacies AI), with common cross-laminated sands (lithofacies B) and massive to horizontally laminated silts (lithofacies D). The pumice content of these deposits is mainly 70%. Lithofacies in the Taupo Pumice Alluvium are dominated by horizontally to inclined (tabular cross-) bedded slightly gravelly sands and sands (lithofacies G 1/2), with common occurrences of horizontally bedded to massive sandy silts (lithofacies D). The pumice content of these Taupo deposits is high, typically >80%. Cross-sections are presented showing an interpreted subsurface distribution of these lithofacies from south to north through the 'Asparagus Block'. The estimated reserve of extractable pumice sand from the block is of the order of about 400,000 to 450,000 m³

    A modular radiative transfer program for gas filter correlation radiometry

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    The fundamentals of a computer program, simulated monochromatic atmospheric radiative transfer (SMART), which calculates atmospheric path transmission, solar radiation, and thermal radiation in the 4.6 micrometer spectral region, are described. A brief outline of atmospheric absorption properties and line by line transmission calculations is explained in conjunction with an outline of the SMART computational procedures. Program flexibility is demonstrated by simulating the response of a gas filter correlation radiometer as one example of an atmospheric infrared sensor. Program limitations, input data requirements, program listing, and comparison of SMART transmission calculations are presented

    Ecology and thermal inactivation of microbes in and on interplanetary space vehicle components

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    Dry heat treatment is specified as the preferred means for the terminal sterilization of spacecraft and for decontamination of spacecraft components. The presence of organisms highly resistant to dry heat in soil and fallout around assembly and industrial manufacturing areas is shown. The dry heat survival characteristics of the Cape Kennedy isolate 4-6 B. brevis spores is demonstrated. The presence of hardy organisms from soil samples obtained from geographical areas of the United States is shown. A resistant fraction appears to occur in low numbers in a soil sample. The heat resistance characteristics of 4-6 B. brevis and B. subtilis var. niger spores are compared. Their morphological characteristics are compared by scanning electron microscopy

    Ecology and thermal inactivation of microbes in and on interplanetary space vehicle components

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    Statistical techniques which have relevance to studies on the thermal inactivation on bacterial spores are discussed