5 research outputs found

    Aksaray İlinde abortus ve infertilite problemi olan süt ineklerinde neospora caninum insidansı

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    The contribution of animal husbandry to the national economy cannot be ignored. The causes of infertility are various and complex. Economic losses are increasing in dairy cattle breeding due to infectious and non-infectious causes. The percentage of abortion due to infectious agents is not fully known, but infectious agents lie in about 90% of the cases whose etiology can be determined. Neospora caninum is considered to be one of the most important abortion factors of cattle. Although, this protozoa is always ignored. It causes abortion in cows. In this study, it was aimed to detect N. caninum from the blood serum obtained from 137 dairy cattle brought to Aksaray University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine between 2017-2019 and suffering from abortion and infertility problems. For serological diagnosis, ELISA (Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay) test was performed. As a result, N. caninum agent was detected in 37.22 % (51/137) of the samples that belong to cattle with abortion and infertility problems. It was concluded that economic loss due to infertility in dairy cattle and protozoa, which are one of the infection factors, should be given importance.Hayvancılığın ülke ekonomisine katkısı yadsınamaz. İnfertilitenin nedenleri çeşitli ve karmaşıktır. Süt sığırcılığında bulaşıcı ve bulaşıcı olmayan nedenlerle ekonomik kayıplar artmaktadır. Enfeksiyöz ajanlara bağlı abortların yüzdesi tam olarak bilinmemekle birlikte, etiyolojisi belirlenebilen olguların yaklaşık %90'ında enfeksiyöz ajanlar bulunmaktadır. Neospora caninum sığırların en önemli abortus faktörlerinden biri olarak kabul edilmektedir. Bununla birlikte, bu protozoa her zaman göz ardı edilir. İneklerde abortusa, köpeklerde ise ölümcül sinir-kas hastalıklarına neden olur. Bu çalışmada, Aksaray Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi'ne 2017-2019 yılları arasında getirilen abort ve infertilite sorunu yaşayan 137 süt sığırından elde edilen kan serumundan N. caninum'un saptanması amaçlanmıştır. Serolojik tanı için ELISA (Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay) testi yapıldı. Sonuç olarak abortus ve infertilite sorunu olan sığırlara ait örneklerin %37,22'sinde (51/137) N. caninum etkeni tespit edilmiştir. Süt sığırlarında infertiliteye bağlı ekonomik kayıplara ve enfeksiyon faktörlerinden biri olan protozoalara önem verilmesi gerektiği sonucuna varıldı

    First isolation of Alternaria alternata from a dog in Turkey

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    WOS: 000398845100011Alternaria alternata is a fungus species which can infect animals and people as well as being commonly found in nature. On the other hand, animals with Alternaria infection can infect other animals and people by spreading a high amount of fungal spores. In this work, Alternaria alternata was detected for the first time in Turkey from the skin lesions of a dog, an antifungal susceptiblity testing was carried out and treatment with itracanozole to which the agent showed susceptibility was accomplished. The aim of this work was to report the Alternaria infection in dogs in Turkey for the first time, to draw attention to the zoonotic dimension of this disease and to emphasize the importance of antifungal susceptibility tests