16,107 research outputs found

    Oxygen isotopic paleotemperatures across the Runangan-Whaingaroan (Eocene-Oligocene) boundary in a New Zealand shelf sequence

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    Oxygen isotopic compositions of the tests of mainly benthic foraminifera, from sections of conformable Late Eocene (Runangan) to Early Oligocene (Whaingaroan) shelf mudstones, at both Cape Foulwind and Port Elizabeth, western South Island, indicate that shelf sea paleotemperatures followed the global open-ocean trend towards a Paleogene minimum near the Eocene-Oligocene boundary. Throughout the latest Eocene, temperatures declined steadily by 3°C, showed a temporary minor warming at the Eocenc-Oligocene boundary, dropped sharply by 2°C in the Early Oligocene, and ameliorated significantly later in the Early Oligocene. The qualitative temperature trends for New Zealand shelf waters at this time are similar to those inferred from earlier paleontologic syntheses and limited oxygen isotopic work, but involve a range of temperatures within the warm and cool temperate climatic zones and an absolute temperature depression across the Eocene-Oligocene boundary of only 5°C from about 17 to 12°C. Results are consistent with isotopic paleotemperatures determined from deep-sea sediment cores south of New Zealand where the cooling is inferred to mark the onset of production of Antarctic bottom waters at near-freezing temperatures

    Stratigraphy and reserves of pumiceous sand deposits in Perry's 'Asparagus Block' at Horotiu

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    The stratigraphic relationships between the deposits of the Hinuera Formation and the Taupo Pumice Alluvium are described over a 16 ha plot of land known as the 'Asparagus Block' at Horotiu. The Hinuera Formation is exposed at the surface at the southern end of this block, and is overlain by a wedge of Taupo Pumice Alluvium which increases in thickness from 0 to 8 m northwards across the block. Lithofacies in the Hinuera Formation are dominated by trough cross-bedded gravelly sands (lithofacies AI), with common cross-laminated sands (lithofacies B) and massive to horizontally laminated silts (lithofacies D). The pumice content of these deposits is mainly 70%. Lithofacies in the Taupo Pumice Alluvium are dominated by horizontally to inclined (tabular cross-) bedded slightly gravelly sands and sands (lithofacies G 1/2), with common occurrences of horizontally bedded to massive sandy silts (lithofacies D). The pumice content of these Taupo deposits is high, typically >80%. Cross-sections are presented showing an interpreted subsurface distribution of these lithofacies from south to north through the 'Asparagus Block'. The estimated reserve of extractable pumice sand from the block is of the order of about 400,000 to 450,000 m³

    Observing The Hidden Sector

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    We study the effects of renormalization due to hidden-sector dynamics on observable soft supersymmetry-breaking parameters in the minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model (MSSM), under various hypotheses about their universality at a high input scale. We show that hidden-sector renormalization effects may induce the spurious appearance of unification of the scalar masses at some lower scale, as in mirage unification scenarios. We demonstrate in simple two-parameter models of the hidden-sector dynamics that the parameters may in principle be extracted from experimental measurements, rendering the hidden sector observable. We also discuss the ingredients that would be necessary to carry this programme out in practice.Comment: 38 pages, 13 figures, uses UApreprint.cls and subfigure.sty (included

    Determinants of Formal Giving in Turkey

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    This article shares the results of a recent study on individual giving to civil society organizations in Turkey. Using interview data collected from a random sample of 2,495 Turkish citizens in 2015, we estimate that about 12% to 13% of the Turkish population engage in giving, a relatively low figure compared to international giving. We find that being male, being educated, being satisfied with one’s income, being satisfied with one’s economic circumstances, being a rural resident, as well as one’s level of religiosity, civic activism, and institutional trust are all positively associated with giving in Turkey. Our findings provide a foundation for understanding philanthropic giving in Turkey and contribute to ongoing research about determinants of individual giving across countries

    Norman Julius Zabusky OBITUARY

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    Norman Julius Zabusky, who laid the foundations for several critical advancements in nonlinear science and experimental mathematics, died of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis on 5 February 2018 in Beersheba, Israel. He also made fundamental contributions to computational fluid dynamics and advocated the importance of visualization in science.Published versio