283 research outputs found

    Sul nuovo rito dei licenziamenti e una proposta di modifica

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    Lo studio propone una prima analisi delle norme che re\uadgolano il c.d. nuovo rito dei licenziamenti, introdotto dalla riforma Fornero, come complemento alla modificazione disciplina della rein\uadtegrazione e dei licenziamenti collettivi, allo scopo di snellire e acce\uadlerare i processi in questa materia e di aumentare la certezza in ordi\uadne alla risoluzione dei rapporti. Chiude lo studio un'appendice in cui l'autore propone un modello alternativo di rito dei licenziamenti.The study provides an initial analysis of the rules of the new trial of dismissals. It introduced by the Fornero reform, as a complement to the modification both dismissal reinstatement and col\uadlective redundancies. The purpose of reform is addressing to stream\uadline and accelerate the trials in this matter and to increase certainty in regard to termination of the relationship. Annex to the study find a propose of an alternative model of dismissals trial

    GAR Special Report on Drought 2021

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    A Generalized Density-Based Algorithm for the Spatiotemporal Tracking of Drought Events

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    Drought events evolve simultaneously in space and time; hence, a proper characterization of an event re-quires the tracking of its full spatiotemporal evolution. Here we present a generalized algorithm for the tracking of drought events based on a three-dimensional application of the DBSCAN (density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise) clustering approach. The need for a generalized and flexible algorithm is dictated by the absence of a unanimous consensus on the definition of a drought event, which often depends on the target of the study. The proposed methodology introduces a set of six parameters that control both the spatial and the temporal connectivity between cells under drought conditions, also accounting for the local intensity of the drought itself. The capability of the algorithm to adapt to different drought definitions is tested successfully over a study case in Australia in the period 2017-20 using a set of standardized precipitation index (SPI) data derived from the ERA5 precipitation reanalysis. Insights on the possible range of variability of the model parameters, as well as on their effects on the delineation of drought events, are provided for the case of mete-orological droughts in order to incentivize further applications of the methodology

    Hospital environment as a reservoir for cross transmission. Cleaning and disinfection procedures

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    Background. Healthcare associated infections (HAIs) represent a serious problem for public health, as they increase the morbidity and mortality rates, present a relevant financial burden, and significantly contribute to the antimicrobial resistance. Methods. The aim of this review was to investigate the literature about HAIs, with particular reference to hospital environments and the role of cleaning and disinfection procedures. Hospital environments are an essential reservoir for HAIs cross transmission, and the application of appropriate procedures related to hand hygiene and disinfection/sterilization of surfaces and instruments remain key strategies for controlling HAIs. Results. Different procedures, based on the risk associated with the healthcare procedure, are recommended for hand hygiene: washing with soap and water, antiseptic rubbing with alcohol-based disinfectants, antiseptic and surgical hand washing. Environmental surfaces can be treated with different products, and the mostly used are chlorine-based and polyphenolic disinfectant. The reprocessing of instruments is related to their use according to the Spaulding's classification. In addition, scientific evidence demonstrated the great relevance of the "bundles" (small set of practices performed together) in controlling HAIs. Conclusions. Research agenda should include the improvement of well-known effective preventive procedures and the development of new bundles devoted to high-risk procedures and specific microorganisms

    Daytime sensible heat flux estimation over heterogeneous surfaces using multitemporal land‐surface temperature observations

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    Equations based on surface renewal (SR) analysis to estimate the sensible heat flux (H) require as input the mean ramp amplitude and period observed in the ramp‐like pattern of the air temperature measured at high frequency. A SR‐based method to estimate sensible heat flux (HSR‐LST) requiring only low‐frequency measurements of the air temperature, horizontal mean wind speed, and land‐surface temperature as input was derived and tested under unstable conditions over a heterogeneous canopy (olive grove). HSR‐LST assumes that the mean ramp amplitude can be inferred from the difference between land‐surface temperature and mean air temperature through a linear relationship and that the ramp frequency is related to a wind shear scale characteristic of the canopy flow. The land‐surface temperature was retrieved by integrating in situ sensing measures of thermal infrared energy emitted by the surface. The performance of HSR‐LST was analyzed against flux tower measurements collected at two heights (close to and well above the canopy top). Crucial parameters involved in HSR‐LST, which define the above mentioned linear relationship, were explained using the canopy height and the land surface temperature observed at sunrise and sunset. Although the olive grove can behave as either an isothermal or anisothermal surface, HSR‐LST performed close to H measured using the eddy covariance and the Bowen ratio energy balance methods. Root mean square differences between HSR‐LST and measured H were of about 55 W m−2. Thus, by using multitemporal thermal acquisitions, HSR‐LST appears to bypass inconsistency between land surface temperature and the mean aerodynamic temperature. The one‐source bulk transfer formulation for estimating H performed reliable after calibration against the eddy covariance method. After calibration, the latter performed similar to the proposed SR‐LST method.This research was funded by project CGL2012‐37416‐C04‐01 and CGL2015‐65627‐C3‐1‐R (Ministerio de Ciencia y Innovación of Spain), CEI Iberus, 2014 (Proyecto financiado por el Ministerio de Educación en el marco del Programa Campus de Excelencia Internacional of Spain), and Ayuda para estancias en centros extranjeros (Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte of Spain)

    Evapotranspiration from an Olive Orchard using Remote Sensing-Based Dual Crop Coefficient Approach

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    A remote sensing-based approach to estimate actual evapotranspiration (ET) was tested in an area covered by olive trees and characterized by Mediterranean climate. The methodology is a modified version of the standard FAO-56 dual crop coefficient procedure, in which the crop potential transpiration, Tp, is obtained by directly applying the Penman-Monteith (PM) equation with actual canopy characteristics (i.e., leaf area index, albedo and canopy height) derived from optical remote sensing data. Due to the minimum requirement of in-situ ancillary inputs, the methodology is suitable also for applications on large areas where the use of tabled crop coefficient values become problematic, due to the need of corrections for specific crop parameters, i.e., percentage of ground cover, crop height, phenological cycles, etc. The methodology was applied using seven airborne remote sensing images acquired during spring-autumn 2008. The estimates based on PM approach always outperforms the ones obtained using simple crop coefficient constant values. Additionally, the comparison of simulated daily evapotranspiration and transpiration with the values observed by eddy correlation and sap flow techniques, respectively, shows a substantial agreement during both dry and wet days with an accuracy in the order of 0.5 and 0.3 mm d−1, respectively. The obtained results suggest the capability of the proposed approach to correctly partition evaporation and transpiration components during both the irrigation season and rainy period also under conditions of significant reduction of actual ET from the potential one

    Further insights on predictors of environmental tobacco smoke exposure during the pediatric age

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    Background: The smoking ban in public places has reduced Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) exposure for non-smokers, but despite this, domestic environments still remain places at high risk of exposure, and, today, about 40% of children worldwide are exposed to ETS at home. The aims of the study are to investigate the contribution of several factors on ETS exposure among a group of Italian children and to evaluate the changes in smoking precautions adopted at home when the smoker is the mother, the father, or both parents, respectively. Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed on a sample of 519 Italian schoolchildren. Information was collected via a questionnaire. Results: 41.4% of the participants lived with at least one smoker. Almost half of the children exposed to ETS lived with one or more smokers who do not observe any home smoking ban. Lower maternal or paternal educational levels significantly increase the risk of ETS exposure at home and the “worst case” is represented by both parents who smoke. Conclusions: More effective preventive interventions are needed to protect children from ETS exposure. Some interventions should be specifically dedicated to smokers with a low educational level and to mothers that smoke
